Later sonja came she was surprised with what she was her beloved friend was on the boys part didnt even want to defend her beacause she did'nt tell her about her and miles. '' is that why you are chosing them over me that's not fair . instead it is ' while where sharing fun times ' kimin sat on his own . gwhain won the match game when everyones phone buzzes at once kimin was already with his phone so he read the news frist, it says that one of the memebers was in a realtionshop with gwhain, she didn't understand she wasn't even so close to any of the members so how was that even going to be possible she just dropped her phone and sat on the couch because it was her frist scandal news and even the picture which was used dosn't looks nothing like her but she didn't want the boys name to go down so she asked sonja if she told anyone about where she worked and whom she worked with because she knew that sonja was always going to be the target

miles siad that i couldn't be her he claimed to trust her , but kimin was always so good at suspecting people so he didn't belive her he told her to leave the house he became so cold all of a sudden jung knew why '' kimin always had trust issues and never liked having things to do with girls ever since his last girlfriend fiona blackmailed him and took nude pictures of him''

he didn't want such things to occur again so he told gwhain that from hence forward no stranger in the house and that the secret will be kept from the mangers because if they knew it was going to be a problem the mangers was not only going to sack her from her job they will also make her leave the city and she will become a threat to other idols she didn't want such thing so she promised that it wont happen again every thing did was to keep her job but destroy her friendship .

that evening while she was walking home she noticed some following her so she ran as fast as she could when she got home she told sonja and they decided to tell the police but it was of no use because they asked a few questions and told them they were insane

because they didn't have fight with someone niether did they have past lovers so who was the person they decided to look into the issue themselves but the real truth was that the stalker was not just and ordianry person but it was chan a guy who used to like gwhain but she turned him down no he wanted revenge for all those embarsssment she gave to him in collage he knew everything about her even where she worked

but the facts is kimin going to save and try to break his fear or she will get discorverd by the mangers lets wait and see in