
Even with her eyes closed, she can still feel someone looking at her, whoever it is must be thinking she's sleeping.

Nope, she's just too embarrassed to open her eyes.

She can feel the constant poking beside her, and of course, that's Shavinna. She knows she's pretending to be asleep so no one would ask or talk with her, that's a habit.

After that heated confrontation, she no longer wants to talk with any of them.

"Bub, you fell asleep pretending to sleep." she stare at his face for a while and then decided to close her eyes again. It's a forced habit every time she sees his face. "Should I carry you inside?"

She shrugs her head, and she keeps trying to open her eyes. "Can I not come?" she said mumbling but he understood it perfectly.

"Should I send you home, bub?" Rana Mae did not answer him, and instead of moving away from him, she pulled him closer to her and snuggled his neck.

Oh, he is using the perfume she gave him. "One more minute please?"

Eljin could not help but laugh as she keeps giggling, "As much as I want to cuddle with you, you have to remember that we are no longer in a relationship."

She smeared at him, "You don't love me anymore?" she even said pouting.

Eljin poked her in the forehead, "I should be the one asking you that, bub." Bub?!

That woke her up! A smiling Eljin in front of him is already holding her bag. She took it immediately and went out of the car without fixing her hair, "What the hell is he thinking?"

"I can still hear you mumbling, and that's all I get for waking you up instead of leaving you behind?" she shrugs her head without looking back at him. Why is he teasing her so much? What is he up to? "Should we talk about it later?"

"I wish you did!" she said not hesitating. Why is she mad? Rana Mae is as spoiled as Shavinna, she doesn't have to deny the obvious.

Jin smirks as he walks beside her, "I asked you, should we talk about it later?"

Rana Mae stopped walking and pulled him in his arms, "How about we talk about it now?"

"Where are we going, then?" she did not think of that so instead of talking with him alone they went with them and ended up not sitting at one table.

Shavinna keeps nudging her, "Shavy." but that did not stop her at all. "Let's talk about it some other time."

Nim did fetch them at the restaurant and went home with them.

None of them wanted to talk, maybe they are all tired of what happened the whole day, and basically, they haven't been sleeping.

Jun did call her, but she couldn't answer it since Rana Mae is clouded with her own thought.

Eljin is acting suspiciously. He is acting like he doesn't care about her, and then all of a sudden he started calling her in their endearment.

She's lost.

Her phone started ringing and she knows it was Uno. Well, he is always right on time! "Why do I smell trouble from your place?" the guy from the other line laughs as he could hear her frustrations.

Rana Mae sighed deeply making him laugh, "Does it stink?" she said in a low spirit.

"It does," that made her sigh even more. "I called because I was going to ask you about my book. But, now that I heard you are in a dilemma, I could spare you a minute or so."

She sighed again, and that made him laugh. "Why do you find my problem so funny? I don't get you."

To be honest, he wasn't laughing because she was miserable. He is laughing because he finds her cute. "Get on with it. What is it making you sigh so deeply? Are you troubled financially?"

"What makes you think I have no money left in me? I'm offended, Uno." here they are again, instead of discussing what's really up they are teasing each other.

"Of course, that's a joke. You are a spoiled kid of a billionaire." she laughed funny. "Is it Eljin?"

Mentioning his name made her sigh again. "Why do I get frustrated whenever I hear his name like it is some sort of taboo?"

"Why do I even have to guess? He is the only one who can make you sigh like that," and she sigh for the nth time since he called her. "Now, what is he doing that bothers you so much?"

Rana Mae is so hesitant to tell him since he'd hate her even more, "I don't want you to hate me."

A happy Uno laughs from the other line, "Do you really think I could hate and stay mad with you? Because I don't think I could. I am your only friend besides Shavinna and your Manager." That earned him a pout, "Pouting does not look good on you."

Without hesitation, Rana Mae explained and told Uno what was bothering her.

Instead of giving her comfort and advice, Uno laughs at her dilemma. She felt frustrated the moment she heard him laugh.

She was about to end the call when Uno speak from the other line, "It's frustrating, right? Now you exactly know what Eljin feels every time you are around him. It's just a glimpse of what he is feeling."

Rana Mae went quiet for a while realizing how he must have felt enduring it, "Oh." that was the only thing she could reply.

"I am not telling you that he is making you feel that way, too. Because honestly, my boy is damn and confused." he let out a small laugh. "and revenge will never come to his mind."

"He must have felt trash," if she could only see the proud Uno on the other line after she says that.

Uno decided to end the call to let her contemplate and reflect. She is the only one who can explain what she is feeling.

Our girl loses all her sleep, and now she feels like her head is getting lighter and lighter as she moves.

Everyone on the set is worried about her because she keeps on smiling.

But she did well acting lost since she is lost and wandering at the moment. She didn't even have to act.

She didn't have anyone around for her today since Shavinna needs to shoot a promotional video with Eljin and since Nim is busy with the rumors, Jazmine accompanies Shavinna.

Uno didn't have a scene today since he will only play a cameo.

The whole day, she was just contemplating and staring at a white ceiling hoping she could see him smile to lessen her worries.

Because honestly, that feeling is not something she would be proud of. Since she keeps sending him random mixed signals.

Someone handed her a cup of coffee and without hesitation, she sipped and only realizes it was hot when she saw Eljin smiling while walking with Shavinna, "Ouch." That was a plain reaction coming from her.

She got the crew worried, but she also felt weird about how she was still smiling. "Miss Rana Mae?"

Rana Mae nods her head, "I am okay." But it felt like her tongue is burning at the moment. The coffee is hot!

"What? Is she okay?" Good thing Shavinna arrived early. "Rans," she turns her gaze at her smiling while tears are rolling down her face. They all panicked and immediately took the cup of coffee in her hand.

Rana Mae only realizes she's being a fool when she saw him walking closer to them, "What am I even doing in my life?"

"I could ask you the same thing you know?"

Shavinna was accompanied into the comfort room to fix herself. "I feel awful, Shavinna. Do you think I have a bad personality?"

Confused, she nodded her head. "I like your personality but I hate your attitude and your guts." Rana Mae rolled her eyes which made Shavinna excited. "See? That's so ugly to look at!"

"I must have been a very girlfriend end as well," that made Shavinna stare at her sad expression. She felt guilty for answering her truthfully but she needs to at least know.

She moves closer and gave her best friend a warm hug when they heard a continuous knock, "I guess we need to continue our conversation later."

With a sad expression, Rana Mae nodded and was surprised to see it was Eljin and his worried face. She pouts and he gets it. "I will not ask you, then," he said raising both of his arms in the air.

There are things and gestures they can no longer hide from each other.

One pout and he already knows that it means it is girl's talk and if she's ready to share it with him, she will.

Some habits they do together did not die even after breaking up.

Rana Mae remembers how she kept receiving text messages from Eljin saying he just got home and whenever she goes out for work.

There was a time when the boys had to stop him from asking her which outfit looks best.

Eljin has a little knowledge when it comes to technology since most of his life was dedicated to practicing.

He grew up really well.

He has been dependent on Rana Mae, and that's why he really lost it when she suddenly left her without a word, withoutgoodbyebye.

There was a time Uno asks him, "Why do you think she is coming back?"

"She hates saying goodbye to people she still wanted to see," he said that a glowing smile on his face.