Another one

"It's a good day to be in love but everyone's so grumpy," a production crew noticed everyone being quiet right now.

I mean, who wouldn't sulk? The weather is just so nice to play around but since they have work to do, none of them could enjoy it. "Who needs to be in love these days? I need money!"

Rana Mae couldn't help but laugh along with them nodding her head as fast as she could, "That's right."

She agreed, and that earned a smirk from Shavinna. This only means one thing, "So you aren't dating Jun?" Oh, you are casually denying him, baby.

Her best friend is trying to control her laughter while pretending to read the script. "Do you think she'd answer you?" another crew came, laughing at them.

"Right," Rana Mae answered awkwardly and that answer did not escape from Shavinna's ear. "We have bills and taxes to pay, duh," she said trying to cover her face with the script.

She was saved by the director when he called her.

This time, her scene is with the coffee shop's crew. Trixie likes working outside the office because she couldn't take the noise coming from her workmates.

None of them could ever stop her from working outside since she brings a lot of money and investors to the company.

We can describe Trixie as the tsundere type, and she simply didn't like making friends because she thinks it's a waste of time.

Trixie has her only friend, Ronnie, who likes her. It is not a secret to her, but liking someone would take some of her energy and that's the last thing she wanted to happen.

It's not like she didn't feel something about him, but as early as she could, she stopped feeling it.

Even though Trixie is a tsundere, she could not afford to lose her only friend in the process of falling in love.

Then, Janna came into the scene bringing her chocolate cake.

"It's in the house," Trixie nodded her head and thank her as the woman standing in front of her invited herself and sat. "Can I disturb you for a second?"

Trixie puts her laptop down as she sipped on her now cold coffee, "Ronnie is meeting with our investors. But I am sure he'll be here in an hour." that surprised her. "You don't have to impress him, he is appreciative and she likes people who likes me."

Janna is speechless, it is nothing to do about him and but then she talks about him casually. "Ah? I'm thinking of asking your name."

"Oh, so you aren't interested in him? Anyway, I am Trixie," she picks up her laptop and put it into her lap, and started searching and browsing as she writes things that caught her attention.

She scratches the back of her head, and she could now understand why Ronnie said she is married to her work. "I mean, I am interested in him but I also want to be your friend."

"If you want information about him I can give you everything you want even without making friends with me," Janna felt offended by what she said but looking at her now clears the ill intention. She just like conserving energy.

Janna extends her arm for her, "Honestly, let's be friends Trixie."

She hesitated not just once, but more than twice. "Do I get a free chocolate cake for befriending you?" that earned a laugh from Janna. So, she knew she is the owner.

She nodded her head, which made Trixie smile. Oh, it was the first time she saw her smile like that. "You should smile more often."

"Ronnie also told me that, but, the only thing that could make me smile is free food from strangers," she paused for a while maybe trying to weigh the situation. "and now my friend," that made Janna laugh.

That ending statement from her made Janna smile, "You and Ronnie share a wonderful relationship."

"No, he has no other choice but to be stuck with me since our family are friends." that made it, even more, cuter especially when they got together. "Don't give me that look. I don't have any intentions of marrying, not just him. I am not just interested."

She's honest and blunt, whatever comes to her mind regardless of what would a person feels. "Can I ask why?"

"No reason, apparently." she's multi-tasking.

Janna didn't ask her further questions and let her do the work. But Rana and Shavinna were surprised to see Eljin walking towards them, wow, that was genuine acting! "What are you doing here so early?" she said with a strong face.

Ronnie sat beside her and decided to put his arms around her neck. "When I am late, you are angsty. Now, that I am early you are still mad?"

Rana Mae could not look at him, she can feel his warmth coming from him. "Could you sit across me? It's suffocating," that wasn't in the script, and because of that, the production laughs.

Instead of listening to her, Eljin moves closer to her, and that makes Rana Mae hold her breath. "Why am I taking your breath away, Rana Mae?"

That statement earned a laugh and cheers from the crew, "Cut! Eljin, she's Trixie!" the director reminded him.

Rana Mae stood up without looking back still holding her breath. Why is he suddenly teasing him?!

Did he already find out that she ain't dating Jun? Did Uno told him? But she knows he wouldn't just talk about it to him casually.

She immediately went to the comfort room to check her cheeks flushing.

No one could deny that his effect on her is so much that she couldn't hide it!

She can hear Shavinna's laugh from where she is, probably teasing her since she saw how her cheeks flushed.

Rana Mae puffed her cheeks trying to calm her raging heart. Why would he do that?! Of course, she knows that he is doing it to tease him, he even called her by her name!

When she went back, Eljin acted as if nothing happened. Like he did not tease her and it was unintentional.

But she knows him! He rarely makes mistakes especially when it comes to names. Hello, they practiced it together when he first debuted as an actor.

"Jin, stop calling me by my name," she said getting annoyed with him. It's the nth time she reminded him. "How many times do I have to tell you that?"

He felt bad about it, but Rana Mae calmly smiled at him when he saw that he is getting frustrated, "I'm sorry bub."

"Should we try again?" he did not answer, so she moves closer to him and lean her head on his shoulder. "Then, we should take a break."

Eljin wraps his arms around her waist as he pats her head, "Thank you for helping me, and I am sorry for making you feel annoyed."

She smiled at their reflection. She knows that he is trying, "I'm sorry for snapping at you bub."

He shrugs his head as he pulled her for a tight hug, "You are patient with me, and I understand where your frustration is coming from."

"But you are improving. You aren't calling me love anymore," that made both of them laugh when they remembered how Eljin called her during the script reading, and honestly, he had to make up for more lines to make it looks like an adlib.

He keeps kissing the top of her head, "Don't remind me that."

"We have to ask the crew to not add that and our public relations had to beg it should have been cut," of course, their company knows about their relationship but none of them talks about it.

"That was a major headache, I have to treat them for two whole days." As he should! But they all know it's a rookie and honest mistake and none took it personally because why would they do that?

A wild Shavinna appeared and acted disgusted, "Will you please get a room?"

"We should get to work," Eljin suggested scratching the back of his neck.

"Such a cuddle person," Shavinna wouldn't just let him go like that.

The filming went smoothly, and none made the mistake of calling them by their real names.

Making it look like he did it intentionally. Now, they are back to being the hot topic in the location.

If she could punch him, she would. But she is trying her best to stay away from him as much as possible. She's casually talking with him with others but that's just it.

It is to show them that she isn't awkward around him or that they are hiding something from everyone.

A team dinner was proposed by the producers since the sponsor of the film liked the glimpse of the scene he saw.

Shavinna and Rana Mae went together with Eljin.

They have no other choice but to take his offer since Nim isn't answering her phone. It's unsafe to call for a grab when they can ride with Jin.

"That was intentional, doesn't it?" a crew suddenly start giving her unsolicited comments. Everyone in the car went silent with her remarks.

Rana Mae leaned her head in the window, "Is he not allowed to make mistakes?" she bored-ly answered.

"Why are you trying to answer for him?" this is just like those scenes from the movies! Rana Mae did not waste more energy replying to her it will only make her look like more defensive. "Now, you are being quiet."

"Why are you so invested? You sound like a jealous girlfriend," that was a loud gasp from everyone! She hit a nerve!

Shavinna was laughing quietly beside her and mutters, "Goal!"

Of course, that did not escape from everyone and the awkward tension between them disappears. "There shouldn't be a discussion about it. Look, everyone is tired and I know you are too. But please, let him drive peacefully."

She didn't know why she answered for him, maybe because that will only spark an issue. "Rana is right. Don't make a big deal out of it." said the head of production who change the topic vigorously.

"Where are we eating anyway?" Shavinna said excitedly. "I suddenly craved a steak."

Her mouth formed o when the crew showed them the picture of the venue, "and we'll get to eat one."

Rana Mae closes her eyes, as she listens to them contemplating why the hell did she even start an argument with someone who can easily make an issue about them.

Well, she has a point. Ever since the intentional mistake by Eljin, she was glaring at her like a mad girlfriend.