Chapter 3

Aria was certain she wanted to do this.

Was she ready to have a night stand with another unknown man she barely knew?

Well the question was, Yes!

Some might call her all types of names but she was done been a loyal girlfriend to someone who never cared about her feelings or worries!

Her mind had been fully made up and there was no turning back on this. She came here to wipe off the dirty scene her eyes had seen earlier on that day. She needed something to wash the filthy memories off her sight and that something happened to be the irresistible host in front of her.

The young president chuckled like the devil himself and said coldly only to her ears. "Do you really want to come home with me?"

Aria nodded again, responding to his words.

"Again, I tell you... you're playing with fire baby girl but be warned for It might burn you down."

Rather than bring fear into her, his words sounded exotic to her ears as she swallowed it all up. The man was clearly warning her to make her choice wisely which she knew.

But Aria's mind was made up. It was better to have a one night stand with a total stranger then that bastard!

She thought with anger.

The man in front of her gave her a strange look, as if sensing the anger she felt.

Aria, composed herself, remembering the words he had whispered to her.

She looked bravely into the unknown man eyes. "Isn't that your job to attend to your clients' need don't you know your job?" She asked.

The man smirked even more deviously at her. Loving the act of this woman. She was full of many things and promised to have a lot of Surprises to come up along the way.

First he had thought she was in pains and it would have be wrong to take advantage of her. But now, she was giving him the full approval to go ahead making, the night more fun to him.

"Then get ready," he said.

Standing up and he snapped his fingers and his men knew exactly what to do. They grabbed her shoulders, picking her from the chair.

"Hey where are you taking me? I have told you before I want him and not you!" Aria yelled at the men but the only laughed at her. There was no way she could escape their grip.

"Boss where to?" One of the guards asked.

"To the villa upstairs. I want her in within five minutes," he said coldly and started walking towards the stairs.

"Hey! He is walking away! Let me go! I want him!" Aria screamed, squirming in their grip, but her efforts where in vain.

"Don't worried milady you would soon have him." Another guard who was holding onto her left hand said.

After hearing that they where taking her to him. She stopped fighting them and relaxed, a smile growing on her face.

"Good then. Now take me to him!" She exclaimed with giddiness.

The men laughed at her silly acts. Unknown to her, she was leading herself into the lion's den.

"Are we not almost there?" She whined after they had come out of the elevator.

"Don't worried miss the master would wait to feed on you." The first guard said and the other laughed again.

"Master?" She whispered to herself.

The word rang in her ears. The alcohol was starting ti wear off and her head was starting to work again.

Master? Are the men mistaking the service man as a master?

She shook her head, dismissing the thought. Maybe they only thought that because he was the most sort out amongst them. That would be the main reason they felt left out just like her. She felt so much pity for them. Too bad she had made her choice already if not she might have considered one of them instead.

"Here we are." One of them said and opened the door pushing her in.

She fell onto the floor, her head spinning from alll the drinks she had consumed.

"You're here?"

She heard a voice and raised her head. Right there in front of her, she saw a stunning man sitting on the bed looking down at her like some prey.

It was the man she had asked to drink with her.

She smiled shyly at him and stood up from the floor.

"You look so charming." She praised the man, rolling a strand of her hair.

He chuckled and stood up. He walked a bit closer, breaking the boundaries between them. He placed his lips on the spot where her neck meets her shoulders and whispered hoarsely. "I don't have time for that now baby girl."

Aria shuddered, watching him with eagerness in her eyes. She wanted him but she was shy, thankfully for her, he wasn't a shy service man.

His hands slowly dragged down her sleeve exposing her smooth white baby skin. He kissed on her shoulder sending shivers down her belly.

He didn't know why he couldn't control himself when it came to her. He barely knew her. He knew nothing about her but still she was able to drive him crazy. The way she tasted, not even her lips, but her shoulder, it was exquisite. He wanted her on his bed. He couldn't stop himself as he fully accepted the blossom flowers before him.

He kissed slowly around her shoulder, stopping briefly to see if she wanted him to stop.

Aria's eyes were closed as she was in ectasy. The feeling she was getting was more than she had bargained for. This strange man was doing things to her, she never even imagined.

Seeing that she was enjoying his romantic administration, he started suckling a spot within her neck, occasionally trailing kisses up her ears.

A slightly moan escape from her mouth making the man chuckle.

"You love what I am doing to your body my little slut, don't you?"