Still in the airship with Ruby, Jaune, Qrow, and Aimy
Ruby "I know this is a bit late to be asking but are you okay sir?" with some concern in her voice as she looks at Williams blood-soaked chest armor.
William "Yeah I'll be fine kid and my names William and you are?"
Ruby "I'm Ruby Rose and the old man is uncle Qrow and that's Vomit boy." she says, laughing a bit and getting a grone from Qrow and a hey from Jaune.
Jaune "Hey you said you weren't going to call me that anymore and my name is Jaune Arc and thank you for helping us even if you got hurt." he says, a bit dejected, and looks at the floor.
William "It's alright Jaune I knew the risks and to be honest I didn't want to see you kids get hurt." William replies, smiling a bit and looking up to Jaune as his silver eye glistens a bit from the sun, but William feels woozy a bit as some blood starts to flow again, dripping onto the ship's floor.
William "Well shit." as he quickly gets out his medical gear and starts to undress his upper body revealing a mutilated chest with multiple bone fragments from his sternum poking out as blood starts to flow again with a small pool forming below him as he is dragged away from Qrow by Aimy as she and William quickly start to clean his wounds as Ruby, Jaune, Qrow and the Airman look horrified by the scene as the Airman quickly grabs an emergency first aid kit helping William and Aimy patch William up.
After roughly 5 minutes and a medium size pool of blood around William the blood stops the Airman and Aimy with their hands soaked in Williams blood as he starts to close his eyes from the blood lose as the airship lands as medical personnel rush to Qrow and William, as he passes out as the medical personnel get him on the stretcher putting William in a ambulance rushing to the hospital. With a shocked Ruby, Juane, Nora, and Ren from the sheer amount of blood William lost.
POV Aimy
After getting to the hospital and getting a call from uncle Matsumura rushes to the hospital with NDA's and other legal jargon after I told him about William and how he can heal from broken bones and life-threatening injuries with him saying "After he wakes up I would like to have a talk with him about your relationship."
As I sit down in the hospital room with William resting peacefully with good vitality as a doctor walks in.
Doctor "Miss White from the vital signs Mr Newman has he should make a full recovery by tomorrow morning and from how he patched himself up with you and the patrolman helping I have to say his medical knowledge has surpassed all of our medical staff would you mind telling me what his profession was before becoming a hunter?" he says with curiosity.
Aimy "He still isn't a hunter but from what he said about his past is that he was a combat medic but nothing else."
Doctor "What you mean, a soldier with medical knowledge of his caliber is better suited to work in the medical field. But I digress Mr Hideaki is here to see you." he says while opening the door for Matsumura Hideaki being 6'3 With the same bull features of his niece as the doctor leaves and closes the door behind him.
Matsumura then sits down next to his niece, sighing deeply and asks. "So Aimy I haven't heard from you in a while and you come without even calling and with your man on a hospital bed from helping hunters. But either way its good to see you again." as he hug Aimy tightly and she hugs him back for about three minutes before breaking the hug.
Matsumura "So you usually don't bring a man with you when you come to visit, usually you bring Satio with you. So how far did you two go." he says teasingly with some concern in his voice.
Aimy "We had sex a couple of time but I was the one who initiated but I went to hard on him trying to accept me and he snapped at me saying we should take this slow." she says while fidgeting in her seat looking at the floor.
Matsumura starts laughing with some tears in his eyes and stops after a minute. "You finally found a man to love but went to hard to earn his affection that sounds just like your mother when she found Shimoda."
Aimy looks at William for a second and blushes profusely as she looks back to the floor.
Matsumura "So what happened to your fathers tribe? I know you wouldn't just leave it for a man." he says with curiosity in his voice.
Aimy "Well what happened was there was a grimm attack that happened and from how we weren't alerted by the watchmen so someone must have killed them the grimm killed 50 people we actually would have died if William didn't show up killing 12 grimm with one swing of his weapon he call the beast cutter and using a weird rifle that I don't think uses dust as ammunition started to shot at a nevermore that shows up and was able to cut it in half with beast cutter. And just from looking at William when I met him my senses we telling me not to fuck with him."
Matsumura "Shit and he's not a hunter yet is he?" said with curiosity and awe
Aimy "No not yet and I don't know if he will apply to be a hunter."
Matsumura "He should be able to with no problems and with his medical knowledge from all the doctors here he should be able to fit in just fine if he pursues it."
Aimy "I don't know what he will do but I'll help him every step of the way." she says confidently with a happy expression as her uncle looks at her and chuckles.
Matsumura "You sound just like your mother but I'm glad you found happiness. Also say this to William once he wakes up for me please."
Aimy "Sure what is it?"
Matsumura "If you break my nieces heart I'll fucking break your legs to the point the bones are grounded into dust." he says with a loving expression.
Aimy "No I'm not going to say that to him besides I know he likes me back but is holding back because he's still trying to recover from what he did."
Matsumura "And what did he do Aimy?"
Aimy "He was a soldier who killed people but one of them stuck to him. It was when he had to kill a child that was about to kill him." she says with a pained voice but continues "And he had to witness his best friend get killed in front of him while he couldn't do anything."
Matsumura stays silent for a moment and takes a deep breath and exhales. "You picked a very interesting man to love Aimy but I won't judge with how much dirty work our family's have done but I've taken enough of your time also the people you helped gave the staff the address they are staying at and want William and you to come once he feels better." as he hands a note paper with an address and scroll contact information to Ruby Rose. "Either way since I know you'll spend the night here with Willaim I told the staff to not disrupt you. It's the least I could do and the medical bill is already paid. Think of it as a very early birthday gift but it's good to see you're doing alright Aimy." as he gets up with a warm smile on his face hugging Aimy again before leaving the room.
POV William
White space
William wakes up in the white space again and sees James sitting at the table again and gestures for William to take a seat. As William takes a seat across from James as coffee materializes in front of him as James sips from his cup.
James "Well you got your ass beat Will but nonetheless you did good helping Ruby, Jaune, Ren, and Nora even though you lost roughly 25% of your blood before you got to the hospital."
William "Yeah I did and I'm in a hospital? Well I can't say I'm surprised with how much blood I lost but Qrow's alive right?" he says while his foot taps the ground nervously.
James "Yes Will if you didn't administer the antivenom before to medical team got there Qrow would have died from the incompetence of Ruby. Also I've noticed you haven't used your silver eye yet and why's that?" as he takes a sip from his cup.
William "Yeah I don't want to use it just yet because I know Ruby has a target on her back and hiding my ability will help."
James "Will as much as you think that it will help her she is still inexperienced using her ability because she can't control it but because of the system you have William you can use it and should have during the fight with the Nuckelavee and you wouldn't have been injured as you are now. But either way God has told me to half the silver eye cooldown because of your reluctance to use it." he says while massaging his brow.
William "Well thats good for me but it still.." Is interrupted by James sighing.
James "Yes I know still a target on your back but since your objective is to help team RWBY you already have a target on your back so having another isn't really going to change much. And I can't stress this enough, use your silver eye and the only reason I'm saying this is because if you don't master it then you'll die." with some pain in his voice at the end.
William takes a deep breath and exhales. "Alright James I'll do it also how long have I been out?"
James "It's almost the next day also your about to wake up so say hi to Aimy for me." he says teasingly as Williams vision turns black as he opens up his eyes.
White space end
William looks around and sees he's in a hospital bed hooked up to several medical machines as he looks around and sees Aimy sleeping in a chair next to his bedside with her hand holding his. He smiles and gently squeezes her hand as he pulls down the sheets to see he's in a patient gown as he looks for a call button finding none, he slowly gets up sitting on the bed and gently shakes Aimy until she wakes up groggily with but has wide eyes at William awake and hugs him tightly in her embrace as William recuperates the hug.
Aimy "I have a lot to say about endangering yourself for me and Ruby but I can understand but please be more careful after seeing your chest mutilated and all the blood you lost made my heart sink." she says with concern in her voice.
William "Yeah I'm sorry for making you worry but sadly I don't think this will be the last time it will happen so I have to apologize in advance."
Aimy "I know what we are going to do but still I'm going to scold you for getting hurt because I'm a selfish woman." as she breaks the hug and kisses William and gets up from the seat. "Also my uncle wants to meet you so we will be going once you are released from the hospital." as she goes outside the room to get a nurse.
William is examined by a nurse then a doctor looking over him, and after roughly half an hour with William able to leave as Aimy gives William his equipment that has been cleaned and starts to equip it.
Aimy "Also Ruby gave us her scroll's contact and address because she wants us to visit to thank us she is a very energetic young girl." she says and chuckles a bit.
William "Yeah she is but we will contact her after we meet your uncle." he says while finishing getting ready. "But we should contact her so she knows we are coming." as he opens up his scroll and calls Ruby after a moment she picks up.
Ruby "Hello who's this?" with some concern in her voice.
William "It's william from the airship.." and is interrupted by a soft screech from the scroll.
Ruby "Ah yes are you alright? And Qrow is better now and we were all worried about you but we couldn't visit because the staff didn't allow us an.." is interrupted by William
William "Yes I'm alright Ruby and tell your team and uncle I'm okay as well. I heard from Aimy that you want us to come over for.." is interrupted by Ruby
Ruby "YES we want to throw a thank you party for taking the brunt of the grimm as an apology so are you coming over today?" she says quickly and energetically.
William "Yes we are going to come over after I visit Aimy's uncle so probably around 5pm tonight and it's 9am now so see you then Ruby."
Ruby "See you then William." as William ends the call and looks at Aimy
William "Well let's go meet your uncle Aimy." he says as Aimy finishes talking to her uncle on her scroll.
Aimy "Yeah my uncle will have breakfast ready so let's go I'll lead the way." she says happily, with William following her outside to meet her uncle.