Samantha has been in bed ever since Derrick spoke to her wasn’t sure of how she was feeling all she knew was an outpour of anger, she knew for a fact she wasn’t just angry but because that call alone brought back horrible memories from a possessive and an abusive relationship.

This was going to be the last thing she was ever going to imagine would happen; at this point she only wanted to be close to Damian.

She decides to call Jade to come over and spend the night at her place; eventually Jade came over at about 9pm and finds Samantha crying, tries to make some strawberry tea just to calm her down.

I know I shouldn’t be asking too much but what happened between you and Derrick that makes you even scared of meeting him, most times I ask; you always have a way of shoving this question aside & and I feel I deserve to know the whole truth about everything. It’s going to be fine talk to me okay, "Jade said expectantly….."

So…..I and Derrick were friends for 2years precisely and he was such a sweet and loving person not just any kind of sweet but he was extremely caring never showed any signs of someone who would hurt me in any way I felt I was safe around him, I felt I could just open up to him about anything it was so convincing that my mom gave her approval to the relationship though not completely.......

Always told me she wasn’t too comfortable with his personality; he didn’t strike her as someone with very pure intentions but to a very good extent he seemed promising to take care of me in every possible way. It took some time before my mom invited him over my step dad doesn’t care less about who I dated either, he was neither around he was on Active Duty even before my mom decided to marry him.

I decided to date him and that was when I discovered him to be someone who was so insecure Derrick could not stand me talking to another guy over the phone, he would monitor my calls, text messages, even who I talk with on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Snapchat.

He would sometimes take my phone most times at night and go through my phone calls and social media pages just to make sure I wasn’t doing anything outside the relationship. One day I and Derrick were to have lunch at this new fancy restaurant and I got held up at work with my Boss who asked me to accompany him to close a deal for a company we were to design billboard and run some TV commercials for them.

He stopped by the office and found my boss cleaning something from my lips in his office and that was it. I got home because I couldn’t bare the embarrassment Derrick caused at the office.

Livid at the moment we got into an argument and Derrick hit me so bad I felt it right to my brain.........

he began to beg and apologize saying he wasn’t thinking right, he left immediately after that incident and consequently he continue to abusive me so many times hitting me and always saying he needs help maybe he needed to see a psychiatrist.

My Mom began to suspect that things weren’t okay until the day she came over to see me and here I was in bed having a black eye all swollen bruises all over because I went to see an old school classmate at his apartment. He had dropped me at my apartment and Derrick came over to see me and here I was hugging Jamal who was my high school classmate, Derrick dint bother to let me settle in before he started questioning who that was, why would he bring me up to my apartment if we dint have a thing together.

Derrick hit me more than usual and that’s how I went unconscious till that morning. I….I felt stupid all in the name of Love will make him change I was so stupid, Samantha said feeling execrable.

That was when my Mom called the police and He was arrested I did not want to press any further with the charges on Assault & Battery I asked for all charges dropped I just did not want to see, hear or ever be in the same room with Derrick. Now he wants to meet with me after 4years this should have been the least of my worries right now.

Jade… you think I should see him I know it’s not right especially that I have someone who loves me and is far different from Derrick, my mom would never agree that I’d see Derrick nevertheless I will see him and tell him how much he made my life miserable especially that he made me push allot of people around me away just for him to mess my life up.

Most of the times am filled with regrets why I decided to stay in an abusive relationship for two years, so I think I just want to get this over with and clear my mind, sometimes my anger made me wish I had a gun (feeling an awful rush of anger)

Well if you ask me I would say no but your mind is made up so all am saying is becareful don’t let the past affect your present, Jade said.

It's been 4yrs i tried to get through the pains of everything that happened especially with the fact that I have to deal with allot of memories from a relationship that almost ended my life; why can't someone just love and move on without people coming back to make you feel you were never cut out for love what the hell do people think when the leave you traumatized? Do they expect you to accept them with arms wide open ?

Am tired but that's where it ends!

Jade hugged's going to be fine trust me I know it's going to be fine, you'd get over it okay "she sounded so assuring, making Samantha smile wiping off the tears from her eyes.......thanks for everything you do, sometimes I wonder what I would do if you weren't here

Let's get you to bed don't want you having eye bags by morning, get your beauty sleep babes......walking Samantha to her room.

It's another busy day and here was Samantha trying to look all beautiful not minding the event that had happened the day before

Jade had slept over and was also preparing for work while she noticed a little sparkling and she stood there Admiring Samantha through her closet mirror...her dark brown hair adorned with mother-of-pearl Combs. Her dark eyes even the whites of her eyes were so dark as to be pale blue, she had worn a simple, cloud-colored silk gown with flowing sleeves - an elegant style making it's way among the wealthy ladies of Lysle, she added a belt of ermine, clasped with a silver flower, high above the navel just beneath her firm breasts. The neckline was high modest. Over her shoulders hung a silk scarf of deepest crimson, so long that it's fringes swept the ground, she was merely beautiful, she decided. Samantha was astonishing.

She smiled and said..... Hey don't take all the beauty atleast I need a little I don't mind if you'd do that (they both laughed)

You look beautiful, jade said. I can't imagine how anyone won't want to spend their lives with such beauty, well am a lady I'd have gotten married to you, she said

I don't want to get late to the office enough of the teasing, Samantha couldn't even finish her sentences without her looking all shy and laughing....

Something did not just seem alright about that morning though. She just wanted to be sure she wasn't the only one feeling that way

She asked jade if she felt off about the present day "but jade shrugged to say no"

"She wasn't entirely sure but she felt it's because of what happened the previous day .

Am sure you were overthinking about last me you'd be perfectly okay, jade said as the headed towards the door leaving for work.