Chapter 13

In a fabulous compound occupied with trees and flowers. The size of the compound could be that of a little town if measured. It wasn't the size that made it captivating but the buildings inside and the perfectly cleaned compound.

A black luxurious car drove inside the compound through its steel big gate made of gold.

Speaking of waging wealth.

The car is parked in the garage where other cars are parked.

A man in black stepped out to open the passenger's door. The man breathed wealth. First, his black leather shoe that could buy half the compound itself. His clothes could only be compared to a diamond as the amount was too absurd to mention in dollars. The man was irresistible. His charming face could deceive any woman to fall for him and he didn't even have to say a word.

He started walking towards the house. His steps spoke of power and status. He was like an outer human creature. He was from another dimension. His confident steps echoed in the insanely quiet compound as he approached the front doors of the massive house.

He was here to break the unbelievable news to them. He had called his assistant to contact his grandmother and Inform her of his arrival. He knew they would be in there waiting impatiently for him to come to break the big news his ever-dramatic assistant must have put to them. The thought made him chuckle. He loved putting his family in a suspense and hangers like in a book.

The front door opened as he got to the foot mat, he stepped in and the guards at the door bowed respectfully to him.

The Lawsons were a family large family of five children. Three boys and two girls. All the children were married except for the last girl who was still single refusing to get married despite the men that came her way. The first son died in a terrible car accident years ago leaving his son behind which happened to be the golden boy.

The entire Lawson family was present, waiting impatiently for their golden son to tell them what he wanted to say. They sat silently in the living room with worried faces. They all wondered why he had demanded for their presence so urgently.

Had he gotten into trouble? Was he going to jail and he needed a way out? Well if that was the case it would bring joy to the heart of some people in the family.

"What do you think made him ask for everyone?" Aunt Bianca asked.

Aunt Bianca was the one who took care of him when his parents died. She was the most worried. He was like a son to her and she feared what he could say. He had never summoned a meeting like this before. What could he want to say? —she thought over and over.

"Do you guys think it's good news?" Aunt Bianca asked again.

"Well, he sometimes acts as the head of the family. He can do whatever he likes. Who has the right to go against him, anyway?" Lily said, rolling her eyes. She crossed her legs sitting close to her husband. Lily wasn't a daughter of the family but had gotten married to one of the men in the family. Yet, she didn't know her place. She craved for power, pushing her husband to make silly decisions that affected them. She despised the Lawson's golden boy. She hated his entire being and felt he was too full of himself. She thought he was taking the shining spot which should have been for her husband. In truth, she was jealous of him and her jealousy blinded her.

"Benson, I think you should tell your wife to keep her mouth shut if she has nothing better to say!" Mrs. Lawson's senior —the grandmother of the house snapped at her. She loved her grandson so much and wouldn't allow anyone to throw dirty words at him when they knew nothing!

"Of course grandmother," he said, glaring at his wife.

Benson hated Lily's mouth. She never knew when to use it correctly. He also hated the boy she was blabbing about but of course, he kept it low, no one could even suspect that he hated the boy with passion. The boy had everything be dreamed of.

Lily instantly apologized. "I'm sorry grandmother. If I said anything that may have provoked you, I didn't mean to, please forgive me."

"I think you all should stop disturbing my peace." Mr. Lawson senior said waving his hand dismissively. "I'm happy that my grandson is coming back home after all these years. It has been a while and we should be celebrating, Not sharing ridiculous words," he said, and his wife nodded along.

They were really happy after so many years the boy was finally coming to visit. Yesterday was his birthday. They had made great plans, inviting everyone from their class. Anyone who was important in their city and the surrounding city was invited. Everything was according to plan, from the food to the decoration to the security, it was top notch.

The celebration was supposed to be massive. A lot of single ladies even came around in hopes of getting noticed by the golden child of the most influential family but they were all disappointed at the end when the boy didn't show up. His grandparents were devastated. They really missed him and thought he was going to finally show up on this birthday. He had promised them, he would come but they should give him time.

When his personal assistant had called that day to inform them that he was coming, his grandparents were elated. Their joy knew no bounds. They would have organized another party, if not that the boy refused any form of party. He only wanted his family members around. His grandparents readily made the plans and called all the family members once again, they wanted to use the opportunity to celebrate him with the rest of the family.

"Where are the maids?!" Grandfather asked looking extremely happy. It was like a Christmas day for him.