Mano picked the bottle up then threw it at me , this time I tried to dodge but I lost my balance and fell flat on the ground . The crowd surrounding us roared in laughter. This Time around I wasn't going to let that obanje humiliate me and goes court free. Melody tried to stand me up but I pushed her aside and got up by myself . I walked to Mano and jumped at her. We both fell on the floor , with me on top of her. I started slapping her face and pulling her hair . She tired her best to pull me up but I was way stronger than her. Her Minos also tried but all to no avail. Some students were cheering us while others where making videos and taking pictures.

" Stop it you both",Principal Rose shouted as she walked towards us. That was when I realized the whole school had be watching at our little display of madness. I wised the ground could open up and swallow me . I had publicly disgraced myself yet again. Like God! Them born me born disgrace?.

" The both of you in my office while the rest of you back to your classes",Principal Rose shouted as she walked pass us to her office.

Mano was in tears. She tried her best to hide it but I guess the pain I left on her were too much , cause the tears just kept on rolling down her cheeks.

As I walked pass the crowd of students that surrounded us I saw Kelechi who smiled at me and gave me a thumps up.

"Maybe the fight wasn't a disgrace after all", I said to myself.

" Why were the both of you fighting like uncivilized cave women" Principal Rose threw the question at us the moment we entered her office. We both looked at her then faced ours heads to the floor.

" I'm talking to the both of you or you both are daft", she asked with a more angry tone.

"Mrs. Rose she started it, she had hit me with a bottle of coke" I said with my head still facing the floor.

" Where on earth did you through the teachings I have been building in you? When someone does something to offend you, it's either you forgive them or report them to the authorities in charge. There is no need taking things into your hands. And you, why would you hit someone with a bottle, where did you keep your manners girl? Principal asked.

It was by mistake, I swear", Mano replied

" A mistake you say? So the bottle of coke mistakenly left your hand and hit her on the head?", Principal Rose asked looking directly at Mano.

"I'm truly sorry Ma'am ", Mano replied.

"No no, you should be apologizing to the young lady you mistakenly hit", Principal Rose said pointing at me. Mano's eyes bewildered.

Apologize to me? Like Mano is going to apologize to me . A bit of joy filled my heart.

"Sorry ", Mano said quickly.

" I didn't teach you to apologize like that", principal Rose said.

"I'm Sorry T.K. I'm sorry for throwing a bottle at you", Mano managed to say.

"Now the both of you. did I teach you how to fight?", She asked.

" No ma'am", We both replied automatically.

"Did I employ teachers that taught you how to fight?", She asked.

"No ma'am, you didn't " We both replied.

"Good. I do not want to see the both of you fighting ever again. And before I forget, come with your parent or guardian as you come to school tomorrow by 8am for your detention. It will last for 5hours which is from 8am to 5pm", Principal Rose said as she dropped the pen she had been holding and relaxed her back on her chair.

My mouth fell open and my heart sink. Detention? With this obanje spirit? No no I can't afford to spend my well planned Saturday like this.

"But Mrs. Rose this isn't fair. She started it", I protested.

" If only you had reported when she had hit you with the bottle then she would have receive the punishment alone but since you didn't, the both of you will both be punish. Take a look at what you did to her face Miss Glassman and It's Principal Rose not Mrs. Rose", she said.


"No buts. You can leave now", she said cutting me short. Mano went running out of the door and I followed.

" Don't forget to come with your parents ", she yelled as we left her office.

I walked slowly and quietly to my class. I was happy I had given Mano the beaten she deserved. I was also glad she was made to apologize to me but sad because I got detention

I entered my class and went straight to my Seat while the whole class were doing God knows what to even noticed me and I was grateful. Shortly after I had sat down, I started hearing noises at the back of the class. At first I didn't want to turn because It wasn't my business but it kept on increasing So I decided to have a glares at what was happening. Before I could get a clear view on what was going on, a bucket of red paint was poured on me. Immediately the whole class roared in laughter.

"Now that's what you get for being a stupid ass bitch and getting my best friend into trouble", Ore said as she walked and stood in front of me.

Oreoluwa Badmus wasn't just the best female academic student but also the winner of the cross country race for three years now. She was the former leader of the school's cheerleading team but she went ahead to give her position to her best friend Mano. Oreoluwa was a chubby dark skinned girl with average height. She was a role model. Ore was the must praised female in the school. Everyone admired her. I think the only bad side she had was that she cared too much about about her friends. The moment she calls you are friend, she did go to any extent for you. And here she was, dealing with the girl who beat up her best friend.

" The next time you dare hurt my friend again. You did be hearing from me and it would be worst than this believe me", Ore treated.

I didn't dare outter a word, I just said quiet on my sit with paint dripping from every corners of my body. As the bell for school dismissal rang. I quickly carried my bag and rushed out of the class. I wasn't ready for any more drama.

As I approached the school's exit gate I met the new counselor. Miss Nengi.

" Jesus Christ! What happened to you? How did you get paint on you? Are you alright?", she threw questions at me as I got closer to her.

"Oh please... If you weren't blind you did see that I wasn't alright and not in the right state to answer all these questions you are throwing at me. And you should get out of my way, I bet you wouldn't want me rubbing my dirty body on you", I replied rudely and walked pass her.

I definitely knew I was rude and if principal Rose had to hear of it, I would be getting extra punishment but that was the least thing I cared about.I was furious and needed to vent my anger on someone.