
Friendship is not how long you have known each other, but it is the hardship you've been through together.

Uno and Rana's friendship is a special case. It is where two people only know how to bitch each other around.

She has time on her hands that's why she went to visit Uno at their company.

When she saw him, Rana immediately went to him and took Uno by surprise. But to her luck, she also met Eljin.

There are no dull moments with him. Even though Uno seems like founded the mean girls, Rana Mae would not exchange him for just anyone.

She spent her time in the company sleeping.

Rana is exhausted from all the crying she did in yesterday's scene.

Because honestly, Jenny, her character, is like a walking broken heart.

"This is why I have to remind her every time not to get attached to any of her characters," Uno is so desperate. If he could smack her in the head, he would.

Eljin pats him on the shoulder and smiles as he puts his jacket on her. "This is why she can bring the characters to life." He admires her for being an actress who does her best.

She always sleeps at the set and she can't help but yawn every time.

Rana Mae loves her character so much that she would let it into her system. She can't stop feeling the pain.

The crying made an impact on her so she woke up massaging the temple of her head,

To her surprise, a sleepy Eljin is sitting beside her. "Uno told me that this medicine will help you feel better." he is busy scrolling on social media. I thought you don't like surfing the internet?

"Thank you, Jin. I needed this." So, you went to their company to ask for some medicine? Or...

Eljin rested his head on the table facing her, "Right after seeing me?" nodding his head like he knew the answer. "Yes, you are always welcome." He even answered for her! Eljin looks proud of what he said.

Rana laughs a little, "I'm really glad I can still have a decent conversation with you." when she says decent, this is the most decent conversation they have ever had.

"This is how our usual conversation goes, right?" He said with his eyes twinkling in the joy that finally, she is in front of him smiling and laughing not thinking about anything.

... just like before.

"Congratulations on your recent achievement with the boys," she even initiated a handshake which Eljin did not take because he was too sleepy to move, she did not take it to heart because he was almost sleeping.

Eljin took his bag and did not move. Rana Mae looked at him confused, "Rana Mae, I know that I have a very pretty face but stop staring at me."

Her expression changes drastically as he laughs. "I get it, pretty face."

"Let's go, I'll drop you off. But let's fetch gramps first." oh, she already has forgotten her best friend.

Despite the difference between Jin and Uno, on and off cam, they couldn't deny the bond they have.

They have always been on each other's side as roommates, so, it's only fitting that they get along well even with the differences.

People caught them fishing and cooking together. But both are introverts who mostly stay inside the house watching movies or playing video games.

"You and Uno bear are too different polar. You became the Uno we all know behind the cameras, and Uno became you in front of the camera." Uno is livelier than Jin when there's no camera around.

Eljin became distant and quiet when the camera is not around.

It's like they are exchanging souls all of a sudden.

The members had a hard time approaching him. "So you are saying that my life is boring?"

Rana shrugs her head, "You are smart, and I enjoy talking with you. You are a deep person with a mature personality. Even with being the oldest, you are the first one who matured among the seven of you."

She always a have a deep understanding of the boys even though she hasn't been with them as long as Jin, "Is that a compliment?"

Rana nodded her head as they are waiting in front of the elevator, "It only means you are responsible and considerate."

Both came from a wealthy families, and people think they got in because of money. "Wow."

"It is not hard to be with you. Just like everyone else, you have insecurities that drive you to work harder than any of them." Of course, she knows. She's been his fan since he debuted.

He is getting shy. This is the first time he is hearing things like this from her not even when they are dating, "Aren't we all?"

She shrugs her head smiling at him, "Not me, as far as I can remember." That statement from her confuses him. "Unlike you, if I feel like I really couldn't do things, I'd stop midway. I don't have the same courage as you have."

"Is this why you like me?" he said wiggling his eyebrows, teasing her but ending up with flushed cheeks and ears when she nodded.

She took her time staring at the ceiling before answering, "I thought Uno will have a hard time because you two live in a different world."

He did not come from a wealthy family just like Jin did.

But he has dreams, and it is to create music. While Jin is a degree holder in entrepreneurship and does not know anything about music.

Jin lives a luxurious life, but Uno has to work for his dream without anything but his love for music.

Two different people getting stuck inside a room is unimaginable.

It's not surprising, but it's the fate of seven different boys meeting and getting to know each other.

The whole elevator ride went to a very silent one.

It's like none of them wanted to continue the conversation and just feel the moment with each other.

It is surprising for Eljin to hear everything from her. When they started dating, she told him how she became a fan and nothing deeper than how she sees him.

It's overwhelming to hear how people see you from their point of view and nothing beats the compliment coming from who really can see what's inside your heart.

When the elevator opened, they saw Uno already waiting. "I thought you were planning to replace Sleeping Beauty." he even rolled his eyes laughing as he went inside the elevator too.

"How's your music coming?" Eljin asks him out of the blue. Uno simply shrugs his head and scrolls through his phone.

Eljin just watches them closely as they play around with each other, "Next time, don't come in here just to sleep, this isn't a hotel mind you, and Eljin's face is everywhere, google it instead of wasting your time coming here."

Seeing him personally is different from just admiring his picture. She wanted to say that but kept quiet about it instead. "None of my future marriage concerns you. Date your music forever!"

Eljin caught her attention when he yawns, he looks so tired, leaning his back on the wall of the elevator.

This isn't the tardiest she saw him, but this exhaustion is something a rest could not take away.

He is lonely and at the same time filled with emotions.

Rana could not help but feel hurt remembering the music he composed about how he is feeling left out, with everyone being born with talent.

He is hard on himself, and when everyone is sleeping he is dancing or singing from dawn till dusk.

Some may think that it doesn't bother him most of the time, but it does.

He usually conveys his feelings through music because he doesn't like talking about his feelings.

"You drop me off, first," Uno said smiling at his phone. Eljin nodded quietly as he drove around the area.

Eljin nodded without asking anything. He is old enough to know what's right from wrong. "Call me if you need something," he said as he drops him off.

Uno laughs at his remarks, "I know you are not going to answer. But I'm still going to call you with the hope that you'd answer." of course, he knows. "Drive well, bro."

Rana waved her goodbye. He is wearing a cap and mask and sunglasses in the middle of the night. "He looks suspicious, and If I happen to walk across him, I'll creep out."

"So, you went to the studio together? You have your studio inside your condos, right?" She knows, of course, because she went there countless times.

Eljin patiently taps the stirring wheel as they are waiting for the green light, "The other five eggs are there as well. You were asleep so they couldn't disturb you."

That explains why she did not meet them, "Sorry for sleeping in again." Eljin simply nodded his head. Everyone in the company is used to her.

"It's good," He's tired.

Rana took out her phone and called her brother to come to pick her up. "You can rest here with me for a while. I asked my brother to pick me up."

Without hesitation, he parks his car somewhere safe, "Thank you."

Rana received a phone call from his brother that the car behind them is him.

Eljin must have heard them talking that's why he nodded his head and when he was about to get down, Rana stopped him.

He already knows what's with her gestures, afraid of getting caught with each other again.

Rana waved her goodbye for the last time and closes the door as fast as she could and ran towards her brother's car.

She was hardly chasing her breath when she finally closed the door and sat down beside her laughing brother.

She couldn't help but smile because she can feel the excitement of hiding and run again. It makes her feel alive and relevant to the industry.

There was a time when he hid inside the men's comfort room to hide from the media.

If only those people in the comfort room before talked about it, that would be the biggest issue alive since the two companies denied the rumors.

We all know by now who hides in fear, Rana Mae decided on her own that Jin has left no choice but to deny it as well.

Imagine feeling left behind by her.

It must be overwhelming.

Her brother Reiner, adjusted the mirror to his liking which made Rana Mae scowl. "What do you call that?" she did not answer and watched his car from the mirror beside her. "Did you ever ask about his opinion and feeling about that?"

"I didn't," she simply said as her facial expression changed.

He pats her on the head, "Now you are acting like a high school student being in love. If I were him, I will feel so mad. You decided for him."

People could not get the fact that she is just protecting the career he worked hard for. But, is it worth it? "I don't know."

Reiner saw the pain in her eyes so he stopped talking and asked about it, "How was your day, little sis?"

He didn't have to ask where she came from, they all know where she went. She must be feeling uneasy. "Thank you for asking me even though you already have an idea of what's going on inside my head."

She grew up not spending her time with her older brothers, but they made sure that she knows what she is up to. "Our baby is becoming more of a lady now."

Rana leaned her head in the window and realized she never asked his opinion about it. Well, she ghosted him, all right. "Not exactly, bro."

It's like a glimpse of what he has been through all these years. "What's important is that you are finally realizing how selfish you sound. No one's blaming you though. But as your brother, I want you to check your life decisions because we only want what's going to make you happy."

Her eyes started swelling, and then she remembers this is the same brother that offer her own company so she could do exactly what she wants while dating him. "Please, stop making me cry."

Reiner smiled at her, "It will never be just you. Don't ever forget that, okay?"

Just like what her brother told her, Rana Mae thought of it all night and how it affects not just her relationship with Eljin but with everyone around them.

Of course, Eljin is accountable for his feelings but she should have considered him.

One day, she woke up and felt the urge of hiding behind the camera. She woke up feeling burdened and wanted to leave the place to a place no one knows her.

But because fans never forget issues, she couldn't run away forever and she knows that very well.