Candice's Advice

[Mandy's Diary Today]

"Only to that extent?! Don't be stupid, Mandy. Be a bitch for your husband."

I pursed my lips hearing Candice's words on the phone. For half an hour we talked, telling about each other's activities. I have the monopoly on this conversation. Candice herself wanted to hear about my life with Justin. Especially what we did during our honeymoon in Paris. What can I tell her besides visiting the Seine, visiting the Louvre museum, enjoying the sunset, sailing a boat down the Seine, having a romantic dinner together, and making love?

I spooned the Nutella into my mouth until my lips were filled with chocolate.

"I can't do it. I'm a good girl." Agreeing with my words, the angel on my shoulder nodded. It's different with the devil, who beats her wand at the angel, who is more pro in Candice's camp.

"Geez." On the other side, Candice sighed softly. Even though we're far apart and only in touch by phone, I'm sure she's blowing her bangs in frustration. "I do not want to know. Anyway, you have to take the wheel. Bring him to his knees in front of you, Mandy. Kick his ass."

My hands twirled the spoon I dipped in the can of Nutella, lifted it, then put it back in my mouth until it was full. "I will try." My eyeballs rolled again, fixed on the chandelier above my head.

"Oh yes! I want to let you know that I have been accepted as a fashion magazine editor!" Candice's screams pierced my eardrums, causing me to instinctively push the phone away from my ear, wrinkle my nose.

"Oh, wow, congratulations! I will catch up with you after this honeymoon!"

"You should meet the owner of this fashion magazine. God, if I wasn't with Nick, I would have asked him out."

Is she crazy? "Is that another name for cheating? I couldn't possibly do that."

"No, morron. I just want you to meet him. For the sake of the goddess of heaven and hell, he is very handsome." Damn, she followed my way of speaking.

Never before had I imagined what Candice's version of handsome criteria would look like. My eyes were at the ceiling while my hand stirred the Nutella in front of me.

"What's his name?"

"Ian Sullivan."

Ian Sullivan. Judging from the name, the type of masculine and charming man. My brain is working hard to imagine what this man named Ian Sullivan looks like. Is it like Channing Tatum? Chris Hemsworth? Or Ian Somerhalder?

"His name is better than Niklaus," I sighed softly.

"Hey! Don't judge easily! If you meet Nick, I guarantee you'll be drooling too!"

Which handsome man named Niklaus? I've never met a man as handsome as Channing Tatum who has such a ridiculous name. "Yeah no. I just pray that you can marry Niklaus as soon as possible." I flashed a wide, hyperbolic smile. I mean my prayers this time.

The corner of my eye stopped in one direction, where Justin opened the door that connected the house to the sideyard. In his hand was also a cordless phone. I think he just had a chat with his colleague.

"I'll call you again. Bye, Candice." I gave a peck on my speakerphone and Candice replied with the same thing. As soon as I put the phone in my hand back into my pocket, Justin was beside me, looking at me with an eyebrow raised. Getting such a strange look, I shrugged. "What?"

Before opening his mouth to reply to my question, his index finger pressed against my lips, brushing the remnants of Nutella stuck there. His body was bent forward, so I could smell the masculine scent wafting through my nostrils.

"Let me help you clean the Nutella on your lips," he whispers against my face, leaving behind his usual mint and lilac scent.

I smiled a little, wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer. In the next second, he has already pressed his lips to mine with his tongue slightly licking the surface of my lips cleaning the remnants of Nutella there. His hands were placed on my waist, then pulled me from the chair so that now I was standing against the edge of the table without breaking our kiss. He pushed me back, lifted me onto the table, and laid me there, causing the objects lying on the table to shift and fall on the floor making a clattering sound.

Candice's words ring in my ears. And the demon over my shoulder joined in the full confrontation, hitting the angel on the head to keep him from interfering.

I lifted myself a bit, biting Justin's earlobe, causing him to gasp in surprise.

"Since when did you get so bold, Mandy?" Justin asked suddenly, making me lie back on the table looking at him nervously.

"Uhm, ng…" I blinked my eyes. What did I do wrong?! I need a sex expert on this. "Just remembering the movies on television."

He shook his head, chuckled, then kissed my lips again, touching the corners in slow motion. Just a few seconds, the phone in his pants pocket vibrated, making my thighs feel the vibrations too. He cursed softly. His hands reached into his trouser pockets to see who had been interfering with our time. His eyes were glued to his phone screen, then he snorted in annoyance.

"Deborah Miller. I can't ignore this call. She is a typical perfectionist woman who will not tolerate any excuse. If I lose my relationship with the Millers, my grandmother could behead me," he said pitifully.

I pursed my lips slightly disappointed. Damn that woman named Debora Miller for interrupting our time together. Doesn't he know we're on our honeymoon, which means no business talk or anything? Maybe he's in collusion with Grandma Magdalena. The devil on my shoulder whispered, saying that Deborah might be a seductive woman like on soap operas or in romance books. It is possible because Justin is a magnet to attract sexy women in this world.

"Okay," I relented, then stroked the side of Justin's cheek whose eyes were glued to mine sending an apologetic look.

Justin lifted himself off of me, sauntered off the table to answer the call from Deborah. He runs his fingers through the strands of hair, tugs on them briefly, and continues on his way leaving me alone here.

Okay, no problem. I still have time until later! This time I will follow Candice's advice. Rarely have I followed her more implausible opinion.