Because I Love Him

When my eyes opened, I was lying on the bed. I was in the hospital. It was the room for three people. I was in the corner one. Alice was sitting near to me. When she saw me waking up, she was looking angry but I could also see sadness in her eyes. I asked her, “What had happened? Why am I here?” Alice said, “You fainted. The doctor asked if you have not been eating for few days.” I told her, “No, I have been eating well.” Actually I did not eat much. I ate breakfast in the morning, I was empty stomach whole day and then at night I ate sometimes.

Then, when I tried to get up, “Ahhhhh” I felt my whole body pain, especially my forehead and my leg. When Alice saw me then she said, “Do not even try to get up. I should not have listened to you, I should have told the truth.” I said her, “No, you did the right thing. You have promised me.” She sighed and I asked again, “But why am I hurting? What did the doctor say?” She sighed and said, “Your both wound are severe especially of your leg. Your wound was getting worse. Your leg was bleeding. You are hospitalized for few days.” Hearing her I was shocked.

Before I could say anything, Kyle came. He looked at me and said, “We should make both of them come to you to apologize for their mistakes. I cannot shut my mouth anymore.” Alice also stood up and spoke up, “Yes, this is just over the limit. We should tell the truth. Just why, why are you stopping us Sarah?” I yelled, “Because I love him.” Both of them got shocked because of what I said. I also realized that I told them. So, I sighed and said again, “I like Tyler a lot. I cannot let him know about that incident. I also cannot see him feeling guilty. I just do not want. And… and it is not only about him. I have suffered the most I know that. That day still haunts me every night. But I cannot let anyone else know about it now. Let me forget about this incident please…” I begged them. Tear drops falling from my eyes.

Then, for a few minutes everyone was silent until my mom came. I did not let her see my tears. The hospital was near the school. I told my mom that I fell down. Then, during the time I was hospitalized, my mom stayed with me, my relatives came for me, Alice came every day after the school. She helped me with my studies. She always had dinner with me and my mom, because she taught me until it was late. The doctor came every day to inspect my wound. The doctor said, the wound was healing.

During the time I was in hospital, at school:

Everything was like normal. At lunch break, when Alice went to the washroom, Tanie was there. Then, Alice could not control her anger and said, “Tanie, stop all those nonsense now. When Sarah comes back, just leave her alone. If you will not then I will make sure that you will never come to this school again. I will complain the head of our department. I will tell them what had happened. I will tell them everything from the beginning. I will make sure that even Tyler will not be able to help you. I was just quiet because of Sarah's request. But if you dare bother her again, I will not spare you.” Before Tanie could speak anything, Alice left the washroom. Then, nothing new happened in school.

I got lots of love and care from my family and Alice during the time I was in hospital. So after being discharged, the next day I went to school. Few of my friends noticed me but they ignored and also the things that happened last time was no more a gossip now because our test were coming near. Everyone was focused on their studies. I also studied hard. Then, after few days we had our tests. I did as usual. It was all thanks to Alice that I could do well. Then after our tests had finished, I could see Tanie happy. I did not know the reason but I could not see her happy anymore...

After few days our results came out. I was a little worried for my results, but again I thought to myself that I had done well. Everyone saw the result. I was in the third position again. It was somewhat unbelievable but I thanked Alice a lot. Suddenly, Tanie burst out into anger. She screamed, “How is this possible? This is not possible at all.” She was in the fifth position as always. Kyle was before her. She came to me and asked me, “How come that you did not fail. You had missed so many lectures. It is not possible at all. Tell me, did you cheat? Yes you have cheated. I am sure that you cheated.”

I was shocked by what she said. I finally understood that she was happy maybe because she had thought that her position will increase this time. No one could compete with us. So, her position would automatically increase. But to her surprise I studied hard and was in the same position. Before I could speak anything, Alice spoke, “Tanie, you better study hard and improve your scores. Sarah studied hard and is in the same position. She does not have mind like yours who can think of cheating. It is her own hard work.” Although Alice spoke for me, I could see many of others believing Tanie. Well, it was impossible for me to get those good marks by myself. They were right. But I was not alone. Alice helped me a lot. So, I got those grades and I also worked hard this time.

To my surprise, our teacher responsible for our examinations heard and called me and Tanie to the office as we were creating a scene and Alice followed me. In the office, the teacher asked what the thing was about, then Tanie said, “I am sure that Sarah had cheated and got those good marks.” The teacher said, “Why would you think so?” Tanie said, “She missed the lectures for more than a week. It was impossible for her to get those marks.” I was already filled with anger. She just could not do anything she wants.

This time Tanie was alone, Tyler was not there to support her too. I spoke up as I could not control anymore, “How can you know whether I have studied hard or not? I am not like you. And the time I was hospitalized, Alice helped me in my studies. She also worked hard for me. If you want to ask me any questions from exam I can answer right now.” I could remember answers because I had studied hard. Then the teacher looked at Alice with questioning eyes. Alice nodded her head in agreement and said, “Yes, Sarah is right, when she was hospitalized, I went to her every day and helped her with her studies and she also worked hard a lot this time.” The teacher seemed to agree then he said, “Tanie, you cannot tell those things without thinking. Apologize to her right now.” At first, she did not respond then when the teacher looked at her and called her name again she said, “I am sorry.” The apology was not sincere. It was not only the apology she owed me. Even if she apologies to me her whole life I cannot forgive her. So, I just did not reply her apology and we all were dismissed from the office and we did not do much. I only thanked Alice a lot for everything she had done for me.

->? Is it not good to have a friend like Alice? Do you have someone in your life like Alice?