Heart And Brain

After a few days, the school had conducted a small program and our class was chosen to manage it well. The program was done as an advertisement stuff. It was done so that our school can be a little more popular. Almost everyone was busy with stuffs to do except me, Tyler and Tanie. Alice had a speech to give. I was left with nothing to do. Then our teacher called for us and said, “Who will be hosting the program?” Then, Tanie said, “Tyler and I can do that.” The teacher nodded and asked me what I will be doing. I could not think of anything so I said, “I could also do the hosting but as they are doing it I will be the volunteer.” Actually I also wanted to try hosting although I would be nervous. But the opportunity was taken by Tanie.

On the day of the program, one hour before the program started, Tyler came to me out of the blue and said, “Didn't you want to do hosting? Then do it.” He handed me a diary of the performances today. I was shocked for a while, but again I was a little happy because I was hosting together with Tyler. But I wondered what had happened.

After that incident Tyler ignored me always. But it seemed he did not care anymore now or maybe he forgot about it. However, the hosting should be done by Tanie and him so I was confused.

So, I said, “Why? What happened?” Tyler said, “Tanie is unwell.” Then I said, “Oh, okay. So... tell me about your part and mine part.” Tyler said without any expression, “You are doing the whole part.” I could not say anything. I stuttered, “I... you...” He said, “I just accepted to do the hosting because Tanie said.” I felt a little bitter in my heart, then I did not say anything more. He went. I looked at the diary. It was well maintained. The diary was filled with blue and pink ink. After going through it, I could understand that the blue part was for Tyler and pink was for Tanie. I got prepared for hosting. But I was nervous. Soon, I had to start the program, so I went up on the stage.

I had not expected so many people to come. I was very nervous. I could feel my face getting hot and my hands were sweating. I slowly started. Then, I do not know what happened, Tyler also came. Maybe he found out that I was being nervous. He came and then I got a little confidence. Then we together played with our roles and ended the program smoothly. Then, after the program ended I asked Tyler, “Why did you come? You said that I will do it alone.” Then he said, “Yeah, I know I told you. But I did not trust that you will be able to do it alone. So, I came. Also, hosting was Tanie and mine responsibility. So I could not let it get ruined.”

After hearing him, I did not say anything. Just bitterness was being filled in my heart. But I was a little happy, because he spoke to me. We had not talked to each other for a long time. Every time he ignored me, I was sad. But as he spoke I got happy. Well maybe it is always like this, if you like someone a lot, even if that person does bad to you or says bad to you, you will still feel something for that person. Because it is the heart that works in these cases not the brain. Well I guess our heart and brain can never work together. If the brain is working then our heart just functions of pumping the blood and when our hearts starts beating then our brain stops working. You end up doing stupid things when the heart starts beating.

After few days, everyone got busy. Well, because our final exams were coming. Everyone had to do their best. Although I did not like studying, I did not work so hard like others. I knew that if I study if I have understood then I will do okay as always. I never had a feeling of competition. While Tyler and Alice was on a competition mode. Both of them did not show that both were working hard for the first position, but I knew they were working hard as I knew both of them. Then, after all those hard works, the examination was finished for this session. It was the final exam, so we had a few weeks’ holidays to spend. After wishing each other goodbyes, I went home. At home, after eating dinner, I slept.

The next day, I woke up a little late. After freshening up, I went to kitchen. I ate my breakfast with my mom and she asked if I would go with her to maternal uncle's house today. Well, as I would be bored in the house anyway, so I agreed. So after breakfast, we both went there. In my uncle's house I spent the day playing games and playing with my little brother and sister. During the lunch time, my uncle asked me and my mom if we will go to a trip after two days. The trip was to a beautiful scenery place. We could see beautiful views of mountains and hills from that place and more importantly it was snowing there. After hearing this I immediately agreed.

As I agreed, my mom also agreed for my sake. My uncle asked if my dad would come and we said we will inform him tomorrow after talking to dad. Two days just passed like that by packing clothes and getting excited for trip. Early in the morning, a bus which was reserved came to pick us, my dad had also agreed to go. We went in the bus. In the bus, I greeted to my uncle and aunt and the relatives I knew. Then, after picking up few more relatives from their bus stops, our trip started.

In the trip there were no people of my age. So, I was a little bored. I was on the window side and I sat next to mom with earphones in my ears. I listened to Nepali, English, Hindi songs but mostly Korean songs. After a few hours, the bus stopped for breakfast in a hotel. After eating, we continued our journey. After an hour, I could see beautiful scenery from the window. It was really beautiful. During the lunch time, we could feel chillness in air, so everyone started warming up by wearing the warm clothes. I heard from the chat that my uncle and father had that we will be reaching soon. I got more excited.

After few hours we reached the lower spot. The place was filled with snow. It was my first time seeing snow. It was really beautiful. Excitedly I took some photos. My uncle came to me and said," we will have to hike up there (pointing from his finger) then you can get more beautiful pictures out there." I was so excited and said, “So, why are we not going?” Uncle said, “It will get dark after few hours. So, we will go there tomorrow.” I said, “Okay” in excitement. But deep inside my heart I could not wait to go up there and enjoy the view. I wanted to scream my name from up there. But it was saved for tomorrow.

So, after playing with snow for a few minutes we went to the hotel. There were only two hotels there. As the weather was cold here, the area was not developed for tourism. Everyone managed to settle. After we had our dinner, when everyone went to sleep. I could not sleep. I was excited a lot. But the only thing was, there were no one from my age group. Well, what change would have happened even if there was someone of my age group because I will not be able to speak a word to that person because I am still an introvert. Thinking all these, I slept really late. Early in the morning, I was woken up by mom. Everyone was getting ready to climb there after early breakfast. I was still feeling sleepy maybe because of yesterday's whole day in bus and I slept late. After breakfast we went up.

On the half way, my mom could not go more up. She did not feel well because of the temperature there. So, she was going to return. Along with her another lady relative was going to return. Well, I was in a dilemma because I did not want to go without mom as there were no one I could enjoy with. Dad was in the group of uncles. So, although I was really excited, I decided to return back. Hence, we went back. The hotel was already packed with other group of people, so we stayed in the bus until other came and we returned. I was really sad. After the journey in the bus. We reached home. I felt tired and sad, so I slept. Before sleeping I had thought that next time I would go there again.