Back at the office, it's lunch time Sam knowing she needed to get Hamburgers for her and Jade, found herself trying to think of what to say to Damian knowing she couldn't call because he was at work and won't be able to pick her calls.

I have so much to do, work keeps piling up, yet he keeps occupying the part I need the most.....I really don't know how to concentrate anymore (exhaustively confused)

I'd just send him a message definitely he'd see it...

Hey Sam are we going to the Cafeteria? am starving my neck hurts too, sitting on this computers is enough to make one submit a resignation letter (she sighed)

I'd be with you one sec she said, still thinking of what to say then she Remembered she saw a write on a Facebook page "Maxwellsays"

In excitement she wrote;

Hey Damian I know you would be busy and won't be able to pick & also return calls so I decided to text you what's been going through my mind lately;

I crave you in the most innocent way a human being can crave another,

I crave for you to think of me as the one that you want to tell your boring stories cause I won't get tired,

I crave you give me a kiss on the forehead,

For you to ask me to give you one on the lips,

I crave to wish you good night,

That way in the morning you'll be the first thing in my sight,

I crave to tell you that I adore you when you feel bad, even in your worst moments

I crave to make you happy,

I crave you hold me in your arms,

I crave to protect you from all forms of danger, protect me with everything

I crave to see you look at me,

I crave for you to smile at me,

So that I know that you're happy,

I crave to watch the stars with you,

Until the sky turns into a light blue,

I crave you,

I don't want to crave anyone new,

Please promise me that you feel this way too,

Because right now I can't imagine my life without you

I crave to live as I live to die

Let me witness peace at the end of the line,

I crave to achieve what my spirit is denied

Let me feel the ember in her eyes

I crave for the smell of my age at nine

Let me relive that nostalgic high

I crave for laughter, through the ages I try

Let me be friends with those that apply

I crave for adventure, risky pleasures of mine

Let me journey through the challenges I find myself

I crave for justice, where karma resides

Let me have patience for the time

I crave for freedom where I can express my feelings and I don't feel a prisoner to my feelings,

Let me breathe victory for sacrifices I signed up for, let me enjoy the love of the Nan I crave for

I crave for sympathy when I fall out of line,

Let me invite redemption into the time where you look at me and know am still worth loving, know am still worth spending your whole life with

I crave for love, compassion and kindness

Let me reach for the heart of the crime

I crave for wealth in riches and wines

Let me be selfish for the sake of the man I want to spend the rest of my life with

I crave to be more than what they say in their minds

Let me change the grand design, a design that no woman had ever imagined definitely to be designed sculpted by the love we brew

Let me see hope through the divine eyes of the one who knows my worth, the Nan who accepts me with everything

I crave for Life, with you by my side

Let's treasure the moment until the day Ehlohim Separates our spirits and souls

I crave to spend the rest of my life with someone who see me for who I am regardless of my mistakes & imperfections

I crave to spend my whole life till I become toothless

I love you Cuddles.

call me when you leave the office, I miss you.

Hello! (Out of frustration)............

Get yourself a new friend, obviously something else got your attention

(Walking to the cafeteria angrily)

Hey am so sorry I didn't mean to trying to catch up to jade, am really really sorry....you know you the only person who makes me feel comfortable around this place it wasn't intentional lemme buy you lunch okay!?

Just to make up for it, she said

That's nice I forgive next time you'd go get another friend (both laughing)

So what's new, what's happening in your life recently you haven't spoken to me about anything at all, am worried about you, especially when you haven't dated in a while now. I know there's something different but I can't place my fingers cook it maybe it's a guy huh......definitely who wouldn't want to hit on a beautiful woman,

So spill (waiting anxiously)

So I met this guy he's particularly different definitely not like the other guys i have met over time but then something struck me about him, sometimes I feel maybe it's just because I haven't been with someone for sometime but there something I find shack about his personality I don't want to ruin my relationship with him at the same time I don't want to be dilettante about him.

I knew it, your glow looked different no wonder see you left standing while you got busy with your phone (jade said having a smirk look on her face) ...........But hey, it's okay it's baby steps enjoy every bit of it, I just hope he doesn't turn out to be a lilo like the others.

Jade; So just be certain okay!!!

can we get back to the office before we have to spend an extra hour sorting out Mrs Darlington's papers,


Phone rings: Hey Mom!!!

Mrs Olivia: hey moonpie how's work I'd be leaving to see Mrs Smith lost her husband just this morning, before I go to the bus station, expecting your step dad's arrival from Iraq, so take care if yourself don't get too lonely okay!

Yeah Mom I won't do take care, can you say hi to Mrs Smith and extend my condolences to her family

Mrs Olivia: sure I will; less I forget you have a package at home dropped it on the dinner table, got to go the cab man is here, I love you moonpie

Love you Mom......

So my step dad is coming back from Iraq served 8 tours in Iraq, Afghanistan & also Nigeria; I really don't know how to feel about this (feeling enlivened).

Hey it's going to be fine am sure he's okay besides it's not like you care yeah! Jade said.....

Hey it's best we get back to work.......

Samantha and Jade gets to the office back to work...Excuse me miss (a voice she knew she hasn't heard before)...

Samantha out of curiosity wanted to know who this fellow was she knew definitely this wasn't someone she has seen before or heard before.

Hi, am Jason am the new tech guy wanted to say hello couldn't but notice how you beautiful.....don't get it all wrong I just wanted to let you know if you have issues with your computers am just a call away enjoy the rest of your day.....you have a beautiful smile though (as he walked away from Sam's desk smiling as if he just won a trophy)

Here was Samantha feeling all shy and embarrassed same time knowing this guy saw her blush when he made a compliment....dang it why am I even thinking I have Damian and I love him this just a compliment I have heard a thousand times, she said to herself.

Samantha gets home and finds a box wrapped she thought to herself....(what could he be sending me, kisses laughing out loud) she opened the box and it was a portrait of herself.......

A jaw dropping frame that anyone would want to have, just then Damian called and asked how's work and if she had gotten his gift, I just felt I should gift you something you'd love especially with the fact that we don't get to spend much time together. I know it's going to be different, I was invited for an interview at Caltech next week definitely if all goes well I'd have enough time to spend with you, hope you loved it I sketched myself been long I did those.......

I love it, thanks babe an just getting back from the office & am famished and I think am coming down with fever, i need to get some drugs at the pharmacy before it gets worse, don't worry I'd get a cab I don't think I can drive like this and hey I love you. So tell me I hope no lady is trying to take you away from me cause that's going to be bad I don't think I can survive and am not losing you to some crazy ass girl who can't stay away from a guy who's been taken.

Hey babes, it's nothing to worry about am yours nobody else....now get those drugs before you come down with fever and I have to come over to take care of you (amused by what Damian said, they both laughed) I know you'd love it so get going just let me know if there's something I could do!

Yeah sure there's something you could do send me lots of cuddles, I need to be cuddled right now, atleast I'd be warm who knows the little symptoms of fever am feeling would disappear, just the same way I wasn't feeling it till I got home, Samantha said

Sure I'd send a whole universe filled with cuddles you wouldn't get tired of them,......hey gotta go need to get some groceries so I'd call you when am home am sure you will be fine okay try not to stress yourself, and take good care of yourself I love you so much & say hi to your Mom.

Samantha had the strangest feeling just when Damian spoke, took sometime While to respond.....I will babe you take care okay

She ended the call feeling like something had hit her from nowhere she felt as if something was wrong but she couldn't put her fingers on it, I just hope it's not what I have been thinking about sure am not crazy. She took off her clothes into the shower to take a hot bath before going to the pharmacy.

While in the bathroom she could hear her phone ringing, thought it was Damian but felt reluctant to leave the Tub to get her phone. When she finally did she saw a number she couldn't recognize and she was so sure she hadn't given anyone her contact of recent so she was sure she wasn't just making any conclusions that was wrong.

She called back....Hi uhmmmm sorry I missed your calls was busy....

Yeah I thought as much, how are you doing how's Mom and your step Dad??

Just then Sam recognized the voice Derrick?

Wow you still could remember my voice how you doing am back in town and felt we should meet or grab some coffee if you less busy?!

Samantha hung up knowing what she went through in their relationship after 4yrs what would he want from me hasn't he done enough? Why can't I just move on with people like Derrick always trying to make love look like it's difficult; why do I just feel this rage of anger right now why do I feel like I could take a gun and just shoot him straight in the heart maybe he would feel the same pain I felt after what he did.

She didn't even feel the need to go out again definitely this ruined her evening even more than the strange feeling she had earlier.

Feeling exasperated she called Jade....

Hey Girl Derrick just called Said he's in town was hoping to meet.