It's a festive season, as the began to approach Halloween crazy costumes as children so excited to purchase outfits they were going to dress in and go tickle treating.
I remember growing up I always wanted to dress up as peekaboo Samantha's mom said that way i could scare my neighbors children who were always making jokes of how fat I was eventually I'd let it's slide I always felt the bigger one, has it ever occured to you that Samantha never had and still doesn't have an interest in Halloween I wonder why so?!
Just then she realized Jacob Samantha's Step Dad was lost in Oblivion; it was like he was in some sort of world no one has ever been to....hey Jay you ok?
Yeah am fine just been thinking lately.......
Mrs Olivia had gone to pick him up, step dad to Samantha who was just returning from Iraq a Marine Corp personnel, who had spent his early 20s and late 50s serving his Country, as he was about to retire and settle down with his wife and step daughter who never really saw him as a father figure to her......I just wish she'd give me the chance to show her how much I love and care for her; I know I can't replace her dad and am not taking his place in her life sometimes children need a father figure and am trying so hard.... "I don't know but, I think am not the person she would call Dad" & I don't know how much she's going to keep giving me this attitude especially now that am home he said......Feeling downhearted
I know it's not been easy with her, you just have to keep trying I know she feels you want to replace her dad but I know you'd be a good father am sure of that she placed her hand on his shoulder just to assure him it was going to be fine.....
She rubbed his arm assuring him of how great a father he would turn out to be and just then, they stopped to get some groceries as Samantha's mom was making plans for a retirement party for Jacob which he wasn't aware of.....still lost in thoughts he decided he would get a drink to help him relax.
I know I don't say it much I love you and you are enough for me I don't want anyone asides you in my life, She smiled from cheek to cheek while he packed the car.......... she dropped, rushed into the supermarket to pick up all the things she needed to get for the party.
Few minutes later she was done and back into the car, as they drove off from the supermarket, talking laughing and feeling excited that her husband was finally home and it's going to get different....
Honey She said.... I'd like you to meet Damian..
who's Damian?
Samantha's Boyfriend he's a nice guy and he seems perfect for her, I just wish I don't have these doubts about him. Am Sure there's no need to worry maybe am just so caught up with the experience of how many failed relationships I had and how I turned out to be... She sighed feeling even more worried than she was.
"In little or no time they would arrive at home.... although Samantha wasn't back from work.
Traffic lights all green, cars moving and Mrs Olivia was just trying adjust her hair, glossing her lips............ A cracking, deafening sound, Cars tumbling, pieces of broken windshields littering the tarred road, tires screeching.........People scrambling to safety, Finally the car had come to a stop, Samantha's parents were hit by a heavy duty Crane which was conveying electrical poles...
Which had already hit Jacob directly from the right side of his face causing serious injuries he had already blacked our t all numb as he took a very terrible hit to the head as he was strapped with the seatbelt.
Olivia wasn't even moving after the crash, the vehicle had already began to smoke, making it difficult for people to try and pull both of them out from the damaged pedestrians who saw what had happened made calls for help bringing the fire department and Ambulance to the accident scene. The fire department didn't have much issues putting out the fire which had began to burn from beneath the car as the fuel tank had began to lick.... They had to cut off some parts of the vehicle as it was damaged by the crane beyond repairs.
Finally Jacob was brought out of the vehicle and was bleeding profusely from the head and had a dislocation on his right am, Olivia had not only taken severe hits to the head and other parts of her body but she had also died on the spot. The meds made efforts to stop the bleeding from Jacobs Head as the ambulance hurried to the hospital he was in a terrible state that required surgery....... On reaching the hospital he was rushed into the Emergency room even before the reached the hospital Jacob had given up his last breath.
Samantha was expecting to see her mom and step father who she never felt he was Father figure enough for her but still wanted to see him as he made her mom happy and she felt that was enough.
Samantha was just packing up from her desk as she needed to finish preparing for her presentation for the new company they were to do a commercial for and was also the team leader.....when she received a call from the hospital
"Hello Miss calling from the Central Meldiva Hospital you need to get here right away, your attention is needed & it's very urgent" Samantha wasn't sure but decided to go as it was urgent. Allot of thoughts ran through her mind as she drove to the hospital, she never knew this was going to be the biggest Shock she was going get, she never knew this was going to be the part where life was not going to make any meaning to her,
Am not sure why or for what reason I need to be in the hospital by this time, what could be so urgent??? Lost in thoughts she didn't even notice she was about to crash into another vehicle that had broken down on the road........
She gets to the hospital and immediately goes to the help desk to make inquiries as to why she was called....
When she was told to go to the Emergency room on getting there she saw a group of doctors, the same ones who had tried earlier to help save her step dad.....
Hello am Samantha Michelle I was called and told to come to the hospital, I hope there's no problem because I should be home expecting my mom any moment from now....
Miss Samantha am really sorry but your mom and dad were involved in a car crash about an hour ago they both didn't make it as your mom died on the spot and your dad died even before we could get him surgery, am really sorry......
On hearing this news Samantha slumped hitting her head on the floor as it was too much to take in, this was the beginning of another nightmare for her, after losing her Dad and Sister in a car crash now she lost her mom and step dad.