Chapter 11: One-On-One Transaction

Logan swung his old motorcycle into the driveway of the mansion. A storm was brewing overhead, causing thunder to clap and lightening to ricochet through the billowy clouds. Rain began to pour down on top of him and he pulled the cotton hood of his leather jacket over his dark, messy, hair. The forecast hadn’t brought up a chance of rain. If anything, the weather only summarized how he felt about the night so far.

He kicked the kickstand down with the heel of his leather boot. He turned off the engine before swinging his leg over the slick seat. He grabbed the zippered edges of his jacket and adjusted it, peering up at the massive Victorian home he had spilled his blood and sweat into fixing up. A flash of light danced along it’s matte black painted surface and made the windows glisten with raindrops. They reminded him of crystals, and he couldn’t shake the thought of the house being a beautiful structure in a storm of pain.