Chapter 2

Everyone was still shocked by the unbelievable behavior of the strange drunken woman.

Was she trying to dig her own grave? Who the hell was she? Where had she gotten the courage to face the young president?- The people in the bar wondered.

"Are you not the one I'm calling? What are you still waiting for? Come, come and attend to me. Isn't that your job?" Aria screeched. She was starting to get impatient. Why wasn't the man listening to her?

The whole bar got so quiet a pin could be heard if it was dropped. Everyone was certain the woman had completely gone mad to talk to the young ruthless president like that. They were dumbfounded at the woman's courage like she didn't know who she was talking to.

The mysterious man's smirk only grew more devious as he stared at the lost soul. She really didn't know which of the hell gates she had opened.

"I should go get her myself," the young president said, stopping the guard that he and previously sent to get the drunk girl.

"Pardon me my Lady. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," the young president said with sincere apologies as he walked towards her.

The people in the prestigious bar almost choked on their drinks as they watched the ruthless and most feared young man in the city go humbly to the mad young woman.

His pair of green eyes glared intently at the young woman in front of him and Aria only giggled not realizing the mess she was putting herself in.

"That more like it!" she stated smiling wildly at him.

The man's bodyguards followed closely behind and stood around them. As Aria's eyes settled on them, she frowned.

"Wait! wait!" She screeched blinking unsteadily at the mountain of men around her.

"I only asked for one and that's him." She pointed at the young president, poking her finger on his chest.

The bodyguards made to pull her hands off but the president signaled to them to let her be. He was finding her amusing and he wanted to see how far she would go with her drama.

"I didn't ask for an entire of football team!" She said and sighed in frustration.

Before the amused president could respond, Aria did the unthinkable.

She suddenly jerked and grabbed the president's necktie. The guards were twitching in annoyance at the audacity the crazy drunken woman was having with their boss, but they couldn't touch her since the president kept signaling to them to allow her be.

"Come handsome sit and drink with me!" She announced as she beamed with happiness. This was exactly what she wanted. A pill to her aching heart. The president obeyed and sat across from her.

"Bring more drinks!" she ordered the shivering barman, who was lost to his own thoughts.

As he stared confusedly at the lady and instantly bowed his head before his eyes caught up with the man. He didn't know what to do. He knew who the president was and he knew how cold and ruthless he was. Being in the middle of the mess made him almost pee his pants.

"Did you heard what I said?" Aria yelled, when she saw that the barman wasn't listening to her.

The president understood the barman's plight and waved his hand to him, telling him to go on with whatever Aria was saying.

The shaking man, immediately left and returned shortly with a sliver tray, carrying one of the most expensive drink in the bar.

Aria happily took the bottle and poured the drink into a glass and gave it to the president while she gulped directly from the bottle. When she dropped the large bottle, she noticed her host wasn't drinking, she frowned.

"Why aren't you drinking? Come on take it in!" She pushed the glass edge unto his lips and he had no other choice but to simply drink from it.

When she was satisfied that he had taken enough. She returned to her own bottle, smiling dreamily at him.

"Little girl, I see you're broken but too bad I don't play with broken women over feeling," he finally said. He noticed the pain in her eyes and saw that she was only drowning herself to keep hiding that pain.

"Who told you I'm little? I'm 24 years old and I work in a good paid company. So don't you underestimate me..." She defended.

The president chuckled softly. Her drunken state was actually amusing to him. He was enjoying her company, despite how awkward it was.

"You're sure pretty..." he mumbled, as he stared deeply into her eyes. Her features were quite alluring and it captivated him.

"Oh you're not the only one who said that to me." Aria shrugged, downing another gulp of wine.

"Then who else?" His voice came out harsh and Aria only giggled.

"Hmm..." She trailed, placing a finger on her lips as she thought of who else had admired her all these years. "Well, I have forgotten!" She said growing silent.

The president also went quiet since she didn't say another word out. His full attention was on the girl. He observed how beautiful and irresistible she was. He watched the way her lips clapped at each other when she drank from the bottle.

Who was this girl that turned him on without physical touch?

Then he chuckled when a thought flashed into his head. This gorgeous pearl can't be left alone just like this without some magical touch.

"Where do you want to go next?" His deep voice asked.

The woman turned to him. "Your bedroom!" She replied with sincere seriousness like it was the most natural answer to the question.

The president was shocked. He wanted to take her home, but he didn't think she would bring it up on her. He still thought maybe she would go on talking about her pains to him not knowing she was making the game more easier for him.

He chuckled like the devil himself and said coldly only for her to hear. "Are you sure about that?"

She nods unsteadily and the President's smirk returned once more.

"You're playing with fire baby girl but be warned."