On sunday evening gwhain had a prieod cramp the boys weren't home they had an interview with the 'Sun mark'' tv program she have the odds to watch them she thought it was going to be a good idea because she didnt't have work to do she was done cleaning so she called her bestfriend she came over and they watched it toghter she didn't know she was about to commit a sin of her.

sonja was so happy to finally see where her bestie worked the whole time and how the boys room looked liked she was roaming around while ghwain was busy writing comment to the site in which she was watching the boys, sonja walked into the jung room she held his shirt and sniffed it she siad in her ''head'' oh boy even his gym cloths still has nice scent what a man. miles room was just beside jung's room

miles and sonja were friends back then in hogh school but when mile ot to fifth grade he got into the kpop industry he was so good at rapping and dancing he won so many dance competitions he had so many medels and awards. last year he won best cheorgapher for their song 'MIC DROP' every young dancers wants to be like him but the thing is that miles was never like this he got this award and things fame , money because he wants to be like his dad miles dad was a famous dancer but died due to heart problem and he smoked a lot miles belived that he could so better so he worked so hard to do it others didn't see those pains and things he passed through they only was his mistake and his fame

.sonja did had a crush on him lets say she knew him more than i did. it was nine o' clock the boys will be back so soon we have to leave says gwhain to sonja ''ok' lets go i brought my car so we could leave faster tomorrow i know you will have so much work to do ' sonja are you ok when did you start to care '' while their car left the boys car came .

They looked so tired when jung walked into his room he was surprised if something came in or was it gwhain who did it. ohh i will talk to her tomorrow my cloths . miles noticed his sheets on his bed was touched but he didn't mind they all suspected because every thing in each room was either touched or moved kimin was the only not having such problem because he always locked his room . he also saw the car while leaving but he didn't say anything he knew she wasn't alone. miles had to look at the cctv camera to see what really actually occured in everyones room

it showed every thing inculdind sonja walking into their rooms. the next day when gwhain got to work the boys were already seated at the meeting table waiting for her she was shocked she just acted like nothing happend but kimin asked ''how is your friend of yesterday'' she fine ,, what did i just say ''which friend'' stop lying you just admitted it so why lie. oh ok i will say that it was sonja , miles eyes widing, sonja is she still your friend , why not wait do you guys still contact eachother' yea we do i told her to write a tweet about me the otherv day but i didn't talk to her after that ' wow so sonja did such and she didn't tell me . kimin .. call her over i want to talk to her , youn''really i will also liked to meet '' your friend . but she didn't take any pics right ''no'' she didnt responded gwhain .