Finding Ruby and a fight.

With William and Aimy sprinting for about an hour, they slow down to a jog, still not finding the group.

William "Damn either they are fast or we are slow, probably the former rather than the latter. With them hurrying to get antivenom but." Willam crouches down and sees the footprints and sees that they are doing rotations carrying the wounded on a makeshift stretcher. "They are doing a good job with their speed, that is if Kuroyuri was still operational." as he gets up from kneeling down and looks at Aimy.

Aimy "I would have to agree with you. They are pretty fast even with someone injured so as you said they will probably stop at Kuroyuri which is from here." as she pulls out the map from William's pack. "About 5 ish hours by walking so there are the cross roads here on the map splitting off to kuroyuri and kuchinas." as she points on the map.

William looks at the map as well to where Aimy is pointing. "That's where we could meet them but how far ahead do you think they are from us if you had to guess?" he said with a curious tone.

Aimy "Well given from the camp they made, probably 30 minutes behind give or take a couple minutes." Aimy replied confidently as she put the map back in William's pack.

William "Alright let's get.." William is interrupted by a multitude of low growls coming from the tree line with several sets of red eyes looking at them as roughly ten beowulf's exit the tree line. As William and Aimy draw their weapons, the beowulf's charge with william morphing beast cutter cutting five beowulf's in half as the other five duck under or jumping over the whip version of beast cutter.

Aimy using her dane ax, cuts a Beowulf in two and starts to defend from another Beowulf parrying and deflecting its claw and bites. With William killing the other three beowulfs with precise headshots from the Desert eagle as Aimy finishes of the last one with her ax embedding itself in the neck of the Beowulf. As she brings it down to the ground as it lays lifeless pulling out the dane ax with ease lifting it over her shoulder with a proud expression on her face looking at William.

Aimy "Now that was a big pack thankfully we didn't see any alphas leading this pack. But either way we should keep moving. We wasted enough time fighting." as she starts to run forward down the path with William running behind her. After running for about 2 hours more, they take a break, still not catching up to the group.

William eats some food as his foot taps the ground nervously. "Maybe the reason we haven't catched up with them is because of what happened at oniyuri which makes sense and them hearing gunshots behind them increasing their pace. God why didn't I think of that." he says while facepalming.

Aimy "That could be the case now that they heard a battle behind them and just worrying about their wounded so it makes sense."

William unloads 50. AE rounds from the Desert Eagle and loads ice dust ammunition that fits into the magazine. "Yeah and I'm surprised that the dust ammunition that we got from Satio actually is usable for my gun. But hopefully it doesn't explode in my hand while firing the rounds."

Aimy "Hopefully not and from Satio's expression from your gun it should hold up fine besides she's a huge gun nut even though she doesn't show it. But let's continue, we got roughly 3ish hours till Kuroyuri." getting up and pulling her pack back on as William does the same.

Two and a half hours later, Aimy and William run they reach the crossroad that Aimy pointed at the map. As Aimy and William check the tracks seeing two people went to the right towards Kuchinas, another set of two go towards Kuroyuri, and from the looks of the tracks, they were the ones with the wounded person.

William and Aimy get up from examining the tracks and see the large hoof print towards Kuroyuri, and they hear a loud screeching sound near Kuroyuri. Both look at each other rushing to Kuroyuri, quickly getting to the main gates after a 15-minute sprint; they see five people one is leaning against a tree in a button up shirt untucked with a cape and shoddy patchwork of bandages across his stomach with a bluish-purple stain on the bandages.

The other four people, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc, and Ruby Rose, all looked older. They look to their right but quickly look to the main gate seeing Aimy and William. Still, before they say anything, there's a loud screech as everyone look to the sound they see a horse Grimm with what looks like a humanoid torso on the back of the horse Grimm with arms dragging behind it with Ren saying "No no no." as the Grimm gets ready to charge at the man leaning against the tree in the center of the square. But is interrupted with two shots from Williams desert eagle staggering its charge with its back hoofs covered in ice.

William "STOP STARING AND GET HIM TO SAFETY!" he yells and starts to rush towards the Nuckelavee with beast cutter as he dodges left, almost being hit with its arm that extended and takes a swing rending it's flesh but doesn't sever, with the arm retracting faster than William anticipated. His feet are grabbed throwing him off balance as William is thrown around like a ragdoll hitting the ground a couple of time and is thrown into a building. Jaune pulls out of his shock, grabs the man from the ground, and rushes towards behind a ruined building. At the same time, the rest of the team starts to fight the Nuckelavee with Ruby providing range support with Ren and Nora dodging the arms.

William gets up and sees his leg is bleeding with some bone-breaking the skin and quickly pushes it back in with some blood spurting out of the wound with a grimace expression and jumps back out to fight with some of his skin closing the wound. And sees Aimy is helping deflecting the Nuckelavee arms from grabbing Ren and Nora. As Jaune comes out from behind the house charging it with his shield and sword raised as he slashes one of the hoofs as it tries to kick him but fails with it's hoofs still stuck in the ice and breaks the ice shattering it hitting Jaunce in the leg stopping him for a moment but just enough to be kicked onto his back.

William puts away the beast cutter and his desert eagle, pulling out Chikage with the sickening sound of flesh being pierced with the blade being covered in blood. With an arm from the Nuckelavee, William dodges it and does an upwards slash on the arm, severing it with ease and his blood going upwards and raining back down with new blood reforming on the blade. The Nuckelavee screeching loudly from the injury and changes it's target to William and charges relieving Ren, Nora, and Aimy with Ruby still shooting it.

William "COME ON HIT HIT ME!" said with aggression and before he's trampled, William turns to smoke and dodges to the right but is grabbed by the other arm, grabbing his legs again slamming William roughly six times on the ground throwing William back towards the group with his aura broken and hits the tree in the middle of the courtyard chest first hearing his sternum crack and coughing up blood as Aimy screams "WILLIAM!" with William landing on the ground back first with his chest armor soaked in blood as Aimy rushes to him. At the same time, Ren, Nora, Jaune, and Ruby continue to fight the Nuckelavee.

Army "William.. William, come on get up please." as tears stream down her face as she kneels over William breathing heavily as he quickly flicks the blood off of Chikage and slowly gets up from the small pool of blood soaking the ground he was laying on.

William "It'll take more than that to kill me." he says through panted breaths and starts to manipulate his blood inside his body to block up the multiple puncture wounds in his lungs and tries to step forward but is stopped by seeing the Neckelavee's arm coming towards Aimy that is still kneeling down and pushes her out of the way getting grabbed by the arm but is intervened by Ruby impaling the arm to the ground with her scythe as Jaune cuts the back hooves off the Nuckelavee with it screeching in pain but is silenced by Nora slamming her hammer onto the head of the house Grimm as it falls down. With Aimy severing the remaining arm holding William as Ren cuts off the head of the Nuckelavee with a huge amount of black smoke leaving it's body as William falls to his knees feeling a bit dizzy but is helped up by Aimy. With Ruby, Ren, Nora, And Jaune thanking them for the help.

William replies with some pain in his voice. "You're welcome but I need to see who was wounded from the venom. He doesn't have long to live."

Ruby pales a bit with some panic in her voice "He's over here follow me." as she darts off using her semblance as William starts to walk towards the back of the ruined building with Aimy helping him walk and hears Qrow talking to Ruby.

Qrow "It's quiet, good job kiddo." in a low, pained voice and looks at Aimy and William coming around the coroner as they hear a loud beeping noise and see two airships circling about. "And thank you for helping my Niece and her team." without replying, William kneels down and starts to pull out his medical equipment with Qrow looking at William wide-eyed.

William "You're welcome but my priority is you so you'll feel a small prick but don't worry it's antivenom." he says dead toned and jabs the antivenom into Qrow before he can reply.

Qrow "OW you damn prick you could have let me reply before you jabbed me." Qrow says weakly. As they hear people running around the corner with stretcher as they put Qrow on to one but William refuses adamantly and walks besides Qrow with Ruby on the other side as they board the airship as William continues to check Qrow over with Ruby kneeling next to William and Qrow with Aimy's hoof tapping in annoyance at William for not resting even though he's injured even more than the kids.

Ruby "How did you find us?" she asks one of the airmen

Airmen "We saw the smoke, nobody's been out there in years."

Ruby looks at William. "And how did you find us?"

William replies, "We followed the trail you left starting in Shion, then Oniyuri, and finally the trail and some educated guessing we guessed you'd stop in Kuroyuri from this guy here being stabbed by something and getting injected with venom. With roughly two days to live max from how potent the venom is you'd try to scavenge medical supplies from the ruined town." 

Ruby with a surprised expression on her face stares at William with her mouth ajar. "How did you guess all this it.. Were you stalking us?" she says defensively 

William "No Kid we weren't me and Aimy there were on our way to Mistral and found your trail by chance and we then made it our mission to help this old man here." pointing at Qrow

Qrow "I'm not that old i…" he says weakly and starts coughing.

William "You're in no condition to talk so keep your mouth shut until you're better." Qrow grumbles and Ruby gives a small chuckle and so does Aimy as the airships fly towards Mistral.