Best Speech

After few days, we had our results. The results were the same Alice on top then Tyler and then me. So, it was nothing new. After two days of the result our new session was beginning. At home: I woke up at the sound of my alarm. I thought to myself. Today I am going school after these holidays. I just want this session to go well. I do not want any trouble. This my last year at this school. I may not be able to see any of them after I graduate. I hope I will gain more memories this year. So, with a new hope, I freshened up, ate breakfast and went to school. I missed Alice so I hugged her after I saw her.

The whole day, during every lectures, every teacher told us to study hard. It was our last year before graduation so we should do better. One week passed just like that. Everyone was serious for their studies, so everyone concentrated on every lectures well. At the end of the week, before the first lecture, we got a notice. The notice was about participants for Boy Captain and Girl Captain. The participants should give their names by the day and prepare a speech to perform during the weekend to deliver after the weekend ends. Boy Captain and Girl Captain were the title given to those who can be a good leader for a year. They represented our school. Only students from our grade could participate. It was our last year and we were the most senior students of school. After getting the notice, there were few discussions for it.

Alice, Tanie, Tyler, Kyle and another one guy friend gave their names. I knew that I will not win the title but still I wanted to try. Samaira had same feeling, so we both also gave our names. Then, we were told that the day after the weekend, was the only day for us to gain trust and popularity from other junior students. The title would be given to them who wins by voting system. The day ended well. I went home, I searched for many speeches for an example. Finally, after reading many speeches, I made one for mine. The whole weekend I practiced a lot, looking at the mirror and reading the speech.

Time flew fast. The weekend ended. I went to school. I did not know how to ask for people for votes. Actually no one did anything except for Tyler and Tanie. Tyler was the one who had more percentage of winning the title because he was popular in school. Same was with Alice. So, I already had thought they will win. But still, I just wanted to give my speech at least for an experience. I also had said Alice that I just participated for fun and that she will obviously win it. She also encouraged me to participate.

The thing which surprised me and made my heart feel bitter was when Tyler actually did not ask any votes for himself. But he was helping Tanie gain more votes. I knew that Tyler would not like Alice to get the title, but he could also help Samaira. I knew he will not help me but he could help Samaira. Just why he chose Tanie over his best friend. Tyler and Samaira were best friends. Then, the day just passed like that.

The next day, we all were on the stage. There were many students and teachers. The teachers would also vote and one teacher's vote would be equal to five votes. So, we all gave our speech. I gave my speech with confidence. I had practiced a lot. Then after few minutes the speech ended and we had to attend one lecture before the voting part started. In that lecture, when my friends asked who had the best speech, to everyone's surprise the teacher took my name. I was surprised but happy. At least my speech was good. But still I knew I will not be winning and I also did not feel sad. Then, voting started. We participants were present where the votes were being counted. When the vote counting finished, the winner were announced. I was not surprised when I heard Tyler's name, but I was literally shocked when I heard the Girl captain winner's title.

->? So, what do you guys think? Who won the title?