It was on a cozy cold Tuesday Morning, the weather was about 8°c Samantha just woke up made her way down to the living room in her Nightie looking all sowed".
Just then the door bell rang (A Delivery Man) for you miss, a Bouquet of flowers surprised at who would be sending her flowers closing the door, She counted them the were 12 in number and also a note in the flowers which said;
"My love for you will last until the day the last flower in this bouquet dies"
Smiling at the note she sat down wondering if she knew who this was, lost in the bewilderment of her thoughts..........
Felt a slight tap startled from her thoughts..
Oh Morning Mom didn't hear you coming down hope you slept okay? Was just wondering who would be sending me flowers placing them on the table.
So after work she went home in the evening and soaked the flowers with water. One day after another, the flowers became a little less beautiful until they all died but this one particular flower that was the day she realized that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever.
Stunned by this discovery she felt this was best time to still check the note which was inside the bouquet of flowers, behind was a number and Samantha dialed it several times but no one picked it.....she then dropped a voicemail
Anxiously awaiting response from the strange number she dialed.................
She decided to dial one more time which went through "Damian on the line who am I on to?"
At that moment Samantha taken-aback she felt like the voice of the man she always heard in her thoughts & dreams, ......his voice sparked a flames in her heart which made her heart race faster than a sport bike, his voice was so pretty she smiled to herself for about 15secs until Damian said Hello again.
Samantha feeling this new wave of happiness felt like a dead flower bloomed back to life, I got your message I loved the flowers I didn't even take cognizance of your number behind the note in the flowers, Nice Meeting you am Samantha (Sam for shorts and Chuckled).
Weeks went by they two then slowly got to know each other Calls, Texting, Facebooking falling in love with each other, without having ever met, anytime they spoke to each other it was like there was nothing wrong in the world, they could never be unhappy or sad in those moments. indeed true love knows no bounds.
Though Samantha wanted to really meet Damian she wasn't sure if she really had a thing for him or it was because of how lonely and depressed she has been for the passed 3years, she was sure she wanted to experience a whole new feeling but she was only being careful just how any lady would be.
It's been 3months since Samantha met Damian over the phone and things have been looking so good lately and she didn't think it was okay having gotten to know him for some months she decided to meet with Damian after 3months of unseen professed love to each other
Samantha; [Damian I'd love you to have dinner over at my mother's....!]
She'd love to meet you
Damian was silent for sometime and then accepted her invitation over to see her mom, 'for starts seems am getting what I want said to himself'............... "Can we make it Saturday prolly won't be busy so I can come without worrying about the office?
Sure it's okay said Samantha.
Hi, it's Damian I'd be on my way in a bit need to drop off my mom at her friend's place I won't be long......
It's 15minutes past 4 "I hope he's coming cause am definitely going to be pissed"
A knock on the door and sure it was Damian she stood shocked in awe jaw dropped looking at him his smiles were like Sparkles springing from fireworks, his hair looks that of a super model so much glow, he's perfume like fragance from a wine she had tasted so appealing she felt she could drink him, he's voice made her feel exactly the same way she did when she heard him over the phone for the first time"
Forgive my manners make yourself comfortable, do you want to have coffee, tea or a bottle of Scotch?
Coffee would do as it is I can barely drive at night don't want anything the way you look prettier in person pictures hide allot of beauty he said!
I hope you don't mind my dressing it's not appropriate just felt a little lazy searching for what to wear coupled with the fact that am home so don't judge me (they both laughed)
I know don't mind me, I myself don't even wear proper clothing at home basically it's my house I can dress how I want to if am not dressed for the occasion it's still my house you can show yourself out "they both laughed" knowing they were both on the same page
Damian I find you fascinating Mrs Olivia said from the dinning
Good Evening ma'am how do you do standing up to greet Mrs Olivia, thanks for the compliment
I hope you ready to eat I made some delicious Italian sauce and some ginger rice? Do you want me to serve you or Sam??
I guess anyone works for me besides am only a guest at your table trust me I barely can't choose better than letting any of you serve (they are laughed)
Mrs Olivia: so Damian am curious to know how you got to know Sam cus from all what she said you guys never met asides to today?
Well, I got to know Samantha over the phone one time she called the company's customer care to make a complain about her TV having issues with the setup so I assisted her with it and she said am one of the nicest customer care person who handled an issue without apologizing for inappropriate responses and said I have a good knowledge of dealing with your clients (tries to mimic Samantha over the phone)
So I looked her up on Facebook hoping to really get to see this beautiful face which I eventually matched the address she gave me on her Facebook profile, that was how I was able to send her the flowers.
Samantha: that's creepy you know stalking me..........
Yeah I know and my sincere apologies I wouldn't want to spoil the evening so maybe I should get going...
No don't worry it's fine was only saying, cause I find it really creepy when someone stalks me this bad she said.
Samantha knowing all these felt a little bit worried but was ready for anything that happened.
So Mrs Olivia Sam tells me you once starred in a movie I guess that was big for you the fame, the attention, the interviews......I have always wanted to be a movie star but I guess life has it's oranges.
Yeah, it shouldn't stop you from chasing what you want if your passion for acting keeps pushing you why not I can assist you but first I want you to show me how serious you are, said Mrs Olivia.
Samantha not feeling jealous of how her mom and her Boyfriend to be where bounding so well and she happens to sitting on the same table sipping her drink without him saying anything about them (feeling disappointed)
Mrs Olivia noticed her daughter's mood and said "oh, forgive me I didn't mean to steal the moment" laughing afterwords.....
Damian you see Samantha here, she's all I have I lost her Dad & Sister in a car crash (God Bless Their Souls).
Don't hurt her, love her with everything you've got, I can't bare to see her hurt she's my only treasure and I trust you to do just this, I need you to promise me this!!!
Samantha holding her moms hands over the table starring at Damian waiting to hear his response................................
Sure Mrs Olivia this a promise am ready to keep even if it means doing everything necessary to keep her happy; cause right now I want to get settled, if God has ordained it and love takes us to the alter I believe it will definitely work out......
It's getting late I should probably get going so I could get home before night I barely can navigate my way at night.....Thanks for dinner I enjoyed it especially the Italian sauce.
I'd walk you to the car putting on her hoodie, exchanging pleasantries walking outside...
Hey I got something for you, reaching out to his pocket took out a necklace,
"This beautiful said Sam" it's my Grandma's said I should give this to the woman who I intend to spend my life with and I know at this point this decision was the right one and I don't feel am wrong choosing you, you are my Peace of mind, you keep helping me to understand what being in love means, you made me understand that love is a strong flame which can only keep burning depending how much we keep pouring our emotions into it, I found myself thinking of life all because you made me understand that happiness is a person you don't find twice and if at all i had met you before now trust me we'd have beautiful babies (laughing and smiling), All am saying is thanks for accepting me into your heart, your home, you trusted me to the point I even got scared; if you worry bout anything at all but am definitely sure you have your reasons and you'd tell when it's right.
It's fits you perfectly, wearing the necklace for her....I love it and I pray this last because really am tired of meeting guys who make promises and always end up disappointing me, she said.
Love me like am the only woman who exists in your world I don't want to stop feeling this way not even for one seconds, I know we just starting and making promises may seem irrational at the moment but I want to feel every bit of love, care, attention, let me feel that I have a Man not just any man but the only man I have asked for in my entire life, don't hurt me am too fragile, I breakdown easily, don't lie to me; always try to be Sincere enough with me, i may get angry, pissed and disappointed but trust me it's better to be sincere enough and know that atleast I didn't let go of what we have because I found out that you lied to me, it's worth it.
She raised her head up after saying so much only to see Damian wiping his eyes, surprised and asked what's the matter?
Sam was curious to know.......
I never felt I was worth it I know love could be difficult but you make it look so easy, I never imagined after being alone for 4years that love could find me and still give me such a beautiful woman who's ready to give her love this much; I have always wanted to listen and hear someone profess her feelings, her wants, her desires to me because my grandma said
"every woman deserves to be loved, to be appreciated, to feel & know what being with a man that loves her feels like, don't disrespect her, cherish her with your life she may not be the right one but she's a treasure keep her safe....she will never want to love another if you do all these trust me"
holding her hands in he's he said, 'let me love you differently, I know you've been with allot of Guys, on different dates, but am different, I know I may not be the masterpiece of your dream man but I would do just everything to make you happy I promise
They hugged and for the first time She kissed Damian.......this feeling was so different it was like a wave that swept her off her feet she could feel the energy, his lips tastes like strawberries the scent of his perfumed all over her was so cosuming that even after he left she stood outside the house for about 15minutes wondering if this was truly happening to her.........