Save his face

"Do you think they are trying to build back the Williams group," Mr Brown looked at his son. He could tell the hiding behind those words.

"I don't know, but they are out to suppress ABM. They even invested in Daystar and created problems for sunlight. What else do you think is their plan?" Eric asked. He always felt that the person who helped Daystar just wanted to go against ABM.

"They want to raise an empire to fight ABM; they support any company that resists ABM," Mr Brown came to a conclusion. If it was just about suppressing ABM, they could have helped sunlight or Rostar in the past, but they did not. To him, they helped Steam and Daystar because they had good fighting spirits. This was the outcome Jude wanted to create. He did not wish the Browns to point their searchlight on Emily but him. He wanted her to expand and become stronger.