Chapter 37 packing and leaving home.

It is a good thing that I told Joe about my plan to move to Japan in a couple days. 

Cause it would be bad if he found out the real reason I was going there. 

To meet a boy, I saw in my dream and I will try to enroll into his school so I can be near him. 

But I need to go back home right now. 

No wait I am still a student as well so I should put my glasses on so no one put two and two together. 

I then entered the school and walked over to my classroom. 

"Ha it is Amya she is here," a classmate told the others. 

"Good afternoon, Elina sorry my father wanted me to do something," I told her. 

Well, I lied just now since I have to keep my Amy name a secret from everyone in this town and since no one ever saw this mysterious boss named Amy no one can even guess her appearance but people tried. 

Yikes last year a guy told everyone that he saw me and brought out a ugly woman onto the stage he was then thrown into prison when we found out that he trick 50 young girls and made them ugly then killed them and the girl we saw that day was killed the next day and the new transfer student a week later she was almost killed by him but for a strange reason punched the man in the face so that is how he was charged for rape and murder which total up to 20 years behind bars with no chance of patrol. 

And the girl who pushed the man moved back to her home country 4 months ago. 

Wait I saw her in my dream is she the sister to my fiancé who I haven't met yet? 

"Okay the teacher is about to start the class so listen to her okay Amya," Elina told me. 

(This isn't the Elina in my other work vampire riot because she has white hair and the other one has blonde hair) 

I then sat down at my desk and the teacher started her lesson. 

After a boring lesson. 

"Amya is there something you want to tell me, "My teacher asked me. 

"Yes, miss Cromwell I am moving away this Sunday so today is my last day here sorry for the Sudden news my father only told me this morning so this is goodbye," I told her. 

"Okay I wish you luck in your new school," she responded to me. 

I then exited the school building and ran home. 

15 minutes later inside of my house. 

"Amya your home how was school," my mom asked me. 

"It was great and didn't I emailed you this morning to get my stuff ready for Sunday because I am moving on that day," I told my mom. 

"Yes, your stuff is all packed," mom answered me. 

"Thank you so much mommy," I jumped up and hugged her. 

That night in my room. 

Why did she pack almost everything I was only planning to bring a few bags with me but I don't care about that. 

2 days later. 

At the airport. 

I was there alone and I had given my stuff to one of my grandfather's maids who will take it. 

But I still have some money for a hotel room. 

I then boarded the plane. 


After arriving back at the apartment. 

"Phew finally back," Sakura said walking inside of the apartment. 

It had been a busy day for her and I found something new about her today. 

She like treasure. 

Even after I met mai mai a mere 4 hours ago I haven't even touched her body and she reacted as I just preformed sex on her and even forcefully kissed me. 

(Yu you're going to have a bigger issue to deal with in 2 arcs from now when you meet Amya face to face for the first time but that won't happen until just before the confession between a certain someone, I will keep anyone posted so bye-su) 

But I am tired I need some sleep right now. 

I then dozed off on the couch. 

A few hours later. 

(We are in 3rd person now)

"Well, that was a great nap," Yu spoken after getting off the couch. 

He had just taken a long nap and he have no idea how long he just slept for. 

And all of the crazy events that just happened in the last month and his first-time taking Sakura's     and meeting the idol Hinata and finding out that she was actually a girl. 

"Yu good evening," Shia spoken to him. 

"Aa good evening, Hakka San how were you today," he asked Shia. 

Hakka San's face was all red and she was sweating like crazy like she was running a few laps just now. 

"Hakka San what's wrong why are you sweating," he asked her for the reason behind her unusual sweating. 

"I wasn't touching myself or anything yeah I was running just now," she told him. 

It didn't look like she was lying but it seems like she wasn't telling the truth either well not the real truth. 

Yu wondered after seeing his collection was laying out in the open in the living room. 

Don't tell me that she watched all of my hentai and porn collection just now. 

Yu panicked a little. 

His own friend who was only a few days ago knew nothing about sex or any of the other stuff now at a young age knew about that stuff. 

Now what would she think of him as a pervert or a moron for letting a 12-year-old watch his collection. 

I need to fix this right now. 

He then realized that he can just go back in time to this morning and hide all of his collection in a safer place. 

Back to the present again? 

This time it still happened and Yu can only repeat the same day once so he just left the thing alone. 


"Sister I am home," I greeted my older sister as I enter the house. 

"Wait—- why are you home kotori not you own the main house or are you visiting us again," I asked her. 

"Well yes I came to visit my younger ******* *** today why did you ask ***," she answered me. 

(Remember Joshua's real gender and name is a mystery until 3 2 1) 

"Er okay nee San," I spoke to her. 

"Aya why didn't you tell Sakura your real name and you even worn guy clothes again when you're actually a girl plus why aren't you ladylike at all," she asked me. 

"Don't bug me nee San" 


At an idol's manor. 

"Jie San our main singer is taking an unexpected beak," fu xi told his fellow band member Jie xiu about Hinata's break. 

"So, he is taking a break and where is he living right now xi fu," he asked him about Hinata's location. 

After xi fu left the manor in a hurry. 

Hinata you are youngest member and only Japanese member and lead singer why are you taking a break and we don't even know your real name. 

A few hours later. 

"Jie, I found out where Hinata is staying," Xi fu called Jie on his cellphone. 

"Where tell me his location right now," Jie responded to Xi Fu. 

"He is in——" 


"Yuu what are you doing near Sakura's door," Hinata asked me. 

"Ah I wasn't doing anything Hinata San," I answered her. 

"Okay but why does it feel like someone is talking about me," she responded to my answer. 

I then walked over to my bedroom and started the online chat.