Her pain

She look at herself in the mirror one last time before coming out, and just like that The Weekends performance ended smoothly.

Her eyes automatically roam around and found Shavinna making that eye again.

Ah, yep.

She knows that the music The Weekends are going to perform was written by Eljin himself. A song he made for her back when she ghosted him.

She heard it once, and after that, she didn't have enough courage to hear that song again. Especially that one line that broke her heart.

"Did you really have to go without saying goodbye? Where is that goodbye that could make me let go of your hand?" The same line he told her but got nothing in response.

It's a typical line, and there are just so many reasons behind it.

But Rana knows how Jin sang it beautifully that everyone is tearing up. She couldn't even imagine hearing those words from him.

Rana could not help but smile in disbelief remembering how she really took the fangirling to her heart.

Just like everyone else, Rana is a fan girl herself, of course, because of boredom.

But unlike everybody else she fan girl with precautions and with her heart and mind in what she says.

It's not new to everyone that every year there is a fan voting for every group, and The Weekend is nominated as a group. "Why are we voting for a tree?"

She couldn't help but feel annoyed and mad at the same time. People think that they are better than him who trained for years and work hard, enough to get where he is now.

People call him tree and flop just because he gets lesser recognition from everyone else.

He is underrated among the seven, but he was the first and only one who caught her attention.

Sure, everyone is talented and born with it, but his impact on people is much heavier than anyone else.

People are belittling him, just because Eljin was born into a wealthy family.

But Eljin works harder than anyone else. Because he is talented, not just as talented enough as everyone else.

"If a tree could sing that touching I will still choose that tree over anyone else." She said crying. She's never been the type of person that reacts violently on any social media but then she could not afford to see them belittling him.

The toxic and problematic fans did not just stop there. They keep discrediting his hard work just because they think someone else is better than him.

Of course, there is always better than anyone of them, but they could at least give him the benefit of the doubt since he also worked hard just like anybody else.

Her heartbreak is unmeasurable. Something she did not feel even before.

She wanted to offer him the world or even the universe if she could, just to make him feel that there are people like her protecting his name and hard work.

She even wrote him a letter once, and she doesn't know if it even reached him.

But she remembers Jin saying what exactly she said in the letter: 'You are more than the Eljin you are. You are the moon that lights up my night.'

Eljin once said that words helped him, especially, in the darkest and saddest part of his life.

He has no confidence in himself. Because he thinks he could not dance and sing well just like the others.

But for Rana, Eljin is like an angel singing to her. Giving and making her feel like the most loved person in the world.

She really likes listening to him sing.

Eljin's voice could touch anyone's heart with a single line.

Reality woke her back when Shavinna saw her walking back and forth in the middle of the lobby with no one but herself.

"We were looking for you!" she's overreacting again!

Rana Mae gently touches her cheeks, "Do I have to keep reminding you that I am not a kid anymore?"

"I know that exactly. But there are a lot of evil spirits in this hall." Shavinna said rolling her eyes remembering the face Jennica made when she saw her.

Rana Mae was about to respond when she saw Uno walking towards them. She immediately run, but unfortunately, he already saw her. "You can run but you can't hide!" Kaleb was chasing his breath laughing.

She kept on running until she reach an empty room and stay hidden when someone held her in her arms. Her adrenaline acted fast, as she took the pocket knife from her bag.

"Oh my, Eljin!" it was too late when she saw dripping blood coming from his face. "Oh, my Eljin's pretty face." She said tearing up.

The guy in front of him couldn't help his smile even though blood is dripping from his cheeks.

Her reaction is priceless and he loves seeing those every time.

She immediately took her handkerchief out and puts pressure on the wound, "Why are you smiling like that? You have scheduled a photo shoot for the album!" she said panicking.

That shocked him once again, "You worry about my pretty face so freakin' much that I wanted to hold you in my arms so tight." Rana only realizes what she said. Okay, our girl just revealed that she still looks after him.

She is embarrassed! Rana tries her best to hide her face from him but she fails to do so because he keeps making noises, "Can you stop teasing me for once, Jin?"

While she's panicking, he is busy admiring her face. This is the closest they have ever since their last I love you's. "Brianna Madelyn," she rolled her eyes at him. "You have to breathe."

"Eljin," she said out of breath. She is about to cry! "I did not mean to ruin your--" she knows she was about to say pretty face again that's why she hold it in.

He pulled her closer to him, but there is enough space for them to breathe. "My what?"

She knows that he is doing it on purpose but she's not complaining. She misses him so much that couldn't even lie or hide it, especially from him, "Remember what I told you?"

From up close, she can see how his eyes are sad. "That's not something I can easily forget."

"If you don't know who you should love, it's you. You're precious and worthy. You deserve not just the world but the whole universe." that was stuck in Eljin's mind when he wrote a song about loving himself.

He is reminded that after all the hate, he should believe in himself more than anyone else.

When she took away his attention from her, she moved away slowly giving her handkerchief to him. "I'll compensate you for the wound."

She's trying her best not to cry in front of him. Things are already heavy for him, "Rana Mae."

She smiled, "Let's not make our lives as dramatic as it seems, Eljin."

She walks out not waiting for his answer.

She feels heavy that she is leaving him again. But, it got her a lot thinking that the time will come for them.

When she went out, Uno is crossing his arms waiting patiently.

She faintly smiled at him as she started running and screaming like a man-woman.

While running for her life, she realized that she is now living the life she always hated. Life was full of dramas.

But right now, she's going to enjoy everything she has including those six boys chasing her like he stole something from them.

The only thing she wanted him to know, is how her heart keeps aching for him. It will always be him no matter how long they stopped talking.

After all the running, Rana just stopped midway crying.

Uno saw it coming the moment she went out of the room while Eljin is hiding from everyone else.

Uno keeps shaking his head while helping Rana wear his coat. "Your feet looks like a ginger." He said teasing her the moment she took her shoes.

"My feet already hurt. Can you stop chasing me already?" She cries like a kid being teased by her older brother.

Jimmy, as the gentleman that he is, offered his hand to help her stand up. "You shouldn't have run in the first place."

"You guys are chasing me!" she said crying. Oh, she looks like a little princess guard by the next-door prince. They all look good!

Kaleb picks up her shoes without hesitating, "Because you were running."

V, as the most prince-looking of the group, gave her his shoes. "You guys are chasing me, that's why I run off."

Harold's laugh gave life to the lobby. Rana is not going to end this finger-pointing until the boys tell them they are sorry. "We didn't mean to tire you, Rana. We're sorry."

"Spoiled brat," Uno hissed watching Rana get babied by the six kids. "If you are done trying to look like a princess, can we go now?"

Rana stuck her tongue out watching everyone laughs at his remarks. "I am my Daddy's Princess."

Shavinna and Rana Mae joined them in the car.

The Weekends manager panicked when they saw a wound on Eljin's face, and he told them that he accidentally hit a metal.

With one look, Shavinna already knows that he wasn't telling the truth especially when she saw Rana's pocket knife wrap up in a handkerchief.

She moved closer to Rana Mae, "What a day. He gave you that thing to be used against him?" She didn't get the attention she was asking for.

"Would you stop picking someone else's nose?" Uno said almost whispering with his arms crossed.

"You should do that as well. It's not like I care about your life." Shavinna replied defensively. Are they really going to start arguing when everyone's resting?

Rana Mae pinches her in the cheeks, "Let the boys sleep, Shavinna."

"Such a jerk!" she mumbles but to their surprise, they heard Uno's angry tsk.

Did he hear that? He is two seats apart from them! "Oh, stop starting a war you couldn't finish," Nathan said threatening the two who were about to start fighting again.

This is why most of the time Rana chooses to be alone.

Just like any other human, Rana wants to have her alone time when people won't ask her anything. She needs her quiet time alone to reflect.

Uno knows that side of her.

But, Shavinna does not mean any harm. She wants to help her in any way she could.

They dropped Shavinna and Rana at Manager Nim's house to make sure that they are all safe from issues.

As soon as they got inside, Rana went straight to the comfort room to wash her feelings away.

A warm bath can help her calm herself.