Chapter 22: Creep over

Jet scratched his head "I guess that the machine only managed to scratch the surface of your friend's psyche, it doesn't know how to access his subconscious as we know it and Farley_"


"Ok, you have too many friends to count_ somehow triggered his subconscious to recollect those memories, even the ones he might not remember and made it to one big reality and he's seeing unnatural things and...he'll find out he killed people so thank your friend for that"

He hissed and scratched his head again pacing about, this was getting out of hand, he glanced at the clock and it was too late to be patting around to get a coat.

Darcy looked around and checked the halls, it was empty and he was nowhere in sight. She was at a corner just like he was.

"How far is he from your side?"

"Not very and it sounds like the hallucinations are coming back"

"Okay, try to convince him that he's in a really bad dream and it'll all go away"