One from another

"The news about you being adopted is burning all social media platforms!" Jazmine panicked. This isn't new to everyone in the industry but somehow they need a piece of news that can wake everyone.

Manager Nim inhaled deeply as she picks up her phone, "They run out another story to tell, aren't they?"

Rana Mae smiled as she plays with her iPad not minding the news, "Issue from one to another." Look how she's used to it.

"Rather than being all panicked, you should sit down and take a chill pill Jazmine." none of them sees the issue as worth the energy.

It keeps happening now that Rana Mae has another movie about to air, with Jin as a cameo. "We already expected events like that would happen."

They like making a big deal out of everything. That causes a lot of arguments and fan wars on social media.

But none of that worries her, since she knows well enough that her fans are intelligent and unbothered when they interact with her.

The only thing that worries her is how her parents would feel.

It's true though, there is no denying the truth. But she doesn't also see the idea of telling people about it.

Does she need to go around the area and tell everyone that she is adopted by her Aunt?

"Have you been eating?" her parents asked her when she went home for dinner. She knows how much they feel bad about the news thinking it would affect her.

Rana Mae nodded her head, "Don't make a fuss about the news, Mom. That won't affect her." She smiled because she is too lazy to explain her feelings all over again.

"How come you are so free, Reiner?" their dad noticed how he is always around.

Rana Mae took a sip of her coffee and wiggle her eyebrows while teasing her brother making a face at her. "Shut it, Brianna." He took a deep breath and sat beside his haughty sister. "To tell you the truth, I resigned from my old job and," their parents are waiting patiently for the next revelations. "I own Rana Mae's agency now."

None of what he said surprised them anymore. Well, their parents know a lot of people. "So?" their father commented.

"Aren't you mad?" he said afraid of disappointing their parents by resigning from his old good-paying job.

Their father's eyes narrowed at him, "Do I have to be mad?"

Rana Mae could not help but laugh at the thought of her brother panicking, "Look at your carefree sister Reiner. You should learn from her."

She shrugs her head and took a bite from the bread, "You know how I happened to be the carrier of all the issues and rumors in the industry, so why would it bother me?"

To her surprise one of her brothers came home as well the moment he finds out she is home, "Our Brianna Madelyn is acting all proud and not affected at all. It's not what I have heard from my source.

"Then your source must have been unreliable," oh how he misses her brothers being in one area with her. Devon Weber, the third child, suddenly barged in and hugged her.

Devon sat beside her and pats her on the head, "I don't think my source would lie." but that doesn't mean he is also right.

Jon Russel, their father, chuckled. "Did you start playing with Eljin again?" He only nodded his head in answer.

"We did not stop playing together, Dad." e replied busy with his phone. The moment he heard his Father clears his throat he puts his phone down. "Jin and I have always been in a good relationship."

Her three brothers looks at her as she scowled at them, "What do you want me to do then?"

She excused herself in the dining and went to her old room to check her things.

Rana Mae knew she left something inside her room that she uses as inspiration to continue in the industry.

When she sat down on her bed, she saw the box her uncle gave her when both of her parents died in a car accident.

Yes, the one-hit-wonder is her biological mother, Madeline Weber-Dela Cruz. None in the industry knew about it since her mother did not expose her in the media until that day, but unfortunately, they died when she was about to turn thirteen years old.

None of the parents in the industry wanted their children to be exposed as early since they know how the media works.

As dirty as they could.

Rana Mae picked up the box with her name written on it, Brianna Madelyn, it's her Father's writing.

Her heart feels heavy all of a sudden, this is not because she's not thankful for her adoptive parents right now, but because she misses them so much.

"How can I possibly stop missing you guys?" she hugged the box close to her heart and heard her mother singing to her while her father was holding her in his arms.

A tear escaped her eyes and she immediately wiped it off, and everything she does is connected with Eljin. "I knocked but I guess you were busy missing my sister and my brother-in-law."

She stood up to show her respect as he sat down on her bed, "I am, Dad, and as days passed I missed them even more that it hurts me in inside."

This isn't the first time they have talked about her parents but this is the first time she'll talk about her feelings. "I'm happy that you can finally tell me what you feel. Thank you, Ana."

She felt guilty, "Dad, you don't have to thank me for something I should do."

He shrugs his head patting her head, "It is not your obligation to tell me about what you feel but it is my responsibility to make sure you are doing okay."

Rana Mae feels warm around him, he is just like her mother. Strict, but considerate and thoughtful. "I am always thankful for you and Mommy."

"You grew up being close with your brothers and that's already made me happy." She smiled as she leans her head on his shoulder. "I remember seeing you cry alone and the only one who dares to be with you was Eljin."

"And I don't see the need of telling me that, Dad," she said rolling her eyes which made his dad laugh.

She likes it when they pat her head like a kid, "Stop pouting that doesn't suit your character."

Rana Mae is her own character, she loves being babied by her brothers and her dad, and it kind of reminds her of what she used to do before. "Kidding aside, Ana, I think you really should talk it out with him not for Eljin himself but for you. You have to free yourself from others' opinions about you." she was just about to reply when he smiled at her. "You can not and will never deny what lies in your heart."

"No one knows me more than my family," she said warming her heart with his words. She feels safe and secure whenever she is with them.

Russel answered by shrugging his head, "Just a few of things we know about you. Not until you hear Eljin talks about you." he said smiling like he really adore the kid.

She couldn't reply to her father knowing he is right. I mean, he is always right.

Right, those memories are still running vividly in her memories. He knew about her parents and whenever she cries missing them, he'll drive her to where their body lies.

Of course, Eljin knows she couldn't hug her and she couldn't talk to them anymore, that's the only thing he could think of where she could come closer to them.

Just the thought of it makes her heart warm.

She knows she couldn't just leave the industry yet for him, and she wouldn't want him to do the same thing for her.

So, no matter how much she misses him she can only swallow her own feelings.

Nimfa has to fetch her since her car is acting up again.

Her manager could not understand why won't she buy a new one instead of keeping her old car.

Oh, I know... the memories shared with Eljin, which she couldn't just remove from her life.

"Thank you, Manager." Nim handed her a cup of cold coffee. She leaned her head in the window. "I wonder what's going to happen if the news broke out about me and Jun."

Ah, yes, it bothers her. But she is too stubborn to admit it. "Are you really worried about the opinions of other people or Jin's?"

"Manager Nim, Jun is my friend as well, that's why I am also worried about him."

"Do you want me not to release the article?" she is hesitant because honestly, she doesn't know what to do anymore. "Let's talk about it when the issue about you died down."

Hopefully, it would help Jun and Eljin.

She's immune to how people react to her... wait, does she?

Because she knows that no matter how she turns a blind eye it still affects her. Well, words are powerful and it is a basic tool you can use to hurt someone.

It's been so long since she decided to act like nothing is really affecting her, but it is tiring.

Her tears suddenly started betraying her, and it is the only thing she can do now. is to cry her heart out.

Nim smiled at the view of her finally releasing what she kept bottled inside. It's been how many years since she saw her cry like that?

Ohh, that day she decided to dump him with no words.