Inner peace

A beautiful spring day sprang in the middle of filming, where love blooms and the season of new beginnings.

The weather became warmer for everyone. The sun is shining, who hates this fine weather? It seems like spring is a happy day where negative energy isn't welcome.

Everyone was busy adoring the scenery. People constantly have a smile on their faces taking in the onset of spring.

Flowers are blooming and the colors become visible in many yards and parks. The grass and trees became greener it looks refreshing to the eyes.

Spring brings life back to plants and trees it represents hope to some.

Except for Rana Mae who looks like she just lost someone she loves.

"Your mood does not match the fine weather," Uno handed her a cup of coffee that made her smile. "You really love coffee in the morning." He said not looking at her.

She sighed as she enjoys her coffee, "I think you should know that even though I am a morning person, I don't like morning." To add, the only reason why she became a morning person is that she only enjoys coffee in the morning, "Can you please remind me why am I here?" he chuckled.

Uno with a book in his hand, "To be honest, I don't see the reason why you are here. It's not like your popularity draws closer to us," it was a joke that she did find amusing.

"I mean, you are right," she said while smiling lopsidedly. "Do you think I should just go home? I mean, everyone hates my existence."

Point taken and she wasn't even offended because it's the truth. "Just enjoy the show, Rana Mae, it won't bite you."

"As if it's as easy as you say," she even rolled her eyes even though she knows he wasn't looking at her. "I can feel everyone's stare. They are judging me from head to toe."

He nodded laughing, not removing his attention from the book, "Especially when your ex-boyfriend and boyfriend are at one event at the same time."

"That's funny because?" she said sarcastically making Uno laugh. "At least I am happy with my life and love."

"That makes you look stupid, though. Stop bragging about a fake relationship, please. Don't make me vomit my breakfast since Jin cooked for us." that stops her from smiling. None of it gets passed through with him. "I've been your best friend ever since so that's just a reminder that I know you better than anyone else. Okay?"

She kept quiet after the long scolding she receives from him. Answering him will only cause an argument between them.

And she doesn't see the point of proving him wrong when he is right no matter where you look at.

Instead of having an intense aura with him, she jammed along with the rest of the artists while waiting to be called.

It's like a mini-reunion for the old groups including those who have already disbanded.

This is why Shavinna is sitting somewhere far away from her because the moment people look at Rana Mae like a contagious disease she knows she wouldn't know if she could control her temper.

At least with Uno, she's well-behaved.

Right after filming her last scene of the day, she went straight here so she has no idea where Shavinna's location was.

"Have you seen Shavinna?" indeed she's looking for her to look if she's making another trouble but wouldn't want to be with her. She doesn't need to be her babysitter today though.

Uno not removing his gaze from the book raises his eyebrow, "Why don't you stop caring for others just this once and remind yourself that this area is full of wolves who are ready to bite you anytime?"

"Are you going to waste that much energy with me?" she said teasing him. "It's not like they could. This is why I sat beside you," she even laugh like a kid enjoying her candy.

Uno closed his book and looks at her intently, "Stop using me as a decoy. Go and look for your pretend boyfriend." Rana Mae stuck her tongue out and did not even move. "Or rather your brother-in-law."

"You know?!" she said gasping in the air.

He pats her on the back with the book he was holding, "Do you really think Jun would not tell me?"

She knows that they are childhood friends, but Jun didn't mention that Uno also knows. "I hate him so much."

"Sure hate your brother-in-law who was risking his career to help the ungrateful human that you are," Rana Mae blink twice and that is not a good sight for Uno. She's trying really hard to make herself cry.

There go her annoying puppy eyes, "I know you love me as much."

But that did not work, "Are you forgetting that Eljin is my best friend as well?" Rana Mae shrugs her head answering his question. "Aren't you tired of running and hiding?"

That caught her off guard. "I am," she said in a low voice trying not to cry.

Uno felt guilty after seeing her, but she has to face the truth. "Your life is getting dramatic as we get old. I hope you start learning from those bad decisions you did. Because honestly, Eljin's patience will not always reach you, and just like everyone else he has his limit." Rana Mae hid her face so none of the people could see her expression. "I don't care how many times you deny it but I can see that you still have feelings for him." Denying it would just make the conversation senseless.

"I caused him pain and I'm scared of hurting him again," her voice is cracking. Uno gave her water and pats her on the back.

"What makes you think that manipulating him would stop the pain?" Rana Mae was shocked by how Uno suddenly accused him of manipulating him. "Stop playing with his feelings and if you don't want to do anything with him, just say it to him directly."

Cat got bit her tongue so that she could not respond, "Manipulating? What makes you think she's doing that? Please, Uno, you are her best friend you should know better."

Uno did not waste his time arguing with Shavinna, he just look at her and she started losing her patience just because their opinions don't match. "Let's not add any more drama in their little bubble."

But Shavinna wouldn't just stop there, "You are salty. You are always against her!"

When she raised her voice, Rana Mae snap back to reality. "Don't make him explain, Shavinna. It will only hurt me more." She understood what exactly he is saying, finally. "You know he's right, Shavinna."

Shavinna couldn't respond at all.

It's not because she is agreeing with what Uno said but half of it was right. She is not being honest with him.

She sat quietly along with the two and all she can do is watch her nails as the two grew silently.

Her gaze shifted to the woman who was laughing with her friends. Shavinna keeps eyeing Rana Mae but she does not notice her.

What in the world is she doing in here? It's not like she was part of a group!

Rana Mae's enemy just kept arriving and increasing today. Other than playing with Jin's feelings she did nothing wrong.

She inhaled deeply before pulling Rana Mae, she doesn't know where to go but decided to leave the area in the meantime.

That woman knows how to play innocent bitch, and she's always clashing with Rana Mae just because she hates her guts.

She's mad at her because she never really cares about her existence. Rana Mae either ignores her or laughs at her arguments without answering back.

"You are mumbling too much," an irritated Rana Mae suddenly said. She caught everyone's attention including Vanessa. "I don't need to waste a single ounce of energy with her."

She went back to her sit while Shavinna is worried that they might reach each other's limit, "Just sit around and enjoy." Uno said laughing. He must have understood the tension inside.

As expected, she came across her and smiled. "Hi, Uno." He nods his head in answer. "What are you reading?" Instead of answering her, he raised his book to her level to see. Then her gaze shifted to her. "Oh, you're there. Hello, Rana Mae."

She smiled, "Nice seeing you here, Vanessa." After greeting Vanessa, she took a book from Uno's bag and read along with him ignoring her presence.

Shavinna almost burst out laughing, but the production crew called for them and asked them to get ready.

Vanessa is going to be the event's host and that would bring a lot of bad news for her, but all she has to do is smile and ignore her like a tree feeling the wind peacefully.

The event went well with no issues and such because just like her mantra, she doesn't need to waste a single ounce of energy with her since she is not worth it.

She looks like a dirty old comedian trying to defame her already tainted name.

Shavinna looks so proud of her best friend who manages to control her temper like a professional on the stage even though the questions asked were all attacked.

Just like what she said, no one can ever define her worth except her. They can always degrade and belittle her but she knows who she is.

Even though Eljin and Jun were there, nothing really happened and that bores Uno.

Rana Mae is reflecting and thinking about what Uno said. She knows that it is not just an empty attack. Uno cares for her more than she cares for herself.

On the way back to the location, Rana Mae sleeps the whole travel. It's not like she has more energy left to listen to Shavinna.

They have to shoot their scene while Eljin is busy rehearsing for their comeback. The filming did not really fit his schedule well so after going to the event, apparently, without sleep, he went straight to their dance practice.

Poor Eljin.