Annoying Caller

[Mandy's Diary Today]

I poked my head through the bathroom door, saw Justin on his knees with a book in his hand. I buried my teeth in my lower lip, biting it a little hard just to hold back my restlessness that night. No, it wasn't because of my nervousness. Slowly, I stepped out of the bathroom, tossing my long hair back in a dramatic way possible, just like how Victoria's Secret models did. My hair was pulled back all over again, hung low in front of my chest as I walked gracefully like a catwalk model to the bed. Justin turned to me, but then went back to his book. Damn, he ignored me.

"We can't stay here long, Muffin," he said before his low sigh followed. "I have to take care of the cooperation between my family company and the Miller's company."

Sigh. It was always about business. My eyeballs rolled upwards, while the corners of my lips pursed downwards giving an upset look. Oh.. I couldn't be selfish. after all, he had to keep his promise to his late father—and Magdalena The Witch. Look at me now. The wife of a busy businessman. Hopefully, my fate won't be like other businessmen's wives who were neglected until they decided to find a new partner. Of course not, I wasn't the type of woman who liked to cheat. Even if Justin cheated on me behind my back, I wouldn't hesitate to cut his balls with a grasscutter.

"We've only been here a few days," I replied in a low voice that I'd practiced over and over to sound seductive. "Isn't it too soon to go back?" The devil on my shoulder whispered beside my ear. Following her orders, I twirled my long hair.

In the end, Justin gave his attention to me. He put his book on the nightstand, surveying my appearance from top to bottom with an appraising gaze. Being stared at like that, I moved my long legs while twisting my hair in front of my chest.

"You have a sore throat? Your voice sounds weird."

What did he say?! "My voice is weird?" my voice rose. "This is a British accent. Doesn't that sound sexy?" I bit my lower lip, giving him a seductive look.

"I'd rather you just talk as usual than moan like that, Mandy." Justin flashed a small smile without the slightest sense of guilt.

My face felt hot as if it had been hit by an iron ball. Damn, why was he so hard to seduce? What demon possessed him so that he chose me to be his wife without trying to seduce him? It's fun, but I didn't want to be passive in this relationship.

I took a deep breath. "Forget about the British accent." My eyes rolled up, cursing Candice who gave advice using a low tone like earlier when I wanted to seduce a guy. This is Justin we talked about. And Justin certainly won't stick to the British accent.

I stepped closer, then untied my pajamas. Justin's eyes were completely on me. From where I stood, I could see his lips moving into a small smile. With a sensual motion, I lowered my maroon flannel pajamas, dropped them under my feet, and exposed my curves under the thin lingerie.

Stop, Mandy. Before you embarrassed yourself. In my heart, I was chuckling softly praising myself. It's not me. This must be the devil inside of me.

I jumped on the bed, crawling slowly over to Justin who looked at me with a small smile on the corners of his lips seeing my behavior. I pushed against his chest, forcing him to lie down while I positioned myself on top of him.

"Where is my innocent Mandy, hm?" he whispered, feigning surprise. His hands moved to brush away my dangling hair, tying it behind my ear so that our eyes locked with each other like magnets with unequal poles. The devil on top of me flew backward, hitting my ass until it made me move forward, running my fingers over Justin's chest, moving up again and stroking his neck, then up again more up stroking his face, making him close his eyes. He held my palm there and kissed it.

"I don't know, I don't know where she is," I whispered back. Don't do that, Mandy. Stop. The corner of my mind ordered me to stop, but the devil on my shoulder knocked me roughly on the head. Ignoring the noise inside my head, I took off Justin's T-shirt and threw it aside. Again the devil kicked my ass, making me crawl forward.

My fingers danced across his chest, then stopped on his muscular belly. My eyeballs glanced at him, curious about the expression displayed by him seeing my behavior like this.

"What are you waiting for?" He challenged me! One eyebrow pulled up, looking at me defiantly.

Don't do that, Mandy. Stop, don't do that, don't do that...

The devil behind me slamed her wand right at my butt. I lowered my head, kissed his stomach a few times. I smelled his masculine scent. If I were a candle, I might have melted away from the wick. My tongue stuck out, touched the surface of his skin, then licked it slowly up to touch his chest, until I heard the sound of his sexy moans.

For God's sake! You damn devil! She's the one who told me to do that, seriously.

"Fuck you, Mandy." Justin rolled me to the side, showering me with soft kisses around my lips. His hands tore the lingerie I was wearing, about to release it from my body. Not until did he remove my lingerie from my body, Justin's cell phone—which was placed on the nightstand—rang loudly.

For the sake of Medusa's snake hair, I hate the sound of his cell phone ringing!

"Shit." Justin cursed harshly, crawling sideways to reach for his phone on the nightstand. His eyes rolled in annoyance as he read the name on the screen of his cell phone. "Important call."

"From Deborah Miller?" I asked sarcastically as I fiddled with my fingers.

"No, this is Daniel Miller. His twin brother."

Not only Deborah, but her twin brother also joined in the plot to interfere with my honeymoon?! I snorted in frustration, letting Justin get out of bed and walk over to the window to talk to his colleague.

Ignoring his fleeting gaze, I turned around, pulled the blanket up to my chin, and lay on my side.

"Yeah, I'll be back from Paris soon to make some observations. Okay. No problem, I'm not disturbed."

Not disturbed he said? I am!

"Good night."

My eyes closed at the same time as Justin hung up the phone. I decided to just sleep. I was no longer in the mood to have sex with him.

"Mandy," he called out to me as he gently touched my shoulder. "Mandy, you're still awake, right?"

No answer from me. His warm hand caressed my arm gently. Damn, his touch always manages to melt my heart. But I'm already annoyed with the call. He was more concerned with his phone calls than his wife. For twice! What the hell.

"It's fine if you choose to remain silent," he finally sighed in defeat. "Goodnight Sweetheart." He kissed my temples, pulled my blanket up higher, and stroked my hair gently. Justin laid behind me, taking a deep breath at being ignored like this.

My eyes opened again. I pursed my lips down with a frown on my face. I waited for a few minutes and I no longer heard his voice behind me. The angel on my shoulder forced me to look back; I did the order. I slowly looked back. Justin was fast asleep with a steady sigh. Taking a deep breath, I turned my back on him again, deciding to sleep.

Until I felt the presence of a tight hug from behind, bringing my body into a comfortable and warm place.

"Don't be angry, Muffin. I'm sorry," he whispered behind me. His lips were pressed against my hair so I could feel his breath on it.

I didn't reply with words, but a small smile formed at the corners of my lips. How could I be angry when he always managed to win my heart?