Meeting Hagrid

Now that he had taken care of whatever that was, he felt much more... Attuned with the magical world around him, it making more sense around him as things began to simply seem to make sense, making it easier for him to transition from his old world to this one.

As he traveled through the castle, it helped guide him to the quickest path towards Hagrids hut, only to come out what looked to be the base of a large tree, the door he traveled through closing behind him. The seam of the door slowly vanished as if it was never there.

Walking out of the forest edge he made his way through the field and towards Hagrids hut, a large head of a dog seemed to peak from one of the windows as he neared.

Coming to the front of the hut he knocked a few times against the door and waited.

(I suck at accents, so I will not try and make Hagrid have an accent. My writing skills won't allow it just yet.)

There were some sounds of shifting inside before the heavy wooden door opened, Hagrid looked around for a moment before he looked down. Staring at the boy for a moment before excitement seemed to bubble in the large man.

''Harry! Oh, please come in! You should've warned me you'd be coming! I'd have made some more pastries! All I have right now are some rock cakes!''

Hagrid turned, his large form swaying as he hurried into his hut, letting Harry walk in and close the door behind him. The large dog lay across an equally large chair and lifted his head towards the boy.

Harry laid a hand over the Dogs head and began to scratch at his head, and behind his ears.

''That there's Fang! Had him since he was a pup! A lot smaller than to!'' Hagrid laugh as he came over with a platter, some tea, and what looked to be round cakes.

''I've been meaning to visit you Harry, but with my work as the ground keeper, and getting ready for all the students soon, it's been hard to...''

''That's fine Hagrid, everyone has been busy recently. With school start fast approaching, it's bound to happen. Even I've been busy, even if it's just studying and healing.''

A look of anger passed over the gentle giant's eyes as he sat down across from Harry with a huff. ''Darn those Dursley's... I never should've left you to them, makes me hop in anger when I think about it.''

Harry took a sip of tea, the tea was decent, of course when compared to some of the teas he had tasted before, tea's capable of 'Opening the third eye.' it was nothing.

But for a normal tea, in a hut at the edge of the woods? It was good.

Harry took a bite of the rock cake, not caring for its hardness as he chew through it slowly. Hagrid looks from the cake to Harry, seeming a bit fidgety.

''How's it taste? I tried a new recipe..''

''It tastes good, the flavors are a bit muted together... Try lowering the heat by fifty degrees but cooking it for about twenty minutes longer... Maybe slice peaches to add a fruity flavor?''

''Sliced... Peaches?'' Hagrid leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands. ''I've been wanting to make a small garden for fruits, but I haven't had the time to get seeds... Few stores will sell to me as well.''

''I'll get you some, make a list of the seeds you want and I'll get them before school starts... I'm sure Madam Sprout has some as well.''

Hagrid slapped his forehead with a might wack. ''Of course! Why didn't I think about asking her? I've had far too much on my mind recently..."

''Everyone has their moments... Do you need any help around the grounds Hagrid?''

''Help? Oh no, everything gets much easier when school starts, other than minor maintenance here and there, the gnomes, and fairies help me a lot as well. They feed off the excess magic energy all the children naturally release as payment.''

Harry nodded to that as he leaned into the chair, enjoying his Rock cake and tea while they continued to have small talk, talking about the grounds, and the creatures. Hagrid was easy to sweep into the conversation and out of his shy self once you got onto a topic he took pride or interest in.

It was nearing dark when Harry finally left with the promise he would try and visit as often as he could.

A few twists and turns in the forest and he was gone, already making his way into the castle directly to the medical wing as he began his nightly ritual of medicine, herbs, and bathing in herbal water before he was finally able to lay down for the night, resting in the bed he relaxed into it, his finger rubbing along the many rings he now wore in silence.

A lot had happened since he came to this world, it hadn't even been that long either. Thankfully, he already had all the knowledge he needed of his old world, he simply needed to put it into practice and training. Giving him free time to focus on studying the magical world, and exploring it...

However, he needed to come up with a goal for himself, and whatever that goal would be would help him settle in this new world, and let him live his new life.