Plan A

The weirdest question they ever heard was from a fan asking them when was the last time they pooped because none of them looks like doing it.

It's fine that most people are curious, but what question is that?

Aren't humans supposed take digest food and by all means remove it from the body?

No matter how unearthly a person is, people should keep in mind that they are also a bunch of humans.

There are artists as well who suffered from constipation due to people's expectations of them. It's like even farting now is a sin.

"None of us can't even hate them," Kaleb, as a person with superhuman strength must have gotten out of Nathan's wrath, suddenly spoke. "I mean, who would?"

All seven of them agreed that he said it was weird but not something they should hate. "But let's not forget about the fans who knows their limit!"

Eljin nodded his head, "We all have different perceptions, that's why instead of forcing them to understand let's help them comprehend our situation." he learned that from his own experience.

He has the chance to get along well with a fan, and yes it's Rana Mae, so he somehow knows what's going on inside their mind. "Where is Nimfa?" a man with a baritone voice came from behind them.

Jazmine almost fell from her chair, she liked him for too long. "I wish I knew where she is," Shavinna replied dramatically making all of them laugh as she scowled. "None of what I said is funny."

The Weekends Manager did not find it funny though, "I'm calling her." he may appear strict in front of others but he is just outspoken.

"The food is ready," everyone went silent when they heard her. She's back to being happy and joyous again like none of the news affected her. "Who are you talking with?"

Everyone was just staring at her with her apron on, "Rana," Kaleb said pouting. "I want to eat your food." he broke the ice and as usual, uses his charm.

"When this is all over I promise to cook for you," she said smiling like nothing is bothering her. "Eljin can cook for you though," she said pointing at him. "Can you please act according to your age?" Is she pouting as well???

Just like Shavinna, everyone else is confused. They thought she wasn't okay. "I'll call you, Rana." she nodded her head and leave.

As soon as Rana left, Eljin dropped the call.

Shavinna and Jazmine are trying to sneak on them, talking. But it looks like Eljin did not call her.

They couldn't see Rana Mae's expression exactly since they are looking at her back.

"Why are you snooping around?" She suddenly said holding the plate. "Come and eat with me," it's not as they expect. They didn't have a food fest.

Shavinna sat down with questions in her mind, trying to fathom what was going on. "Are you sure you are okay?" Jazmine asked without hesitation.

Shavinna shush her, but it was too late. Rana already heard her but instead of getting offended, she laughs. "That's a silly question you have there, Jazmine."

"But you aren't answering her silly question," Shavinna followed up.

Rana Mae showed them her phone, they did not even notice the earpiece on her ears. "Manager Nim and I are already on it. You don't have to worry about me." So, this is why she's calm and not on call with Eljin.

"Eljin said he'd call you, right?" she nods her head twice as an answer while serving them the food she cooked. "Then, why?"

Jazmine is confusing her. "Do I have to talk with him first?"

Shavinna had enough of the conversation and ate first, "The food is getting cold. As long as Senior and Rana are talking about it then we have nothing to worry about." She said reassuring the worried Jazmine.

Rana Mae nodded her head as she savors the food she cooked, "Yes, Jazmine. It's not like it's my first time." The toe came out ugly that the two gave her the look and she simply ignored it.

No matter how many times she denied it, her reaction says otherwise.

Nim must have called her when the two weren't looking and started calming her down. Because her eyes do not smile along with her.

Her eyes look empty and soulless.

It still affects her, she just doesn't show much of her emotions to people. Because for her, it's a weakness no one should know. She doesn't like to be branded as fragile.

The dinner went as quietly as it could because Rana Mae no longer wants to have a conversation with anyone.

She doesn't have to tell them that because it is written all over her face. It will only tire all of them.

After washing the dishes, Rana Mae went out to take out some trash. She doesn't have to worry if anyone sees her, because everyone in the neighborhood already knows that they are there.

Nimfa also lives in a private subdivision wherein people could not enter easily without the homeowner's permission.

She took a walk in the neighborhood where no one would gather around her. This way she could reflect and think more.

This is the right time to empty her mind for the next day's filming or else it'll affect her performance in acting and that's the last thing she would want, right?

She puts her earphones on and played that one song she only listens to. That one song changes her entire decision of leaving him behind. It reminded her of the good ad bad things about this industry.

Rana Mae did what she could.

Of course, she misses him more than ever. He has been her support and inspiration for everything that she does.

But she wouldn't exchange anything for his career. Unlike Eljin, Rana Mae thinks that love is not enough reason for them to give up what they have.

"I knew you'd come," she immediately sit beside the grumpy man she met outside the park. "I guess your company wants you here."

Jun, whose forehead creased scowled. "I have to help a friend in need you know?" he said teasing her more and even handing her a drink from her favorite shop. "I have to ask V what your favorite drink is."

Rana Mae saw a glimpse of the paparazzi a few blocks away from them, "Did the two companies order that too?" even without looking, Jun already understood what she was trying to imply and nodded his head. "Your public relations sure works well with ours, and I am not complaining."

He let out a small laugh and pats her on the head, "You don't have to overthink things now. I will try my best to help you protect my brother's name." even though he doesn't get the idea of protecting him by hurting him.

A secret only Rana Mae and Jun know. "Jin has a nice older brother," she said teasing him more.

Jun calls him the moment the news came out, "My brother has a nice and loving ex-girlfriend though." Laughing at the same will look good in the picture, it sure will.

"Of course, you'll never find someone like me in this world." Someone who sacrifices her career and name for a man? Yes, you are right Rana Mae.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" she only smiled as an answer that made Jun pat her on the head. "Don't make another hasty decision."

She bowed her head down, watching their foot on the ground. "You are the one who's making a hasty decision." She even laughs to ease the tension rising between them. "You'll be dating the slut in the industry."

"I know better than calling you slut, Brianna Madelyn. Stop branding yourself with something you are not." Jun is sweet and nice to her not just because of Eljin. They are friends.

Rana Mae rested her head on his shoulder making it a nice picture for a pretend couple, and she is just comfortable around him that much. "I'm glad we met."

"Thank you for keeping the secret safe with you," Rana Mae simply smiled feeling the air touching her face. "But I am not going to tolerate you again the next time if reporters catch you together again. Let my brother man up, and do whatever he thinks is right with both of you. You have to remember that you aren't the only one in this relationship."

Rana Mae narrowed her eyes as she started walking back into Nimfa's house, "That's not going to happen again, don't worry."

Jun pulled him in her arms, and if you are blocks away from them you may think that they are about to hug. "You mean you are going to ignore him for the rest of your life?"

Rana looks like she is about to cry, and that's why instead of getting mad at her, Jun hugs her. "I'm sorry for being a coward, Jun." The tears just won't stop, and it's getting heavier every time he pats her on the back. "If I could take away his pain with one sorry, I'd say it for the rest of my life.

"You don't have to," her tears just kept rolling down her face, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Jun made sure that she stopped crying before she went back to the house or else Nim will nag at him.

Why not? He is making her baby cry, and he wouldn't want to deal with an angry girlfriend. Doesn't he? I mean, who would want an angry woman?

After sending her home, Jun went home and Nimfa was already waiting for him.

There are a lot of relationships getting put in the line to hide a single issue with no actual basis.

The only truth about what's happening is that they met, but they aren't dating anymore. But Rana wouldn't want to make the same mistake anymore.

With a puffy eye, she sat down beside Nimfa who was already preparing their food for today's filming.