POV Aimy
[Last night, I heard William talking to a woman named Raven Branwen. I've never heard about her before, so what did she want with William? I didn't want William to worry about me, so I pretended to be asleep, but from what William said to her, I'll more than likely be seeing and hearing more about her, so I'll ask William about her.]
As William and Aimy eat breakfast, Aimy fidgets and asks William.
Aimy "William why was that woman here last night and from how you sounded you knew about her and don't like her for some reason. Also the maidens, is that story true?" she says curiously.
William starts choking on his for a moment but composes himself. "Yes I know who Raven Branwen is to some degree and yes the four maidens are true, the powers and all that." taking a deep breath and continues, "This world, Remnant in my world when I first saw it. It was an animated web series that follows four young women and their journey to become huntresses, Ruby Rose,Yang Xaio Long, Weiss Schnee, and Blake Belladonna with all their quirks. And yes I'm talking about thee Weiss Schnee of the Schnee dust company an..." Aimy interrupts William
Aimy with a shocked expression and shaking a bit. "You mean that all the people who watched said animated show treat it like entertainment. Like all the hardship that everyone sees behind a screen or whatever, don't care what happens if someone dies?" she says, panicking and throwing her food away in anger. "ALL OF IT'S REAL NOT FUCKING FAKE PEOPLE DIE EVERYDAY TO THE GRIMM AND THEY JUST THINK 'oh this is a good show to watch to pass the time.' NO IT'S NOT IT'S.." Aimy is interrupted by William quickly getting up and hugging her tightly in his embrace as she's breaking down and hugging him back.
After a minute, Ursa and three beowolfs are drawn in by the emotions from Aimy and pounce at the hugging couple but are all killed by William pulling out his gun, dispatching all with a clean headshot.
William "Yes that's what people see because they don't know it's a reality in and of itself. There is a theory or I should say fact now. The theory is that when people create an original story they actually have the ability to perceive the other reality and the events. And the writers, creators or whoever sees their 'original works' are actually a different world's event. So it's not that people don't care it's just their ignorance of it being real and now that i'm here in this world its my reality now and you're real."
Aimy, after about 15 minutes in William's embrace she kisses him and gently breaks away. "William, it's a lot to take in. More so than you coming from another world but with you being here and telling me people in your original world are just ignorant I can somewhat understand but getting back to the point of me bringing this up please tell me all you know about the show." said a bit demandingly and curiously.
William then proceeds to tell Aimy all he knows about Remnant up to volume 3 with the four maidens being true, a secret organization made up of all the headmasters of the four academies, How ozpin's the head of the organization, but more than likely is dead from the fall of beacon. How Cinder Fall has the Fall maidens power and that she's a part of another organization in direct conflict with Ozpin's and how the show was revolving around four main characters. After about an hour of explaining everything he knows. Aimy is sitting there with a complicated expression pondering what was said.
Aimy "So the four maidens are real, two shadow organizations are fighting each other one to protect the world and the other more than likely to destroy the world, With the said main head of the good organization dead so what's our odds to pull this shit fest out of the gutter with the four' main characters' to help this world ending endeavor?" she says after five minutes of contemplating towards William.
William "I'll be honest I have no idea if we can pull this out of the gutter but since there's magic then I have a feeling that Ozpin might not be actually dead or I should say his soul. If there's one thing about the people in my old world is that they are smart and since my theory is correct then the magic that's in a table top role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. Then there should be a high possibility that Ozpins soul is either in A a clone of his previous body. B in a new body, or C in a body that already has a soul. Those are the only things I can think of because there are no stories about the undead on Remnant."
Aimy "You.. since you know more about this then me I'll follow your lead on this because even if there is a slim chance to save the world I'll do everything I can do to help." she says confidently.
William "Either way since your semblance is extremely unique to probably see people's souls it'll come in handy to find Ozpin or to get leverage against him since you can read people's true emotions. Also about your question that I dodged about James… well he's an angel in mythology of my old world they are protectors and guides for humans in my old world. And he's one of them guiding me from the sound of it in this world and you will probably see him if he shows up."
Aimy "I guess it makes sense now why I see those figures but either way we can continue on with this conversation when we get to Mistral.." she says with a warm smile and gets her gear ready.
William "Well you're taking this a bit better than I thought. But yes I agree with you." William gets his gear packed and ready to go while killing two more beowolfs that found their way to the camp as they started to leave.
Five hours later, after killing some Grimm here and there, they finally see Shion or what's left of Shion with dead bodies all around with dried blood with the buildings half-burned and a huge hoof mark going away from Shion towards the wood Aimy and William came from.
William "Whatever made this hoof print is big and is probably the reason Shion is no longer on the map." he says as William pulls out beast cutter and his Desert eagle prepared for any surprise attacks. With Aimy kneeling down next to the hoof mark.
Aimy "There are footprints recent by roughly a less than half a day they all lead to that dead body that leans against the broken wall and continues to the road towards Mistral. And from the prints I'd say four to five people max from them back tracking a bit." she says confidently as Aimy gets back up from kneeling down examining the tracks.
William "Well hopefully whatever did this didn't cross paths with what i'm presuming hunters. Either way we should continue on and now we know why there was an increase of grimm." as William starts to walk on the path as Aimy follows behind with both of them on guard. As they walk for eight hours they set up camp for the day and eat.
While William summons his system with everything still the same besides the blood echoes being now 1,252. As William looks through the shop, there's a new tab called entertainment with nothing to lose. He checks it out and there are some of his favorite bands and artists. [Damn it says it'll download the song directly to my scroll so I can listen to it. Hey Sabaton released a new song. Nice, now I can listen to some songs while we travel.] William is interrupted by what sounds like gunfire in the distance but chalks it up to the group before them fighting Grimm.
Aimy "Sounds like the group before us is fighting some grimm. Do you think we should help? Because if we sprint we should make it because the sounds seem like they are coming from the abandoned town of oniyuri." she says while looking at me curiously.
William "No, with how close it is to night it'll be too dark to traverse and I'd prefer not to fight in an urban environment if they are fighting in the town. Also we don't know them and the people we've seen on the road after leaving Higanbana are hunters and huntresses so they should be fine. That is if they pull through with their fight." he says dead toned while eating his food and buying from the shop PPE that he lost for 50 blood echos, and buying three more clips for the Desert eagle as his hand hovers over antivenom for some reason and he clicks it purchasing it for 200 blood echoes. As he stares at the antivenom set thinking to himself.
[Why did I purchase this? No, I should be asking if James influenced me to buy it. If so, thanks James, but if he influenced me to buy this, is it for me if I get injected with venom or Aimy? Fuck it ill buy two more just in case.] buying two more antivenom sets putting them with his medical gear with the time to sleep quickly approaching Aimy volunteers to keep first watch and wake William up for his with William falling asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
After 5 hours, William is awoken by Aimy for his shift getting up Aimy gives him a peck on the cheek and lays down to rest with William giggling a bit with the five hours going by with just howls of wolves from afar as he listens to fortunate son before waking up Aimy with some breakfast.
Aimy "What's this song? Nothing I've heard before and I kind of like it." she says moving her foot to the beat.
William "It's an old song that I used to listen to when I was a kid. And was a favorite song of one of my old squadmates." as he eats his breakfast with Aimy happily.
Aimy "I would like to listen to more of your world's music if that's alright with you?" as she looks at William with puppy eyes.
William "I will, but my music taste is pretty biased to the things I like, so I'll be playing some music as we walk if thats alright.
Aimy "Yeah that's fine I want to figure out your music taste and I kind of don't have any since most of our music in Mistal is regulated because of our alliance with Atlas." she says sheepishly.
William "Yeah I'll play some of the music I listen to as we walk and I'm more interested in the fight that happened last night hopefully there aren't bodies."
Aimy "And if there are I'll punch you for not helping them." she says teasingly while giving a light jab on Williams's arm.
William "Alright hopefully they are alright well let's get moving." he says while grabbing his gear with Aimy right next to him as they walk to Oniyuri within an hour as they listen to some music from Avenged Sevenfold but turns it off as they enter the city they are on guard, especially William.
Once they reach the town center, they see what looks like a battle happened, with all the rubble and bullet holes after looking around for a moment, they both see a scorpion stinger severed cleanly with some dried blood next to it.
William "Well whoever was wounded either severed the stinger from the assailant or someone else did it and from the blood trail it seems someone is in need of medical attention too." with some panic and guilt in his voice as Aimy puts a hand on his shoulder.
AImy "You were just looking out for us so don't blame yourself if anything we should be able to catch up with them and you can give that injured person medical attention." she said comfortingly as William put his hand on top of her's.
William "Thank you, how did a guy like me find someone like you. But your right with an injured person if they aren't treated fast enough from the venom the person they roughly have 2-3 days before they die and since it's already been a day they will have trouble walking here soon so lets hurry."
Both Aimy and William sprint following the obvious trail left behind by the group ahead of them. They see a campfire and indentations of sleeping bags from last night. As William checks the bonfire still seeing some smoldering embers in the ash, he is interrupted by Aimy grabbing him and bringing him to a tree that has a light blueish purple substance on the tree and near the roots.
William "What the fuck is this?" as William uses blood arts on the odd substance with it moving at his beck and call. "Well this is the victim's blood and looks like this venom is more potent than I thought but I have never seen venom that changes the color of blood so if anything taking this new information they don't have long to live." he said with guilt in his voice as he makes a pained expression tightening his fists.
Aimy "It's not your fault." as Aimy holds both of his fists. "But with this new information how long do you think he has to live?"
William "With the new information 2 days max and that's if their party keeps up with their needs. But either way how long is Mistral now because if they try to get there the injured will die before they get there so they will make a stop at another location to get medical supplies or a doctor to check their wounded." pulling out the map, he looks for nearby towns or villages towards Mistral and seeing Kuroyuri. "What about Kuroyuri?"
Aimy "That town was destroyed several years ago by a grimm but you would be correct if they stop there to scavenge medical supplies since it's roughly a day's walk there."
William "Wait a grimm singular?"
Aimy "Yes from the description from survivors it had a horse body with a humanoid body on the center of the horse's body."
William "Well that's a very interesting grimm but either way, we should get moving now that I see we've been talking for about an hour now." William starts to sprint with Aimy, keeping up.