Chapter Two - Bad Luck

"I can't wait to meet dad, sister hurry up!" A little girl with two pigtails happily ran towards the palace hall followed by a beautiful teenage girl behind her who looked more mature than her. "Don't run Lulu!" his orders which the little girl didn't hear.

The teenage girl followed him, but she had a hard time because the clothes she was wearing were very difficult to carry. Until finally he saw his sister stop right in the hall.

"Eh!" He was surprised by what he saw. A sight that a child should not be able to see. The teenage girl herself who was no longer a child was horrified to see her.

"Sister, father…" whispered the little girl while pointing at the man who was none other than His Majesty. immediately showed, saw and was followed by his body which was gradually falling. Luckily the teenage girl in the back caught him quickly so the little girl didn't fall.

"Lulu, calm down, don't worry sister," he said as he patted the cheek of the little girl, his sister.

"Daddy sis, dad, sob ..." the little girl rebelled.

The teenage girl immediately hugged her and said, "Sorry, sister should have been earlier, sorry sister Lulu."

"Father, father, father,"

"Father, father, father..."

He hugged the little girl who was his sister. "Don't cry anymore, sister is here."

"Sob, bad dad!"

"Who would have the heart to do this? Wait, didn't father say before that he would have a meeting and Ziang'er also joined the meeting with Uncle Leng. If Ziang'er came, wouldn't he have also experienced the same thing as father and uncle Leng? Ziang'er is safe? But, where is she now?" he thought as he looked around the hall for the person he was referring to.

"Hopefully Ziang'er survives," he thought hopefully. "Father, I will avenge your death. Whoever you are, don't expect you to escape me. I Lu Ning Ning will avenge my father's death, His Majesty Emperor Lu Zhang!"

Meanwhile, in another place, the young man who had slaughtered everyone in the hall immediately dashed into the forest. The wound in his stomach was getting worse and worse. At first, he could run fast, now he can only walk.

Indeed, the sword stab had pierced his stomach very deeply, but it did not reach his heart because the young man was sure that His Majesty would stab him in the heart. Feeling sure of that, he immediately protected her with his full strength. If he hadn't protected her, he might have been dead a long time ago.

"Uhuk! Aaah, Shitt..."

The young man fell to the ground. "I-I definitely can."

He tried to wake up in excruciating pain. His hands gripped his stomach which was already bleeding fresh blood.

With faltering steps he tried to walk. Until finally he could not stand up anymore and as a result he fell. However, unexpectedly, he fell into a very deep abyss.

"Am I going to die?" she whispered with her eyes looking up at the extremely clear sky as if the sky was mocking her suffering.