The downside

People think that being an artist is about designer clothes and fame. Forgetting the idea of huge taxes and being exhausted mentally and physically that drains the heck out of them in just a day.

A day is equivalent to one week of rest.

Being in the industry does not give them the license to protect their privacy from people.

Imagine the thought of being paid to be hated by people who only know you in front of the camera.

Shavinna sat down beside her and open the television.

Rana took her time watching the woman beside her. People might think she has it easy in life because she's always smiling, but she is just like Rana, her soul was crashed as well.

Those who judge and criticize them until in the depths of their hearts` are the same people who are sad on the inside, scared of their reflection.

"What is she thinking?" Shavinna said frowning, it's not the first time she got mad with Nim deciding for them.

Rana pats her on the shoulder and sighed just like Shavinna did just now, "Let's trust her with this." none of them couldn't understand what was going on inside her head, but still went with her plan.

"It's not like we have a choice," she rolled her eyes as she went back to her room to prepare. Both of them just got their one day off, and yet Nim booked a schedule for them.

She couldn't help but laugh as she tantrums, "Stop stomping your feet!"

A company car fetched them because Nim is busy hiding in her posts trying to save her life from the annoyed Shavinna.

Jazmine is still yawning, she has an all-nighter because she needs to finish her paper as soon as she could.

Rana Mae didn't want to disturb her sleep, but Jazmine is too stubborn she does whatever comes to her mind.

What confuses them is that the car didn't stop in front of their company building, but went straight to her apartment.

None of them had an idea of what was happening but went with it anyway.

It's not like Nimfa is going to kidnapped and sell them at a higher price in a group of the mafia. Because I mean, who would take them?

A spoiled brat and a woman with a sharp tongue? Hmm, pass.

Both have a bad reputation with the public.

Yes, despite being the mainstream actress of their time, a lot hate her as much as Rana gets every day. She just doesn't care.

Because she has fans who believe in her, and she will work hard only for them.

"Thank you, Sir Jeff." both said in unison trying to show him their smile when Jeff laughs at them.

He gave them Nim's bag, "Stop smiling! You girls look like you are suffering from constipation." Shavinna narrowed her eyes at him as Rana Mae laughs genuinely. "Go and scold her for me."

"I will," Shavinna said with conviction as they headed inside her house without even knocking or calling her. What a rude way of showing her rebellious acts!

Rana has been scolding her for what she did, but it's like Shavinna could not hear a single word she is saying. "Senior?" she called for her name repeatedly but no one answered.

Jazmine is watching them intently, especially Rana Mae, and how will she handle the stubborn Shavinna, "Can you please calm down?"

She even tried calling her phone but no one answered, "This is insane." she said impatiently as she walks back and forth.

"We should wait for her explanation. You are overreacting, Shavinna." she's not even listening to her.

But acted like she didn't hear her, "Could you please look at her room, Jazmine?" she nodded as she followed her instruction.

"Senior!" Shavinna called for her once again.

Rana Mae covered her ears, "No one is hurting you. So could you please stop yelling?" she said in an authoritative tone. But none of it still works.

But for the third time, she asked her to stop and did not listen, she gives up. She is stubborn and she will not waste any more energy on her.

She sat down on the couch like she owns the place and took her iPad out as she draws not minding the hysterical Shavinna on her side.

Jazmine went down to join them and told them Manager Nim wasn't there,

No one asked why they had to be there when it was clear that they could have this day for themselves.

No one can blame Shavinna for being irritated, but let's not enable her childish antics. Nimfa is still older than her.

Shavinna sighed in defeat as she sat down beside the unbothered Rana Mae.

She didn't listen to her more than the fourth time she called her out, and that was her last straw.

They know each other very well so they don't engage and talk while they are mad.

Just like how people see her, Rana Mae is a bitch, if you wouldn't listen to her then she will give up not caring what will happen to you.

She leaned her head on her shoulder as she throws her death glare. Rana Mae didn't like what she did.

Shavinna rarely listens; when she does, it only means that it is the only thing left for her to do, or when she's already exhausted doing things she shouldn't.

Jazmine, as her boredom strikes, opens the television to watch. "That building is very familiar," she said laughing as the place is filled with reporters.

With a smirk on her face, "That's where we live."

"Ah," Rana and Jazmine said in unison, as calm as they can. "Huh?!?" both hysterically stand up and walk back and forth in front of the television forgetting that they aren't there.

In a panic, Shavinna accidentally dialed Rana's number and she answered it proudly. "You are calling the wrong person, honey." She finds it funny how they are panicking. "Will you stop moving around and check where we are right now?"

She stopped moving and started roaming around her eyes, "Oh." She sat down beside her and smiled still phone in her ears. "Thank you for reminding me."

"Someone tipped Miss Nim about the reporters camping in the area because someone saw, yet again, Rana Mae and Eljin going home together."

This time, Rana Mae is already holding a novel, and it seems like she couldn't hear Jazmine. "That's a joke. Rana was with Reiner, her brother."

Jazmine narrowed her eyes not knowing about her leaving the room without her, "She didn't tell me about that because?"

"Because she came to see Eljin, duh! Why would she bring you as a chaperone?" that doesn't make any sense, Shavinna knows that as well. But, it's the truth. Why would Shavinna lie about it?

Rana Mae closes her book and picks up her phone, "I didn't tell you because there is nothing to tell. I just went there and as usual, I overslept."

"She did all right," Shavinna said laughing. She remembers how she was locked inside the agency because she went there to surprise Eljin but the staff thought she already left, but the truth is she was sleeping soundly in The Weekend's studio.

"You don't have to worry about it. I informed Manager Nim that I saw someone following us," so she knew why they are sent there. "I kind of forgot she called me last night about staying in her house in the meantime."

Jazmine and Shavinna could not believe she forgot such an important thing! Well, it doesn't bother her anymore.

Moving around has become part of their life that they can no longer have a permanent address.

She went to the kitchen to cook some food to lessen the anxiousness that she is feeling.

When Rana and Jazmine saw her quietly chopping an onion, they did not bother her anymore.

Cooking has been her escape route every time she feels burdened and hurt. It's good that even though she doesn't tell them things, they understand when she's not mentally stable.

She loves cooking, but they can see the difference between what she feels with how she looks.

If she's not okay, she always forgets to wear her apron.

"You are right on time, Eljin," Shavinna said tactlessly. "It's going to be a fest here." She said laughing like she was enjoying what was happening around her. "Why don't you send Kaleb here?"

Of course, Shavinna, that would be the best last thing you should do right now. "Are you even using your mind?" Uno said trying to contemplate if there is a single sense left in her brain.

Jazmine agreed with what Uno said, "Looks like you have to run for one hour tomorrow," poking Shavinna's weakness, exercise.

"You could use some exercise, Shavinna. Listen to the kid," if she could punch him in the face right now, she would.

A mumbling goes on the other line, it seems like all seven of them are present. "But if you could send us some food please do," it was Kaleb! They can even imagine hearing his stomach growling.

Jazmine couldn't help but laugh when she heard Nathan nagging at Kaleb. Looks like the kid got what he was asking, scolding. "You should be careful the next time," V commented out of nowhere.

"Should I teach guys ways of sneaking?" Shavinna said proudly. Well, she's right. She's never been caught and she's been dating Rana's brother for how long?

There was a sudden pause between the two lines, "They aren't dating, Shavinna." And another silence at the line.

"Why is it always them?" Jimmy asked frustrated.

That's the same question everyone was seeking an answer to. It's not like they are the only artists who are in love with each other. "Right! Jamaica and Henry are dying to get the reporter's attention.

"I even heard that they are dating openly," Harold seconded the motion.

Nathan, who must have taped Kaleb's mouth, suddenly talked. "We saw them once. They are with their Manager, malling freely."

Something they wanted to do. All eight of them sighed deeply, maybe, thinking the same scenario.

Well, all of them are in the same boat.

Some obsessed fans just wouldn't let them roam and walk around freely.

They are all the same human being able to breathe and eat the same food. It's not like artists don't have boogers or morning stars.