Heir of Hogwarts

(To those wondering, and for those who use the mobile app anyway, so the new PC thing doesn't bother them, I'm going to be moving to Scribble hub under the account BeauSmith, an account I've already had for awhile now. It was actually where I originally thought about starting to write. My novels will start appearing after I finish switching everything I need. But I will continue to post the stories here as well for those who don't want to move.)

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house Potter

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house Slytherin

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house Peverell

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house Pendragon

Heir of the Ancient and Noble house Gryffindor

(Overused? Sure, but idc :I)

That was only of the few of the many branches lit, and the letter before them came with a lot of weight that Harry didn't bother with, he folded the paper and slid it into his jacket pocket.

''Is that it?''

''Is that it?! Boy, do you not real-''

''I meant, is that all I have to do here?'' Harry interrupted the goblin, his green eyes watching the short creature.

''Ah... Yes, once you take these rings, you will be the heir to each house, and as I've instructed you they come with their own benefits and abilities...''

Harry said nothing as he reached to the table and took the case, the case was eight inches long and three inches tall, holding the rings of the many houses he was now their heir of, thankfully these rings were able to merge together and show the house he wanted to, sticking with the Potter family as it was the one that held the most meaning to him at the time.

He walked out of the bank, making his way across the street as he slowly put on each ring, adding it to the potter ring.

Each ring came with newfound strength, a deeper power, a deeper meaning. He could feel the magic course through him, starting to hurry the process of slowly strengthening his body, he could also feel a sort of thick protection lay across his mind.

It wouldn't be stronger than his own protective mind, but it would make it so he didn't need to waste precious energy or strength to protect it himself.

With these rings supporting his body and mind now he was able to focus the entirety of his energy towards filing the stars he needed to, the sooner he completed the foundation stars, the sooner he could begin growing rapidly in strength.

As he crossed the strength, putting the empty box into his backpack he came to stand before Minerva, multiple parcels and packages next to her. ''Oh, there you are Harry... Thank you for understanding my need to take a breather.''

''It's fine Auntie Min, you got the things I asked for so thank you.''

''Yes, everything, though I'm not quite sure what you will do with most of them.'' Minerva looked over the many parcels she had, the metals and medicine that Harry had her grab not making much sense, but he said it was for an 'Arts and Crafts project, and assured her it was entirely safe... What's wrong with spoiling her first-ever nephew a little?

''Do we have everything?'' Minerva asked, Harry, patting at the holster beneath his left shoulder where his knew wand rested. Fifteen inches and rigid, no bend to give. With a dark polished wood and mystic feeling coming from it.

''Yes, we have everything... We can head back, and you can begin managing my new sizable wealth and using it as you need to.''

''Are you... Sure you're okay with me using it all Harry?''

''I couldn't spend that kind of money in this lifetime if I tried, if I ever need more money I have the income from the Potters, as well as the ability to find my own ways to make money, even with just the Potter Vaults I have enough for the entirety of my time at Hogwarts, and many years later.''

She nodded softly before she gathered all the parcels with a wave of her wand, they started to bind together and float.

Dropping them off at a post office, since parcels couldn't be taken through the floor they then headed towards the large Floo network, flooing directly to Hogwarts once more.

''Well, I'll need to go report to Dumbledore, so Harry please don't get into too much trouble, and be sure to check in with Madam Pomfrey when you should.''

''Of course Auntie Min, I might go visit Hagrid myself while you go do what you need to.'' Harry waved as she started to walk away.

Harry turned a bit, looking up towards the ceiling, he could feel something calling for him, the castle itself was leading him with its magic.

The rings of all the houses were being drawn towards it. He felt no ill intent through it either so he began to follow it, he would still visit Hagrid, but not yet.

He felt the very castle leading him through multiple passages, hidden pathways, and deep into the very walls of the school.

As he came towards the location, he was suddenly pulled by a force of magic as he was lifted from the ground and began to sink through floors and through walls before he came into a large dark room, a single large obsidian stone.

''A heartstone? It gives off a similar feeling to one.'' Harry raised his brows as he watched it, slowly walking around it, the pull was the strongest now, the stone calling to him as he stepped up to it and placed his hand over it.

A massive array of magic and sigils suddenly exploded around him, lighting up the beautiful room around him, with crystal walls and ceiling to reflect the magic within the room.

~Heir... of Hogwarts... Help...~

Harry could feel it was the castle itself asking for his help, he began to focus on the stone, the rings were trying to help him understand, as he followed the pain he could feel within the castle, finding what seemed to be curses laid over the many protective shields around the school

''This... Is there a way to store this cursed energy elsewhere?''

The array around him began to slowly shift to his will, the cursed energy slowly draining from around the main sigils and arrays.

The school seemed to beat around him, like a heart as it began to slowly relax, the pain slowly fading away. He stored the cursed energy into the ring of Slytherin, it seeming the most comfortable of the many rings to hold it.