The break up Chapter 1

it was a lovely day gwahin was walking down the road looking at the screen of her phone so focused on it.searching for her idols.gwahin was a kpop fan she loved their song's while scrolling through her phone.she received a call it was no. one but her boyfriend Ru he told her if he could see her when she was done with work. gwahin felt strange she was thinking what does he has to say this time.i hope he doesn't wants to apologize for not come to our date.that I planned and he destroyed it by sleeping with my stepsister.well I hope it nothing.when she arrived at the office she was happy and hoping all is going to be her office she had all the K-pop stars pictures except for one.that one was the one she always wanted to meet hug and kiss but will it happen let see if it does.when it was lunch she ate with her best friend Sonjahae she was her friend right from birth they have always been together even live together they loved each other.they always go to cinema together even corset.but Gwahin doesn't feel happy because she doesn't have that family that she wants but this is okay for her.

That evening when she closed from work she was on her way to the restaurant to meet Ru her boyfriend when she had a call from her Stepmom that her stepsister Sara was getting married.she was surprised.when she got to the restaurant to her believe her stepsister was getting married to her boyfriend Ru.he engaged her right at gwahin front she screamed and went to him and asked him is this what you wanted to tell me uhh

you are shameless I hate you so much he broke my heart I trusted you even after you slept with my stepsister.ohh that was your plan from the starting to dump me and go Ru was about to speak she slapped him and slapped him a again and told her stepsister that she won't come to their weeding and that she would see that her so called husband will make her regret and the marriage won't last.Sara look at her and said to her you are jealous of me. Gwahin laughed and left sobbing.