
She can barely breathe.

The sound of his voice is music to her ears.

The smile flustered on his face is the only thing she would love to see. There are times when his hand is the only thing she wants to hold...

She wants to feel his warmth.

But the only thing she could do is see him from afar. See his smiles from miles away... and feel his warm embrace through her mind. His voice makes her whole system turn upside down.

There are a lot of unsaid words in her mind that she wanted to utter, but she doesn't have enough courage to say so.

"The only thing I can do for you is watch over you from afar." he did not hesitate a second. He told her what was really going on in his mind.

She started tearing up, "Our life just turns into a worthy drama." She started cracking up, that's how she knows she is about to cry.

"Why are you making things complicated for both of us?"

Does she?

Or she loves you enough to sacrifice her own feelings to protect him?

Both have points that we couldn't ignore. She saw more than enough of the reality. It already happened. She already saw how this will end.

She's hurting.

Even though she wanted to tell the world that she is in pain

She wanted to scream all the sadness. She wanted this feeling to stop her from hurting her. But she doesn't know how. The only thing she knew was the entrance... but not the way out.

She stood there... trying to feel all the pain she have caused her. She stood there.... trying to understand why all of the people in the world it has to be him.

There are billions of people in the world... why it has to be him? That question will haunt her forever. A question even she couldn't find the answer.

She didn't know that this pain is residing inside her not until he smiled at her. The pain she can no longer tolerate is building heat inside he.

It's suffocating her...

She is slowly dying on the inside... but people think she is lying about being hurt. But the truth is, she is too weak to speak what's inside her... and what about it so she kept silent and suffered.... alone.

"How are you?" She asked, even though she knows what was up with his life.

He smiled at her faintly, "I am as good as ever." You should. Because looking after you as a friend is the only thing she can do for him.

"It's good to hear you are doing good," she said faintly.

He held her hands. But he is avoiding her gaze. "You know?" She shrugs her head twice and he chuckled. "The people experiencing the most pain tend to be the ones who are always trying to make others smile."

The wall of ice between them is coming back again... so, before it truly happens.

She smiled at you enduring the million broken pieces of her heart shattered inside...

She walked not looking back.

Because the moment she looks back, she could no longer have the courage of letting his hand go.

"GOOD take, Rana!" Rana Mae could not stop the tears from coming from her eyes. That scene with Eljin feels so real that her knees are trembling in fear and in sadness.

She legit saw the pain in his eyes, but the difference is that Eljin's character is in love with someone else.

This is why it's twice the pain for Rana thinking he doesn't love her anymore.

Well, it is not impossible. The two broke up years ago.

"I am very sorry. I kind of felt Trixie's pain." She remembers crying while reading the script the day before the actual shoot. Her heart is breaking for her.

"You are such a great actress, Rana," Shavinna said swelling up as well. She's such a supportive best friend! "Are you sure you are okay"

Rana nodded her head and immediately went to Uno when she saw him. "Why are you loitering here?"

"I am part of the cast now," he said bored waiting for Eljin, maybe. "You did great."

"Thank you, Uno bear," she said happily and took the drinks from his hand.

"That's for Jin," Rana already drunk half of the drink before he said that to her. "Bro."

Eljin took the drink from her hand without looking at her, "Now I am finally seeing the Actor Uno." He said nudging him on the shoulder.

Uno smiled a little, "I can't part with you." He said clinging to his arms. Both of them laugh as Uno keeps giving Rana Mae that look at who's standing in front of them. "Do you need anything else?"

Rana shook her head, "I'm leaving you guys." Both of them nodded in response.

She felt her cheeks flush.

Why did Eljin do that??? Is he so broke that he couldn't afford another drink???

This is not the first time Uno will act with them. Uno has been acting with them for a long time, but this time all six of the boys will do a cameo.

Rana saw them on her way to her seat.

Kaleb and Jimmy ran towards her, while Vaughn is distributing the food her mother made.

V and her mother are both sweet. They take good care of his brothers and his crew at the same time.

Well, all of them are sweet and kind in nature.

Uno might be that strict when it comes to her, but he is clingy, especially with Jin.

Rana Mae saw her reflection in the mirror and saw how her eyes is puffy from all the crying she did.

"Hereeee," with excitement, Vaughn gave her a pack of food. Rana Mae started tearing up again when Harold started panicking. "I did not do anything!"

Kaleb is just standing there enjoying his food, "Don't worry. You still look good, right, Eljin?"

That's when she realized all seven of them are in front of her... again. "The only good looking around her is the food you gave her," Uno said teasing her.

Harold, being the sunshine laughs. "That's not true, Rana. You look pretty in that outfit."

"You look pretty in that outfit only," he wouldn't just stop teasing her midway. Nope, never.

She pouts, "I hate Uno so much."

"Like, I care?" he really is a bitch! Out of the group she is the cat that bites.

She couldn't respond because the director already called for the six of them to leave Eljin behind.

He unbothered sat beside her and close his eyes.

She ignored him and spent her time scrolling through social media when she happens to see a clip about the seven of them.

How can she forget that the older lines are the most cowardly lines as well?

Rana Mae wanted to get back at Yogi for being a bitch to her all these years that's why she thought of something evil.

She left the sleeping Jin behind and went straight to a cameraman.

She had a hard time convincing everyone on the set of her plan.

Everyone went back inside their respective rooms, except for those who still have scenes to shoot just like Shavinna and Eljin.

Don't look for Rana Mae, she is already sleeping in her room.

"V, I am hungry." Kaleb is trying to wake him up but to no avail, V is still sleeping. So, he went to wake either Harold or Uno when he saw them still awake.

The two decided to accompany Kaleb out of the room. "Are they done shooting?" kibit balikat lamang ang sagot ni JK. His number one goal is food, and only food.

"Did you hear that?!" Harold said panicking.

Uno narrowed his small eyes, "Stop scaring yourself, Harold." But he couldn't take another step forward.

A cold hand touches Uno's shoulder which made him jump in his place, "Leave me alone!"

A faint laugh came from behind when they saw Eljin holding a flashlight in his hand, "What a scaredy cat, Gramps Uno." He said laughing his lungs out.

They heard a faint sound coming from behind them, to only see a human walking in a weird way. "I thought this is a romance drama?!!" Harold said panicking when he saw a zombie because as far as he can remember, this is a love story!

The human zombie is moving closer and closer and closer until it touches their shoulder the three jumps in fear and scream!

They even forgot that they were with Kaleb.

None of them thought of anything else and run for their lives.

But then the light turns on, "Happy Birthday Uno!" with Rana Mae in the middle holding the cake. She walks closer to him, and he's been eyeing her. "I will never forget my best friend's birthday."

The three are still catching their breath, and only remember Kaleb when they saw him eating a sandwich beside Nathan, Jimmy, and V. "You are so extra!" Uno said.

Turns out, that the zombie chasing them was Shavinna almost losing her breath laughing. "I know Jin's voice is high, I didn't expect his high pitch could reach another level."

Rana is happily holding his cake when he smiled at her, "Thank you, Rana. It's so sweet of you to prepare a surprise for me."

She was taken aback when Uno unexpectedly slap the cake on her face. Everyone was shocked thinking it would offend her.

But then, Rana Mae screams at the top of her lungs and showed him his video screaming.