"Onions, bell pepper, celery… hmmm, I think something is still missing here." Blair rummaged over the spices and vegetables Lucien had just harvested from his garden a while ago. He prepared the veggies and herbs to make it easier for Blair to go on with the cooking.

However, Blair was always keen on keeping every dish she cooked that must have had complete ingredients.

She planned to prepare a stew for the lamb meat and a roasted chicken with dripping garlic butter sauce.

'Hmmm,' she hummed. She was already salivating by simply thinking of it, and remembering the last time she and her mom prepared that dish for the pack.

They all loved it, and it felt like a feast with that dish. How she wished, being betrothed with Dante just simply didn't happen. That way, she didn't have to run away from the pack. She couldn't deny that she missed them too, her mother especially.