It was almost time for the dismissal of school for the day when we got the announcement that all Royals should gather at the assembly hall. Principal Rose had an important information to pass.

Principal Rose was a tall, chocolate skinned elegant lady with a beautiful smile.She was in her early 30s. She looked like a Disney princess but tho acts nothing like one. At first sight, anyone would bet she was soft, girlish and shy because of the way she looked but she was the direct opposite. Her heart made of stone and her mind of rock. Very strict and hard to crack.Her hands are always crossed like those wicked witches in movies whenever she spoke. Not to talk of the glare she gives, the fear that comes with it is capable of paralyzing the weak. We called her The Action Lady.

But surprisingly that day she looked very cool, as if she was poured cold water. That was the first time I saw her looking like that. It was probably because of Justin's death. A lot of persons in school hadn't be able to get over it .He was her favorite student, he was everyone's favorite student.

By her right stood Mrs. Udauk, the schools guidance counselor.

Mrs. Udauk a.k.a ancient of days or Chang Korea was a very short dark round lady. She might be 4.3ft or 4.4ft . Yeah , she was really that short. She had a really bad make-up sense. Her foundation, highlighter and contour never blends with her face and neck. Sometimes she uses her eye shadow as lip stick. When it comes to make-up she was really horrible and she wouldn't even leave this make-up thing for people who can do it properly. Her make-up up sense made Royals nicknamed ancient of days and chang Korea. Now tell me, who would want to go for counselling when the counselor looks like a vulture?.

Beside Mrs. Uduak was an unknown young lady. She looked beautiful and bold. She did be around 23 or 24. She was wearing a black T-shirt on a carton color brown skirt that brought out her nicely curved shape.

" Late Justin Koroye was our best student. He was literally the best in every area. He was like a son to me, a friend to many and a brother to some. He was a young master with a very bright future.None of us ever expected that he would leave us so soon and in such a manner. But as God may have it, Justin is gone. His funeral is on Sunday at His glory of hope cemetery. 9am prompt. For those of you who were his friends, who he ever made happy, who felt inspired by him or admired him, those who took him as family or who he took as family. You are all expected to be present on Sunday to pay your last respect to him".

As Principal Rose spoke we all noticed the pain and sadness in her voice. Her eyes were filled with tears waiting to flood down her cheeks. First time we had seen her gotten that emotional.

"My dear Royals, having one who isn't just willing to hear you but to also listening to you, someone who is willing to share in your problems, someone who is willing to find solutions to them, someone who won't use them to mock or laugh at you or even blame you for them is something a lot of people out there are praying and wishing for. Most would even give up anything just to have someone like that. It is just a pity that we have someone like that, someone like Mrs. Uduak who possesses all these qualities. Yet most of you don't realize it. You have decided to let your worries and pain eat you up like vultures feeding on a dead body.

But that will end. Very soon, because the school management went into an emergency meeting with your parents to see to it. Justin suicide case will be the last one ever recorded in this school. We will do our best to make sure we avoid any other case. By my side here is Miss Nengi Williams . She will be assisting Mrs. Uduak in guidance and counseling. Both of them will move from class to class to speak with you all. Programs will also be set up, awareness will be made, so each and every one of you will have a chance to speak to them . All we need is your cooperation and trust to make things better for us all", Principal Rose said.

"Wahala no dey finish. So because of that stupid ungrateful creature Principal Rose had to bring in a new counselor. If it were to be a poor random student that had committed suicide I bet no one would have cared but since its a kid from a rich family she is making extra effort to probably gain Favour on the eyes of the family", I said.

"Tokoni atleast, try dey shut up sometimes. The way you talk one would think you are not from a rich family yourself", Melody said.

"Mtchww whatever", I said rolling my eyes. Just then something hitted me at the back of my head and I felt pain instantly.I Looked behind me to see a empty bottle of cocoa cola on the floor. I looked at the direction I felt the bottle came and I spotted Mano and her Minos giggling.

"This little obanje",I said between my teeth as I placed my hands in my bag in search of something.

"T.K hope hope you are not planning on doing anything, just leave that obanje alone . Don't give her the attention she is looking for", Melody said trying to talk me out from any act.

"I didn't pay attention to what she said . I searched through my bag and saw a bottle of Eva water half filled. Immediately I throw it at Mano but before the bottle could get to her she moved from where she was standing and the bottle landed on someone else. I was filled with anger as I watched Mano and her Minos laughed at me. I felt like killing that little witch instantly.