Chapter 2 The Young boy

gwahin passed all her pain for just three days she was okay but she kept on thinking why would Ru leave her for her not that she more beautiful than me I am cute and elegant and some dress according to the street but she is just a girl who always wear skirts and always sneaking out but me am neat and don't hid my secret.that is right said Sonja you are nice and cuter Sara is aggressive and bad she is just a spoilt brat.

Sara's weeding was next week.sonja would like to come with me to the weeding.yea I would like to be there to see get married to someone that won't last for even a month. that I know it won't take even a week and we would start resolving issues of marriage.while she was getting ready that evening for the wedding because Sara wanted a low profile marriage so did Ru but it wasn't that low because her mom invited all her friends family and neighbors and even photographer. when Gwahin entered she noticed her father and went over to greet him. Good evening dad how is going, I guess you are happy to see your beloved child weeding.he answered am not that happy because her and her mom planned it.i never wanted her to get married in such a way.but I can't say anything unless I would offend your mom.and she corrected him no she is not my mom is dead she is just my Stepmom your wife let us forget about it and just enjoy the wonderful weeding.i will go get a drink you want some. No I can't drink your Stepmom will get angry.she hissed and walked away my stepmom what ever. Gwahin called the Stepmom Come here.come and greet your husband to be he wants to marry you he works in a big company and his father has the Xin Group so what do you think why don't you take his hand and have a walk in the garden with him better than you being jealous of your sister. Mom his way too old I can't get married to someone about my boss age or my father's please why don't you ask your second daughter to marry him why me. because you can't remain in this family without getting married so you must work as the family want as I your mother wants. No as you my stepmom want not my mother because you can't be like my mother never even if you try you don't worth it. Is that how you talk to your mother in front of the guest asked the boy's mother. answer gwahin,why don't you mind your business. is it that hard to stay away from others people business or life issues you are just the same thing with her. bye Stepmom and dad.happy wedding life Sara when you get pregnant after your honey moon please tell me I won't mind giving the child a gift or telling him or her how cheatful is the mother.wish you best of luck Ru Gwahin left the city that night with her friend to start a better life.she wants to work in the industry of music that she met the young K-pop singer. Lui cha.short name lui she always wanted to meet him in person and now she has