An insult

The following Monday morning Rostar had no choice but to hold another meeting. After all, the plan to wash the company's involvement had not fallen through. At first, people supported their actions until one person who claimed to be an objective passerby dropped a comment.

That comment was dropped on Friday, and it gradually started gaining attention. More and more people felt the person's analysis was on point.

(When I saw Rostar's response to the plagiarism issue, I was surprised. At first, I thought it was the right thing to do, but upon thinking some more, I realised they just wanted to wash their company's reputation off the scandal. Does this mean the company is not guilty?)

It took a while before the comment started getting responses, and over the weekend, it became popular. Many people believe this was the case. After all, the company only said that they were not aware. 

Some other threads even become popular from this comment.