To Mistral and A Raven

6 am

Before Aimy wakes up, William gets his new gear out of the inventory space and wears the old hunter armor with Chikage on his left hip with beast cutter on his right and Desert eagle just below the Chikage. Leaving the room to get some food before hitting the road. After about five minutes later, Aimy walks downstairs with her gear sitting down with William and ordering. 

Aimy "So you look like you're ready to take on an adventure Willaim where'd you get the new blade and armor?" she says while greedily eating her food.

William says in a hushed voice, "Yeah, I got it from James for trading in some of my firearms and previous armor for the new armor and blade." Aimy starts choking on her food; she composes herself with a shocked expression after a moment. 

Aimy "James alive? How… no when where is he?" she said quickly 

William "No sadly but I'm guessing your semblance is more so showing someone's soul and the main ethics or something similar being what like an angel and devil on someone's shoulder?"

Aimy "I don't know what a devil is but if angel is the word for the robed and winged versions of people I see then yes and yes I can feel someone's true emotions even if they mask their true emotions."

William "Sounds very useful either way since we are done with our food." William outs 300 lien on the table and gets up. "We shouldn't waste the morning light and start moving."

Aimy "Yes I have to agree with you let's go." she replies with a smile on her face as William and Aimy start going towards Mistral with barely anyone but some hunters out on the road.

3 hours on the road 

Aimy "So that when I fucking socked the dispicable bastard for trying to fondle Saito and everyone in the bar started laughing beside the now unconscious eye sore." she says and laughs loudly as William gives a hearty laugh as well. But are interrupted by an Ursa major and three regular ursas jumping out behind them.

William "Aimy mind if I take them I want to test my new blade against them."

Aimy looks concerned for a moment but gestures towards the ursas as she gets in a defensive stance with the Dane ax. "Sure I'll cover behind us just in case."

William "Thanks." as he puts his left hand on the sheath and right hand on the hilt, he feels a prick on his palm and pulls out Chikage. It makes a sickening sound like a blade piercing flesh with the blade glistening blood-red as William charges ahead, turning to smoke every other step with the ursas confused about what is happening. After losing sight of William, he decapitates an ursa with a downwards cut.

Another Ursa tries to swipe its claws at William, but he deflects the claw and slashes across the ursas chest, splitting the ursa in two. William manipulates the blood on the blade to extend the blade to be an nodachi, as the Ursa major tries to bite William, he turns to smoke and kills the other ursa behind the major.

The Ursa major howls with its head high but is cut short by William manipulating the blood off his blade to impale the Ursa major and expanding the blood inside the body, turning the Ursa major into a pin cushion killing it. After the major falls over dead, the blood comes back to the blade as William flicks the blood off the Chikage and the blood flicks to the ground. 

After a moment and sheathing the Chikage William looks behind him towards Aimy as she has a shocked and concerned expression.

Aimy "William that was amazing swordsmanship and the blade looked like it was covered in blood how and the blood red spikes coming out of the ursa.. Wait, was it yours, are you okay?" She quickly closes the distance and looks him over like a concerned parent.

William "Yes I'm alright you don't have to check me over. And yes that was my blood. This weapon,Chikage, can use blood to increase the range and from the feel of it increase my speed." griping Chikage by the hilt and moving it up and down for a moment.

Aimy "It sounds dangerous to use it like that so don't do it unless you have to as a last resort my heart sank a bit seeing your blood." she says with a pained voice and pouts a bit.

William "Alright besides I got my information about it for now but until I fully understand I'll be using it in a controlled environment so no need to worry."

Aimy "Alright but let's keep moving. We got roughly a week to get to Mistral and we should be hitting Shion in about a day and a half." As she starts walking, William catches up and walks beside her.

After about 11 hours of fighting gimms on and off, they both feel that something is off with the amount of Grimm, so William volunteers to stay up and watch the camp so Aimy can sleep. At first she protests, but after fighting roughly 60 Grimm she concedes after William can still cleave through them like butter with beast cutter.

Aimy "Alright but wake me up in 5 hours so you can get some rest, so please don't push yourself." as she grabs and squeezes William's hand with a sad expression.

William "Alright I will, the longer you stay awake the less time you have to rest." said teasingly as Aimy opened the sleeping bag and quickly fell asleep. He chuckles a bit but stands guard, and after about 3 hours, there are howls of wolves far off in the distance, but after that nothing.

So William opens the shop and looks at his stats 

strength as strong as a chapel giant

Blood echos 1,152

current skills/aura/semblance max 10

Passive: hunter weapon mastery(8) better control over hunter weapons.

Passive: riposte max like bloodborne

Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possession or have power transferred and immune to illusions.

medical(8) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery

sharpshooter(8) increases the chance of shots on target


Passive leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient

chemist(3) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to napalm

CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques

Passive: old blood max gains a small amount of health every 5 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out. Maximum blood loss is now 60% before the death of the host.

Passive: aura(7) 

Passive semblance(9) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)

Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or traverse the land.

Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies > Blood art's you now have finer control over your blood, able to make it as thick as steel.

Passive: silver eye can turn most Grimm into stone, but since it's one eye, it's not as effective, only affecting 10 Grimm at a time, determining if they are more potent than the host they will be immobile for 30 seconds cooldown is 3 minutes.

Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space and anything that can't be held in someone's hands.

Purchasable skills 

Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single target only (5,000 blood echos)

???? skills requirement to unlock meet the main four characters. (Any skills that you guys can think of are put in the comment section and I may choose some that may be put into the system later on in the story.)

As William is looking over his stats, he hears a fluttering of wings quickly putting away the scroll; looking up there is a silhouette of a raven with red eyes.

William "Okay once was a chance, twice was a coincidence and three is the last straw." pulling out his Desert eagle and pointing it at the raven. "If you are some fucking familair to a damn old wizard in a fucking tower then fuck off I'm going to count to three and if you're still perchehed there your dead."

The raven quickly flies behind the tree it was perched on, but William doesn't see it after a moment. And hears someone fall to the ground as William steps back towards Aimy to keep her safe from the unknown threat.

??? A female voice calls out from behind the tree; the raven disappeared behind." So you know old man oz." said with some hostility.

William "Not personally per say no who's asking?" [That voice sounds familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.] with William still aiming towards the tree.

??? "Someone but isn't it rude to not say your name but I'll make an exception. My name is Raven…" William interrupts 

William "Branwen… Raven Branwen, mother of Yang Xiao Long and sister of Qrow Branwen. Yeah what do you want because now that I know who you are I really don't want to talk to you." he says with some hostility and venom in his voice.

Raven "So you know who I am now, that's interesting here, let's meet face to face so we can talk better than you looking at a tree." she replies with some disbelief in her voice but quickly hides it.

William "Fine but you will keep your hands above your head or I will shoot you where you stand."

Raven walks from behind the tree with her arms above her head with her iconic Grimm like helmet with a shallow cut black and red dress with black shorts underneath,with a series of necklaces and a belt that's wrapped around her waist carrying her weapon.

Raven "Well this is better now I want to know how you know who I am and how you know Ozpin." she says almost demandingly. 

William "I don't have to tell you shit about what I know and besides you came at the wrong time for this type of conversation."

Raven "What's that supposed to mean you prick? You think I'll just…" William Interrupts Raven again.

William "Leave yes but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you just not now is the best time. And if you want to, I can give you my scroll contact information to talk at a later date or set up a meeting for us to meet face to face. How does that sound?" I say it a bit condescendingly.

Raven "No you'll at least tell me how you know ozpin my brother and m.. Yang at least now." with some aggression in her voice as she slowly tries to lower her arms.

William "Ah keep your arms up and I'll tell you. What if I told you I know because I saw and heard about ozpin and his little order, the four maidens a girl named Cinder Fall inheriting the Fall madines power, you in your raven form watching your daughter in bed after her arm was cut off by Adam Taurus during the fall of beacon or how you saved your daughter from being killed on a train and you intervened. And later giving Qrow a message to pass onto Yang saying "I saved you once, and you shouldn't expect that kindness again." or something like that all while you couldn't see or hear me."

After William's short speech, Raven doesn't speak for a few moments as; she starts to slowly back away from William as he quickly turns to smoke, frightening Raven but before she can do anything else, William already has her arms behind her back and grapples Raven to the ground.

William "Your not going anywhere Raven, you wanted to know how I knew and I told you but I didn't say you could leave just yet. Besides you need to get my contact information because I'd prefer if this doesn't happen again so what do you say?" he says authoritatively as Raven tries to get out of the grapple but can't.

Raven "Fine but I need to get up first." she says with some panic in her voice.

William "No just tell me where your scroll is and I'll do it so I know that I'm in your contacts also after I put my contact information in don't you dare try anything to the woman that is asleep or else I won't be so kind next time we meet."

Raven shivers a bit and says, "Fine its in my right dress pocket after you put it in my scroll you can let go of me." with some venom in her voice as William reaches into her right pocket, finding the scroll and putting his information inputs it back in her dress pocket. And Slowly getting up from the ground with Raven still grappled. 

Raven "You done feeling me up you pervert? Because I want to be let go so I can leave." she said in a commanding voice.

William "You will not contact me until a week from today then I'll answer all of your questions about why I know so much. About you, the maidens and ozpin deal?"

Raven "Deal now let me go." William lets go of Raven as she sprints off into the forest, changing into a raven, not caring to be seen by William and just wanting to get away from him.

[Well, I might have fucked myself telling Raven some things of what I know, but her curiosity of me has reached its peak, so I will more than likely get a call a week from now from Raven. But Now, how do I deal with the main character after I spill the beans about them. Like, what the fuck do I say? I know about all there's thing because it was a entertaining show like fuck; how do I get this across. I know I can say God gave me limited information, but that will back me into a corner with the brother gods if they know God intervened with their stupid plan. Fuck, screw it I'll tell them it was the show. Being honest will be the best and then explain that weird theory of people who create storys actually can peak into another dimension and see the events. Actually that might be the best course of action.]

After a few minutes, William goes back to watching for two more hours until he wakes up Aimy without telling her about what happened and looks like Aimy's a deep sleeper. After William switches shifts, he sleeps five hours and is awoken by Aimy telling him she has breakfast ready.