Marco's plan

Too loud...

I took a glance at my classmates who were like animals that escaped from their cages, apparently, another day again ended here in our school at GM—Hikarino high school but unlike the other days, today was different. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after that—there will be no classes, our adviser just announced it earlier, she says that the teachers will be holding a meeting about the students who will graduate this year, in short, us fourth years.

Most of the girls were already out of the room but Marco and Mikael, along with the other male students were still celebrating inside our room, throwing their backpacks in the air back and forth and screaming, yelling ‘Freedom' as of there's no tomorrow.

I hoped Miss Jhade will find them doing that.

It wasn't because I'm annoyed with their noises, well just a little bit I guess, but it was because I found it quite hilarious, knowing Miss Jhade for sure she will tie them on the tree.

“Why are you grinning there?" a voice came from the seat next to me.

As usual, Ericka was quietly sitting in her seat with a straight face and monotonous voice.

Lately, I'd noticed she was talking to me more than before, I haven't even done anything to her.

I know that she was just socially awkward but I'm glad that she was starting to notice me, it makes my ‘save her from her doom' plan much easier than I thought.

“Nothing, nothing in particular,” I mumbled as I decided to pack my things up and put them in my bag.

As I stood up from my seat, I called out Marco who was now standing on top of the teacher's table, spinning around his bag in the air. “Let's go!" I yelled but he didn't answer instead he dashed towards me and hung his right arm around my shoulder.

“There's a new cafe' near the convenience store, wanna stop by? of course it's not only the two of us but the four of us," he said as he looked at Mikael and Ericka who were both looking at me.

Is this necessary? for sure Marco's scheming again—something that will take his bored out for the next three days.

“Sorry but—"

“Excuse!" I was interrupted by the voice of a girl who was standing at our class door, she wore a yellow ribbon over her white school blouse and eyeglasses. “Is Michael here?" Chloe asked with a shade of red on her face. She must be embarrassed by interrupting these monkeys—dancing in our class.

“That goes five of us..." I heard Marco muttered as she dashed to Chloe and greeted her. “If you're asking for the guy who has a thing with younger girls, he was there!” He pointed her index finger at me.

“Hey, don't ruin my reputation!" I walked towards them along with Marco and Ericka—who I hadn't realized was right behind me.

Mikael greeted her with a smile while for some reason Ericka hugged her just like she did this morning. I have no idea that she was like this, the manga didn't mention her unexpected hug habits.


“Is there a problem Chloe?" I asked as I stood in front of her, looking down just to met her gaze but she was looking on her feet and gripping the fabric of her gray school skirt. I looked at her confounded as she started to utter words.

“I-I-I just-jus-just pass-pa-passing-bu-by,” she stuttered that it made me understand nothing and unconsciously answered, “...what?”

She gulped, took a deep breath, and exhaled, mustering her will to speak.

“I...was thinking if you want a treat as thanks for what happened yesterday.”

For an instant, I remembered what her breast feels like after she said the word ‘Treat' and made me feel hot—literally, hot not the other meaning of that word, don't be mistaken.

Marco looked at my face with his brows furrowed.

“Your blushing, you know..."

“No, I'm not,” I denied, hiding my face behind my arm.

Mikael grasped my right shoulder and squeezed it hard, looking at me as though he was about to kill me. “I have no idea that I have an awful friend who will take advantage of a poor underclassman.”

“Tha's pretty hurt, you know.”

Ericka hugged Chloe again and pulled her away from me.

Wait even you?!

“Shut up, it's a misunderstanding theres nothing that happened between u—" ah! I accidentally bit my tongue.

“See something happened you just stopped mid-sentence, for sure something happened!" Marco blurted out, poking hard his index finger on my forehead.

I heard a bone-cracking behind me.

“I see, so you are guilty, huh.”

Mikael lightly punched his palm.

Meanwhile, Ericka was now burying Chloe's face on her chest.

What you were doing was out of your character you know.

Mikael locked my neck between his arms as Marco slowly prepared himself to punch my stomach but they were stopped by Chloe.

“Nothing ha-happened between us!" she said with her face full of red. “Michael is too kind to do such immoral things to me. Personally, he is a good guy that I could rely on whenever I need some help... that's why he is not that kind of person..." she continued even though we could read the embarrassment on her face.

“Chloe..." I mumbled.

So that's what you feel for me, I never had someone compliment me before.

“Even though he touched my breast he only squeezed it just a little, and even if we kissed each other, he didn't stick his tongue out!" she shouted. And I'm doomed.

Why are you saying that part!?

“Why did you do to that poor child, Michael?!" Marco pulled my collar into him and yelled on my face.

“It's looked like a barehanded punishment wasn't enough for the likes of you..." Mikael pulled a chair and was about to hit me with that.

“Worst... you're the worst" I heard Ericka say from afar, still holding Chloe between her arms.

“Wait! just let me explain!"


After a few scolding and punches, I had received on my face, we decided to head to the cafe' that Marco told earlier, along with Chloe with us that make us five. Still, they kept the distance between me and Chloe even when we were walking down the street to the cafe'

I heard the chime of the bell as we opened the wooden door of the certain cafe along with the greetings of the waiters. The cafe was like those I'd gone before but still, the nice cozy soothing aura couldn't be missing, the scent of coffee beans, wooden tables aligned with each other on the side of the window, and the bar counter on the other side. There were also a few tables in the middle but we decided to sit at the last table where the five of us could sit, the other tables in the front were for two to four-person but the table at the back has chairs for four to six-person.

“So... for the next three days," Marco started as we sat on the chair. “We will go to the beach!"