Chapter Twenty Eight.

After the morning episode, Snow asked Anna to help block her thoughts . For unknown reasons, Anna was reluctant at first before agreeing to help.

She brought Snow out to the palace garden. They sit on the floor facing each other, with their palms on their thighs wide open and their eyes closed.

"A witch helping a witch with each other's thoughts is kinda tricky" Anna explained, her voice sounds soft in Snow's head.

Although her thoughts were foggy, she managed to ask. 

"Why's that?".

Anna closes her eyes, her eyebrows furrow in concentration. 

"Let's just say it's not easy for a learning witch"

"I'm not a witch," Snow argues.

"We don't know that yet" Anna counters. 

"Let's begin".

They both draw in deep breaths .

The atmosphere became still, silent and calm. They both look relaxed, one might think they're sleeping.

"First you have to silence your thoughts". Anna's voice ranged in Snow's head.