Chapter Twenty Nine

It read "The gods don't do evil" what caught Snow's eyes was the rough sketching of a symbol which looked like the Chinese "Yin and Yang " symbol but with Greek writings on each side.

"Ah' our very own saying" Morgana stroked her chin as she spoke. Her old English accent guided Snow whose eyes didn't leave the chapter as she continued reading whilst listening to Morgana's lecture.

She flipped the page. This time the yin and yan was separated; the features of a Wolf's face was divided on each side of the symbol and could only be full if they were joined together.

"We believe that the gods had no evil string in them which was ironic considering the fued between them" Morgana scoffed at the last part. 

Snow's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to understand what Morgana was spouting.

"How does that explain the " Yin and Yang look alike in the book" Her nose scrunched up at a particular scent that whiffed Into it.