Chapter 20: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm… In his arms!


‘You have to wake him up.’ Stan said for the third time with a sigh. ‘He will be taking the morning session.’

‘But he slept only about twenty minutes ago.’ The wolf protested. ‘He needs to sleep.’

‘And he…we need to be back at camp before people start waking up.’

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, whose fault is it that he’s here in the first place?’ It snapped.

‘You think this is my fault?’ Stan gasped. ‘He started all this with that kiss and his indecent liaison with what’s her face.’

The wolf scoffed. ‘Yeah, whatever. I don’t think his clothes are very dry. Can I give him one of your t-shirts?’ Stan usually kept some t-shirts and sweatpants in the cave for emergencies. He didn’t think this was one. ‘I think his are dry enough.’

‘Why can’t I just give him…’

‘We don’t want him getting suspicious.’ Stan cut him off. ‘Besides he might smell my cologne.’

‘And how many times have I told you not to bother wearing all those unnecessary scents.’ The wolf snorted. ‘Maybe now that you don’t have to impress any ladies with your high-class cologne, you will stop using them. And I can take a break from sneezing.’ It snuggled closer to Will. ‘He looks so peaceful sleeping I don’t have the heart to wake him.’

‘Yo, Captain Sniffer, you don’t have a heart. And if you snuggle any closer you’ll suffocate him.’ Stan snapped.

‘Is someone jealous I got to spend a night with him first?’ The wolf taunted but they both knew it wasn’t far from the truth.

‘Fuck off.’


Just before dawn, a man and a wolf emerged from the jungle and stood at the edge of the camp of the Achiase Jungle Warfare School. The man leaned down and hugged the wolf and murmured his thanks. The wolf turned around to go back into the jungle but a very sexy naked man strode out of the jungle almost immediately after and sprinted towards Stan and Will’s suite. He went in some minutes before the man who had been accompanied by the wolf entered that same suite. And in the nearby bushes, a sexy, dark-haired Caucasian lady who looked to be in her mid-twenties chuckled, amused by the entire scene she’d witnessed.

“That sly werewolf.” She muttered.


Will heard the knock on the door just as he was about to put on his trainers. He had a good guess who it was. He went to open the door.

“You’re late,” Rosanne said without preamble as she entered the suite.

“And a good morning to you too.” Will chuckled. “Almost done.”

“What happened here?” Eyes filled with confusion stared at the broken chair.

“Oh that. I fell on it last night.” He entered his room.

“Dude, you weren’t that drunk when you left the party last night. What the fuck happened?” Rosanne followed Will. “And where is Stan?” Her confusion had turned to suspicion.

“I’m sure he’s getting ready.”

“He’s never late. Never!”

“You know his room.” Will finished lacing his trainers and stood up.

“You’ve taken a shower.” Rosanne stared up at Will’s hair. “Since when did you start taking showers before dawn sessions?” She couldn’t wipe the incredulous expression off her face.

“I didn’t take a shower last night when I got back from the party. Wait, why are you even up this early?” Will threw an arm around her shoulders and propelled her to the door. “I left you at the party.”

“It’s called an alarm clock.” She smirked. “Clearly you don’t own one.” She ducked from under Will’s arm when she heard Stan’s door open. “Stan?” She called out.

“Hey, Lady.” Stan grinned at the lady Arrowhead. “Came to call Will huh?”

“Yep, he just left.” She pointed at the door. “You two are late.” She gave a mock frown. If she noticed that he’d also taken a shower, she didn’t comment on it.

“Sorry about that,” he responded smoothly. “That was some party last night. Care for a cup of coffee?”

“I’d love one, thanks.” She followed him into the kitchen.

Stan reached into the top drawer and brought out two Styrofoam cups with lids. “Ready to go home?” Rosanne was to leave Ghana for the States the next day.

“Yes, but I’ll miss you guys.” She groaned, watching as Stan filled one of the cups and added two cubes of sugar and some cream just as she liked it. He gave it a quick mix with a spoon and then covered it with the lid.

“We will miss you too. There you go.” He handed the cup of coffee to Rosanne who beamed her thanks. Then he filled the second cup with coffee and a teaspoon of glucose.

“I think I should take one for Will,” Rosanne said as she watched Stan cover the second cup.

“This one is his.” Stan pointed at the cup in his hand.

“Great. But he usually adds cream to his coffee.”

“I know.” Stan chuckled. “I think just the glucose will do him a lot of good this morning.” He grinned. Come on.”

When Stan and Rosanne got to the training grounds, Will was watching the recruits do the stretches that precede their morning training. Stan went and gave him his coffee.

“Thanks.” Will murmured without meeting his eye. He took a long sip of his coffee and then shouted instructions to the recruits.

As the training went on, one thing became very clear… Will seemed very distracted. He would tell the recruits to do a routine but wouldn’t even notice when they finish. They would have to prompt him that they were done.

“What is wrong with him?” Rosanne mumbled under her breath but Stan heard her perfectly.

He started towards where Will worked with the recruits. He knew exactly what was up with his mate. He’d told him…well, his wolf. But Stan obviously couldn’t tell the lady Arrowhead that an unplanned kiss had fucked up her colleague. And that the said colleague was at a loss as to why the person he shared that kiss with had left him so abruptly in the middle of the kiss. When Stan got to the quadrangle, he raised a fist and bellowed,

“Let’s take fifteen.” Then to Will, he rasped, “follow me.”

Will followed Stan to one of the offices on the training grounds. When he entered, Stan closed the door and then turned to face him. The instructor caught and held the soldier’s gaze this time.

“It was just a kiss.” Stan breathed.