Sneak peak

There are countless days have people ignored them and walked past her. But she did not hold grudges against them.

Thinking maybe they had a bad day or they weren't feeling well. It's usual for a lot of people she knew, so basically she learned from them.

It's not like people feel good every day. Just like her, people have bad days, and she knows that you cannot tell a person's personality by then.

She went inside the area with no expectation of the people inside other than the director and Jazmine who went along to accompany her.

From her reflection in the mirror, she could see how the makeup stylist kept stealing glances from her, "Is there anything wrong?" she asked politely, and she seemed shocked by the way she asked.

Somehow, Rana Mae felt offended, it's not like she said something that could upset her. "Are you comfortable?" she's talking about her position.

Rana Mae nods her head in answer, "Thank you for asking."

"You are like a different person," is that because she thanked her? Isn't that a decent thing to reply to?

She's giving her the benefit of the doubt since this is the first time she gets to meet these makeup artists. Rana Mae looked at her in the mirror and smiled, "You have a beautiful pair of eyes."

Rana saw how the stylist kept stealing glances from her. "Rans!" Jazmine, her assistant called her, almost screaming. "Rans!" she said again calling her.

"From univ?" what a lazy talker! "You should have taken some rest first, Jazmine."

She shrugs her head excitedly, "You are a university student?" she's curious about everything she sees around Rana Mae.

Jazmine smiled proudly, "Most of the people in Rana's team are usually part-timers. College students to be more precise." Rana Mae looked at her instead of feeling intimidated, she laughed it off.

"Why are you screaming, Jazmine?" but the girl only smiled at her instead of answering her. Rana Mae impatiently raised her eyebrows.

Jazmine shows the kid in her that shocked the hairstylist. That reaction did not escape from Rana Mae's eyes, "You told me I get in as part of dean's Lister you'll have a date with me, right?"

Rana's eyes widened as she excitedly looked at her, "Did you???"

The Rana Mae she is seeing now is far from the news. Jazmine proudly showed her printed report card to her. "Promise is a promise!"

The actress nodded in joy as she kept staring at the report card, "You have my schedule, right? Go and book yours."

"You are good to go now, Miss Rana." She thanked the stylist with a smile on her face as she picked up her phone and put it inside her bag. Jazmine took the bag from her still in awe and happy.

The photo shoot started at the time it was expected to begin. "Thank you, Miss Jard."

She remembers everyone's name including those shitty reporters who worked for her before.

Of course, she has to know their name so she can avoid them in the future. She's strong but she doesn't want to associate herself with people who couldn't respect her.

That very first ugly meeting is enough to distinguish whether how she treats a person.

There is a saying, don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. Stop giving ugly and bad comments about someone if you don't like hearing them as well.

Rana Mae saw the aloe vera shampoo waiting for her on the table and with joy, she took it with pride.

This company loved her for so long because they knew that she loved using their products and she gave her honest opinion about them.

She's been their ambassadress for too long for her to remember.

The owner of the company liked visiting the shoot especially when Rana Mae was the one on board.

"You looked like an angel," she's the head of the advertising department, and because she likes her, she visits the set. "You don't need much effort to look like one. I am envious."

Rana Mae raises her eyebrow as she shakes hands with her, "Of course, you'll say that you chose this theme and outfit for me." She said teasing her with her tongue stuck out.

The staff laughed along with her, "Don't say that, Rans. You are very beautiful."

"You as well," she said returning the compliment to the woman who was happily enjoying her time with Rana Mae. "I haven't seen you in a while, I guess you are busy with work."

She acted tired and sighed deeply, "You know it, girl. You know I have to provide for my kids."

"This is why I look up to you so much. Wish I could spend time with you and your kids again," she went ahead saying her thanks.

She is an actress who can't get used to any compliments around her.

She just thinks it's not ideal to compliment her since everyone is equally beautiful. So, if someone compliments her she makes sure she returns the favor of making her day.

The shoot started and ended without a problem. People working with her know how she worked.

Fast and precise.

Rana Mae didn't like wasting that much time because she knew that people needed rest.

That's the only schedule she has that day, so she has more time to spend being a lazy lad doing nothing and just sitting.

She stretches her arms as Jazmine watches her intently.

Manager Nim wasn't with them because she had to accompany Shavinna with her errands. Of course, the mainstream actress needs someone to accompany her.

They share the same Manager since Nimfa is a senior from college, and the three get along well.

Jazmine spent most of her time with Rana Mae. They are always together and it is not impossible if one of these days they'll exchange their faces because they are together almost every day.

She keeps staring at her, "What is it this time?" Rana found it annoying so she turns her back on her. "If you want to ask me something just shoot it. It's annoying how you stare at me."

Jazmine let out a small laugh. Her temper is shorter than Manager Nim's hair. "Are you sure you are going to be all right?" Rana Mae already knows what she's talking about but still chooses to play innocent with her.

Rana smiled at her as her eyebrows wiggled, "Why not? It's not like I am going to act as her female lead." She said proudly.

Jazmine narrowed her eyes. She trusts her, but she doesn't believe in her words, because looking at her fidgeting right now says otherwise. "Don't worry I am here to remind you how big your mouth is," Rana bursts out laughing.

"Stop looking at me like that," she said as her number one fan showed her a heart using her hands. "Don't make me regret my decision by taking you in," she said jokingly.

Jazmine loves teasing her by mentioning something she shouldn't. She's a fan of hers, so she knows her habit. "Really?"

"Let's talk about it when we cross the bridge," she smiled.

Jazmine stopped teasing her when she saw something in her eyes.

It's true that even before she became her assistant, Jazmine was part of her fan club. She is up until now, but she rarely joins the group because of studies and works at the same time.

She is one of the pioneers in the club who knows her well. She founded the Rana Angels from zero to now can not be counted.

Rana calls her fans guardians because without their unending support surely she won't survive in this industry.

From all the slut shaming and hate she gets for breakfast until dinner is not something she could endure every single day of her life.

She feels like her fans were God's message for her to keep going and not to keep people from wrecking her.

Her fans are not as many as Shavy, but they are genuine people who truly love her, as much as she loves them.

How many times has she thought of giving up?

How many times has she thought of stopping doing what she loves?

Her guardians gave her enough reason to be here, they showed her that no matter what she does people will hate her but a lot will love her.

But unlike any other fans, they never invaded her privacy or asked for something private. They know how to draw their limit.

"Are you going to meet with your guardians?" that's the first thing her manager asked her. She excitedly nodded her head. "But have Jazmine already told you about the press conference that is happening tomorrow?"

She stopped midway while scrolling on her phone, and nodded quietly. "I told her, Manager Nim, and asked her about it too."

"And?" she impatiently asks.

"I'm going with it." The two sat there quietly watching her every move. She must have felt the tension inside the car. "Shavinna will be there, so I am going to be okay."

Sure, you are. "We will be, too," Jazmine reassures her with a sincere smile. She's always there.

"Don't be too extra, Jazmine. I know you were the one who thought of that crazy idea." The kid bursts out laughing when she remembers what they did on her mall tour with Shavinna. She outdid herself.

Manager Nim let out a small laugh remembering how that scene turns into a headache, "Please no more Sintra boards."

"You enjoyed it as well, don't deny it!" she said defending herself.

Shaking her head, Rana faced her while holding both of her cheeks, "It is! But it is bigger than any of us. How did it even fit in?" Jazmine bought five Sintra boards that look like a wall, yes that big.

"Okay, I'll tell them that we should bring smaller ones. Is an inch smaller enough?" Rana Mae narrowed her eyes at the laughing Jazmine who was enjoying it. "I was just teasing you."

Of course, that should be a joke.

Because she is also the one who will have a hard time afterward, especially since she is now part of Team Rana. If she doesn't want to repeat what happens then, she should behave herself.

Manager Nim took her time studying the contract about the casting

The female and male lead did audition for the part, while she was cast by the producer. Well, they know how Shavinna and Rana Mae get along well.

As long as her manager permits and likes the contract, Rana Mae will do it. It's not like she needs a higher offer, she just likes to act and nothing more, nothing less.

Just like she said, Rana went to meet with her guardians accompanied by Jazmine.

It's so nice to spend your leisure time with people who appreciate you for being who you are.