“Really?” Will frowned. “So you left because you thought it was a mere insignificant kiss.” He shot back.
“We both know that kiss wasn’t insignificant, Will.” Stan moved closer. “It affected me just as much as it did you. In fact, I’m pretty sure it affected me more than it affected you.” He searched his mate’s eyes. “You are in my thoughts at nearly every waking moment and in many of my sleeping ones as well so trust me, that kiss wasn’t insignificant at all,” Stan whispered almost seductively, his hands coming up to cup Will’s cheeks.
“Why me though?” Will watched Stan with heavy-lidded eyes. Stan was so close he could feel his warm breath on his face. Like magnet, his gaze dropped to those hot lips. Those lips that had driven him insane with need the night before… “Of all the guys in this camp.” His lips parted when Stan’s thumb began to brush over his lower lip.
“Have any idea how breathtaking you are?” Stan murmured.
A breathless chuckle left Will’s lips. “No, I’m not.”
“You are to me.” He leaned in. “Sorry I ended our kiss so abruptly last night.”
“Stan...” Will didn’t even recognize his own voice. How is he able to make me feel this way? “We shouldn’t…” But he trailed off when he felt Stan’s tongue sliding along his bottom lip. “Fuck…” His eyes fluttered shut.
Stan went for it!
He sucked on Will’s lower lip for a moment before taking his mouth in the softest of kisses, creating a hot and steamy contact of the best kind. He took his time with it too, almost as if he had all the time in the world. Will kissed him back because it was simply impossible not to kiss him back. They both savoured the act, relishing the steady unhurried dueling of their tongues. It was so good both ached for more. But there was work to be done.
“Jesus Christ, you’re a damned good kisser.” Will gasped against Stan’s lips when the kiss ended. The man’s kiss was like a magic elixir. It made him feel desired, more alive, and damned good.
Stan chuckled softly. “I enjoyed it too. Ready to get back to your boys?”
“Give me a fucking moment,” He laughed, slightly breathless as he gazed up at Stan.
When the two men eventually left the office, they saw Rosanne approaching the office, biting into an apple. Will got to her side first but only smiled and went past her. Whatever the Arrowhead saw on her colleague’s face, however, stopped her mid-bite. She brought the apple away from her mouth and focused on Stan with a shrewd look.
“Whatever you did, you made it worse.” She smirked. “Now he looks just giddy. So…” She fell into step with Stan, “how long has this been going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Aw come, on Stan.” Her snort of disbelief was so loud it made Stan laugh. “I have eyes you know.”
“Never said you didn’t.”
“For what it’s worth, I think you two look cute together.” She giggled, making Stan laugh at her sudden bout of fan-girlness. “My lips are sealed.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I’m not going to tease him.”
“I expect nothing less from you, Rosanne.” The two dissolved into laughter.
The recruits’ applause and cheers the next morning as Rosanne was about to leave was filled with respect. She had come with them from the States and been with them for a whole month. They were all going to miss her.
“Be good, guys,” Rosanne said loudly above their cheers. “And learn hard because I wouldn’t want to see any of you dropped.”
“We’ll make you proud.” Miller’s shout resulted in more cheers.
Rosanne hugged Stan who promised to get in touch as soon as he got back home. “We need to hang out.”
“Can’t wait.” Rosanne beamed. Then she linked arms with Will and walked with him to the car that was to take her to Accra. “So, this is it.”
“Have a safe trip. I’ll miss you so fucking much. It’s not going to be the same around here with you gone.”
“Look on the bright side. I won’t be here to cramp your style.” She grinned.
“Cramp my style, how?” Will looked lost.
“Stan. I know, Will.” Rosanne turned to face him. And the look on his face drew a sad smile from her. “Hey, chill. He’s a lovely person. Just enjoy yourself.”
Will sighed. “But you know I don’t… I’m not into guys.”
“Well, you’re clearly into this one,” She grinned and then suddenly gushed, “This is damned shocking. Ian Williams with a dude. Un-fucking-believable!”
“Shut up, Jones.” Will groaned, flushing.
“Did Jackson convert you?” She whispered. “What about all those women? You’ve been spending your nights with Akua in this town, Will. What’s going on?”
“Did Stan tell you?”
“He didn’t have to. I figured it out myself.” She struck a sassy pose.
“How?” He gave her a curious look.
“Little, little things, I guess. When you two went into the office during the morning training yesterday, you came out looking thoroughly kissed.” She held up her little finger.
“When I came to your suite yesterday before the training, you’d both taken a shower.” She held up a second finger.
“Wait. What?” Will’s eyes had gone wide. “It’s not what you think. And I’m pretty sure Stan hadn’t taken a shower.”
“Oh, he so had.” Rosanne grinned. She was enjoying herself. “I should have known. The guy always wanted to talk about you or listen to me talk about you. It’s cute actually. How did it happen?”
“I honestly don’t know, Rosanne.” Will leaned his head against the Land Cruiser Prado that was to take Rosanne. “I was hit with all these feelings that I just couldn’t…can’t explain.”
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up.” She rubbed him on the back. “It’s not a big deal, Will.”
“It’s just misplaced lust.”
“What a crock of shit.” Rosanne burst into laughter. “What the fuck is misplaced lust? You’re not blind. You knew Stan was a dude but still went ahead and lusted after him. What’s misplaced about that? You like who you like and that’s it.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Of course it is. There’s no harm in exploring. I mean it will be nice to know how to take dick.” Her laughter…the taunting, soft laughter she gave after that comment was guaranteed to scandalize Will.
“Jesus Christ!” Will gasped. “Who said anything about taking dick?”
“Might come up, boo.” She grinned. “Get ready.”
“Just get the fuck outta here.” Will laughed, drawing Rosanne into his arms.
“Promise me you’ll have fun.”
“I’m here to work,” he chuckled, letting her go.
“What’s the saying? All work and no play…”
“Get outta here.” They both laughed as Rosanne got into the car.
With a final wave, she was gone, leaving Will staring forlornly after the car. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around what was going on. Stan was not his type at all. He’d never ever imagined himself having feelings for a man. But somehow, he’d developed some feelings for the crazy instructor. He blamed Stan though. He’d worked him like an expert. Now all his thoughts were filled with him.
Maybe he should have confided in Rosanne, Will thought as he headed back to the suite. He loved offloading onto his wolf but…it would have been great to hear another person’s opinion. Not that he needed anyone to tell him what to do. He answered to no one. He’d always done what made him happy and held the view that people should have the freedom to be with whoever they liked. Will’s pace quickened when he thought of a certain blue-eyed hunk with luscious kissable lips waiting in his suite.
He liked Stan. It was uncharted waters but he wasn’t scared at all. He’d been spending more time with Stan, getting to know him better, and enjoying the hell out of his sweet kisses. He planned to take things a day at a time…just as Stan seemed to be doing. He claimed he believed in courtship. Will thought he was feeding him a load a crap but it was still adorable.
If that tease was very good, he might even introduce him to his wolf, Will thought with a smile as he entered the suite. He couldn’t wait to see Stan’s face when he finally saw the wolf. Will silently vowed to record it.