All I needed right then was intense penising but poor me won't be getting any for the weekend. I was suppose to meet up with Mr. Ayo in his hotel room today. We usually meet every Friday but it was clear I won't be going this Friday. It would take me forever to wash off the paint from my body. I also wouldn't be attending tomorrow choir rehearsal cause it starts by 3pm and ends by 5pm. Meaning no seeing of that fine music director. "Omo!! This Mano girl is pure bad luck, she just spoilt my well planned weekend".

"Tokoni wait for me na", melody called out.

I stopped and turned back to see her, she was running out of the school's exit gate to catch up with me.

"Where are you rushing to? Why didn't you wait for me? What happened to you? How did you get paint all over your body? Did you swim in paint? Or you.....

It's okay... How do you expect me to answer all these questions at onces? Chill with the questions I beg, I am one human and God gave me just one mouth. I can't answer a hundred questions at a time na", I said cutting melody short.

"Fineee!! what happened to you? Did you swim in Paint?", melody asked again.

"Does your school have a swimming pool filled with paint", I asked melody giving her a faded look.

"Emmmm(she places her hands on her head like she was thinking very hard) none I could remember", she replied.

"Then I definitely didn't swim in paint.

"Then what happened to you?",.

"It's that stupid mouka foam that poured paint all over me",I replied.

"Mouka foam you say? Mouka foams now have hands and they are going about pouring paint on people? Wow this must surely be the end time", melody said with a serious face on.

(Laughs hardly)" Melody I can't even tell if you are truly nerve or you are just acting. When I said mouka foam you should know I was referring to that Ore girl, she ganged up with the class to pour paint on me because of the fight I had with Mano", I said.

" You mean Ore did this to you? What is even wrong with that girl sef? Somethimg that was clearly her friends fault and now you see why I always tell you to watch what you say in public shey?",

" yeah yeah, I know now but it wasn't my Fault tho",.

"I hear you and before I forget you don't walk home with I and kelechi on Fridays. You will suddenly develop disappearing powers on Friday, one moment you are with us the next moment we can't find you and I know for a fact that you don't go home because I had checked up on you several times. Where do you go to on Fridays after school?",

"My secret cult", I replied jokely.

(In Yoruba language)" Secret cult ko secret cult ni, set awon cultist. Don't worry don't even tell me but one day I will find out where you usually go to on Fridays.

"Oshey investigator", I hailed Melody then we both laughed.

"So are you going to your secret cult today?"

" With all this paint on me? Definitely not",

" ThankGod Ore poured paint on you, I can walk home with you today then",

She gave me a big warm smile then came closer to me and wrap her hands around me..

"Watch it, you might stain yourself",I warned.

"Then the both of us will have paint on us and you won't be the only one people will stare at while we walk, I also want to get the attention you see", she said.

We both looked at each other than started laughing very hard. She began rubbing paint from my body on her face and head. I really loved Melody, she always had a way of making me feel happy. I wished I was a good friend to her as she was to me, I really Wished....

It was Sunday morning and the sun had already risen in the cloudless sky if Igbonene. I just jumped out if bed , walked straight to the big wall mirror in my room . The birds on the mango tree outside were singing sweetly to each other. I turned my head towards the window smiling. The morning felt peaceful and promising. After staring at my self for some minutes, I went down stairs to prepare something for Sister who was still sleeping. After I had finished preparing her meal, I went back to my room to take my bath and dressed up. When I was done I went back and stood in front of the big wall mirror again.

I was preparing to leave for Justin's funeral. I loved staring at my reflection in the mirror. I could stare for hours and even more. My physical looks were something I was so confident about.

I was chocolate in complexion. Not fat nor slim. I was just in between. I was 5.6ft, I did leave that for you to decide if I was tall or short. I had portable breast and a fat ass, a well curved body and a pretty face. Yeah I was really beautiful and I knew it. I wore a skimpy black dress with tiny hands that was above my kneels. I loved clothes that revealed my shape. I wore my mascara and applied my lip gloss. Wore my smart watch and my black flat shoes and I was ready to go.

Just then I spotted my empty neck through the mirror. I rushed to the drawer were I kept my jewelries and brought out an original VCA set that Mr. Ayo bought for me. I put them on and pour my butterfly locs down my back. I had been rolling them in a bond since such long hair weren't permitted in school. Just then my phone rang. It was Mr. Ago. I had told him to take me to the funeral venue.

"Hello I said", as I picked the call.

"Are you ready? I'm at your junction ", he asked at the other end of the call.

"Yes I'm done, I'm coming out now", I replied and ended the call.

I grabbed my black transparent scarf and rolled it around my head like an Hijab then wore my sunglasses before leaving my room. My house was far from the junction so I boarded a tricycle to get to Mr. Ago.

"Good morning ",I said as I entered the car. He smiled and pecked me .

"Wow! Girl you sure you are going for a funeral? Cause you look extremely beautiful and hot today. Your beauty could even resurrect the dead",He compliment with his hands on the wheel and his eyes on my body.

(Chuckled)"Nice one, you got me. Thanks sweetheart".

"How about we make our meet ups twice a week. I really want to spend more time together.

"This man really wants to finish all the sugar in me", I thought to myself.

" You want us to spend more time as per you don't have a wife and family to go back to and spend more time with! And beside that request is impossible. Your daughter is already curious about where I go to every Friday. I do not want to get her even more curious", I replied.

"I see. Just think about it tho",He said.

"Okay, I will", I replied then placed my earpods on my ears. For the rest of the journey I was listening to music and taking selfies.

" so when would you be done? Should I come pick you up?", he asked as we highlighted.

"No thanks. Melody would want us to go home together",I replied him. We hugged and I came down from the car. He gave me some money before driving off.

"I smell something fishy",I heard a voice behind me which I recognize to be Mano's.

"Oshey Davido ft. Peruzzi. Set awon fish seller well done", I said as I turned to look at her.

"Comedian", she commented dryly.

"You stalking me or what?", I asked.

"Stalking you? When you are not a celeb? Obviously not. But I was just wondering. Your friend's dad dropping you off and giving you money when his daughter came to the same place in a public transport is just off to me. Sweetheart what the hell are you not telling me", she asked.

(Chuckled)"It seems you have forgotten what happened to you the last time you crossed my part, what a shame. Let me take the pain to remind you Mano, stick your nose one more time into my business and I promise you I will pluck it out since you have nothing else to do with it. Don't forget that we are not in the school's environment or any were close to it, there wouldn't be any one to save you from me this time around", I treated.

" And Mano one more thing. I'm not your sweet heart. Your sweetheart is in Yabaleft collecting treatment",I said them pushed her out of my way as I walked pass.