Meeting Aimy's uncle

After leaving the Hospital with Aimy leading the way for roughly 15 minutes, we reach a small traditional Japanese-style mansion. With cherry blossom trees next to the gate with two armed guards, both being faunes, one with a lizard tail, and the other looking just like a human but has some scales on their face. With Aimy walking up to the gate.

Guard "Ah Madam Aimy we heard you were coming please enter." he says while opening the gate. "But not you human but thank you for escorting Madam Aimy back to her un.." before he can finish talking Aimy grabs the guard by the face and slams him down on the ground with anger in her eyes.

Aimy "YOU WILL NOT TALK TO MY HUSBAND THAT WAY KNOW YOUR PLACE." she says, yelling in anger with the other guard not moving a muscle with a pale complexion.

Guard in a panicking tone "Im sorry Madam Aimy I didn't know please forgive me."

Aimy looks at the other guard and says in an angry tone.

Aimy "Call uncle and tell him to take care of this sorry excuse of a faunes."

The other guard nods their head frantically and calls Aimy's uncle with the other guard pleading not to try to get out of AImy's grip, but she punches his gut hard knocking the wind and remaining hope out of him.

With Willaim just standing there in shock of what just happened with two other faunes coming and grabbing the now limp dead-eyed lizard faunes pulling him away from the scene dragging said lizard faunes to an unknown fate. As the other guard profusely apologized for their partner's transgression.

William "Aimy I have to ask but is your uncle a part of some criminal organization? WIth just the.." he is interrupted by Aimy replying.

Aimy "Well it's kind of complicated so uncle will explain it to you once we start eating some breakfast." with a loving smile looking at William as she somewhat drags him inside a bit with a human butler coming out of the small mansion.

Butler "I must humbly apologize for your unkind welcome back Madam Aimy." as he bowed to Aimy.

Aimy "It's alright I have a feeling uncle didn't say anything to you all about me bringing a human with me." she says with some disappointment in her voice.

Butler "It's as you say Madam but either way it's in the past now and I've been tasked to bring Madam Aimy and Sir William to the dining table by Master Hideaki. So please follow me." he says pleasantly as he gestures inside while leading the way to the dining room with the hallways having a somewhat hybrid between modern and traditional with some portraits of what William can assume are the previous generations. With all of them being painted masterfully after some twists and turns, William and Aimy reach the dining room with food already placed out on the table with three bull faunes that have the same characteristics as Aimy. With the one at the head of the table getting up from his seat seeing Aimy and William enter the room but stops and sees how tall William is but looks at AImy.

Matsumura "Aimy it's good to see you're finally here please have a seat." with a smile as he gestures to his right next to a female bull faunes. But Aimy doesn't sit down and gets a sigh from her uncle.

Aimy "No I know what you're going to do uncle so please don't insult my intelligence." she replies to him with some venom in her tone.

Matsumura "Very well, Welcome William my name is Matsumura Hideaki Aimy's uncle it's a pleasure to meet you."

William bows a little and says "It's a pleasure to meet you Matsumura. And thank you for inviting me and Aimy for breakfast with your family."

Matsumura has some surprise on his face but quickly hides it. "You're welcome now please both of you have a seat so you two can eat, it's hard to think on an empty stomach." as he gestures to two empty seats as Aimy sits down next to the female bull faunes on the right of her uncle as William sits next to the other female bull faunes on Matsumura left. As they all start to eat for a minute in silence until Matsumura talks again.

Matsumura "William these two beautiful women are my wife Wada Hideaki and my daughter Suzuki Hideaki or should I say your mother-in-law and sister-in-law." he says while looking at AImy with a teasing smile as AImy chokes on her food a bit. As both Wada and Suzuki both bow their heads a bit with Suzuki blushing a little seeing William's face and goes back to eating with Matsumura with a concerned expression looking at his daughter.

William "It's a pleasure to meet you both Miss Hideaki and Madam Suzuki." he say respectfully to them both.

Wada "Please William you can use my first name and my husband has told me everything about you and Aimy so please you're family now." she say lovingly while looking at William and now that William sees she has deep blue eyes, and amber hair styled in icho-gaeshi and from the look of how tight her kimono is on her chest she probably has a bigger bust than Aimy as William thinks to himself.

William "Very well Wada and what do you mean I'm family now I don't remember marrying Aimy yet?" he says with a confused expression on his face and hears Matsumura cough to get Williams attention as Aimy looks at William blushing profusely at him.

Matsumura "Even though you aren't married yet I can tell now from how you carry yourself that you won't do anything bad to my niece but either way I'm sure you have several questions about me so please ask away." 

William "Alright well I will get down to it then, just from observing Aimy and how you have armed guards outside your home and inside the butler that guided us being one of them. I have to ask if you are a part or a criminal organization." he says with some concern in his voice.

Matsumura looks a William for a moment with Wada and Suzuki having a surprised expression like their hands were caught in the cookie jar. "A very astute observation yes my family and Aimy's family are a part of the underworld here in Mistral and Atlas mostly smuggling, transportation, and information gathering but we also have legal business here in Mistral as well and before you ask the only reason my men are armend is because we are the biggest family in Mistral so it's more of a show of force to keep the smaller families not apart of us to not try anything funny even if we own roughly 70% of the underworld business here in Mistral and roughly 35% in Atlas and mantel with the fall of beacon everyone's antsy." as he rubs his brow and continues. "But now that I told you what do you think?" he says with some hostility.

William "To be honest I don't see a problem with it as long as there's people there's crime and from what you have said you don't sound like you actively seek the other family's destruction but protect yourself just incase, so I can't judge someone's profession without myself sounding like a hypocrite with what i've done." he says honestly and dead toned near the end looking down at the plate of food in front of him.

Matsumura sighs in relief "Yeah I heard from Aimy what information you said about your past being a combat medic for a country called the United States of America but didn't tell me where it is and that you saw active combat in a different country called Afghanistan is that correct?" with curiosity in his tone as Wada and Suzuki look at William with curiosity as well. With William looking at Aimy with a concerned expression as she looks away from William with a guilty expression.

Matsumura "William if this is a very sensitive subject you don't want to talk about then.." is interrupted by William.

William "No it's fine but this is a very sensitive subject that can turn the world of Remnant on its if it got out to the general public." he says with a heavy tone.

Matsumura ,Wada, and Suzuki gulp audibly as Matsumura "Well you can trust us and since Aimy isn't shocked by your statement. I'm assuming she knows it but you can trust us with this information just as you did with Aimy because we don't turn our back on family."

William sighs and starts to tell his story from being born on earth in the United States, enlisting in the military, going to Afghanistan to fight terrorists, the traumatic experiances of killing a child, and seeing his friend die in front of him to being pulled into this world for some reason. Meeting Aimy telling them about the four maidens, Ozpin and two secret organizations, one trying to save humanity and the faunes. And the other is trying to destroy the world. After about two hours of explaining. Matsumura, Wada, and Suzuki are aw struck with confusion, a bit of anger and shock.

William "And the team that i've been sent to help are Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xaio Long, and Blake belladonna. And funny enough me and Aimy found Ruby yesterday so we are going to meet her around 5pm today."

Matsumura "This is a lot to digest William but since Aimy is helping to keep our world safe so I'd gladly help this endeavor William and even if this world was shown in your world as an animated show I can see the theory you were talking about."

Wada "Yes it's very overwhelming but I have to agree with my husband that I would have never thought that we would help the world." she says with some concern in her voice.

Suzuki "This is very interesting but we need to help in any way we can Dad, Also we can get favor with the heiress of the Schnee dust company and her group but we can also help in legal and illegal activity." she says excitedly at Matsumura and now that William sees Suzuki almost looks like a carbon copy of Wada except she has emerald eyes.

Aimy "Suzuki I can understand where your coming from but I'd prefer to use the legal method first before we break any laws."

Matsumura "Aimy I can understand that but if you two need to use underworld connections then use these code words." as he takes out his scroll and Aimy gets a list of code words to use. "Most of them are favors people owe me but I know you will use them wisely Aimy." he says with a loving tone. 

Aimy "Don't worry uncle I won't misuse them you have my word, besides now that you know that William isn't from this planet you…" is interrupted by Wada, Matsumura, and Suzuki all saying "We don't mind."

Matsumura "As much as it's a shock that William was brought here doesn't change the fact that he's family now." 

Wada "I have to agree with my husband. It's definitely a shock to the system but I never thought we were alone in the universe."

Suzuki "I agree with mother besides we haven't even gotten to space yet with how dust loses its propulsion after leaving Remnants atmosphere and now that we are on that subject William did your world ever breach the atmosphere?" she say with some excitement in her voice.

William "Yes and my country was the first to put men on our planet's moon and bring them back too." he says with a small chuckle but stops as Suzuki hugs him tightly as Aimy quickly get to William side trying her best to pry Suzuki off William as she starts asking William a multitude of questions who was the first man on the moon. What equipment was used to propel the spaceship off the planet and so on as William tries to keep up with her questions that keep going. With Wada and Matsumura laughing at the antics of Suzuki. And five minutes later, Aimy is able to pry Suzuki off William as Suzuki apologizes for her actions.

William "It's alright you were just excited to learn something new I can completely understand." he says with a chuckle 

Matsumura "Still to get a man on the moon now that feels like a long shot to us and I have to ask is your moon just like our fractured and all?" with curiosity in his voice

William "No thankfully it doesn't its whole and has been since man on earth could write history."

Wada "I'm curious how many countries there are on earth?" 

William "Last time I checked there was 195 countries with different languages, cultures, and ethics." he replies and sees everyone in the room with mouth ajar, and after a moment of silence, Suzuki asks.

Suzuki "What about grimm? Is there grimm on earth?" as everyone in the room look at her like she asked the million-dollar question.

William "No there are no grimm on earth but since we have nothing to unite earth we fight with each other causing not one but two world wars." as he looks down to the ground, sighing loudly with everyone quiet for a while until Matsumura speaks.

Matsumura "I can see we are all have quite a lot to digest with what you said William but either way I would be happy if you and Aimy want to stay here we have several guest rooms you can use." he says and looks at Aimy as she nods her head in approval as William as well. "Very well I'll have someone show you two to your room and William welcome to the family." as he presses a button on his scroll and after a moment a maid walks in asking William and Aimy to follow her to their room.

POV Matsumura after Aimy and William leave the dining room.

Matsumura "To think Aimy would bring home a human from another world, that has no grimm and being so technology advanced they can achieve space travel, but also that our world was seen as entertainment for his world. With the fact he know that there are two shadow organizations working in this world with the four maiden story being true." as he massages his brow and sighs loudly.

Wada "I have to agree with you dear but my main question is why is he helping the quote unquote main cast?" as she taps her finger on the table nervously.

Suzuki "It's very weird but with the theory William said about people who make original works are looking into a different universe seeing the events play out and thinking they came up with something is scary but seeing as WIlliam is here in the flesh we can assume he's taking his new reality seriously." she say confidently as she looks back to her father.

Matsumura "Yeah but to think that we should have been able to see people pulling the strings from behind the scenes but had to be told by William instead. It just makes my head hurt thinking about it."

Wada "I have to agree with you dear but I think helping team RWBY in their endeavors is a noble goal even if we have never been so noble in our operations to get where we are." she says while gently holding her husband's hand.

Suzuki "Yeah but also we can save our world from becoming a barren waste land if the other organization is successful so I think taking the risk and helping them is worth the risk. I just wish I could have found William first instead of Aimy." she says with conviction but pouts at the end with her arms crossed.

Wada looks at her daughter and chuckles. "Who knows maybe you can get a chance with WIlliam but from Aimy's expression trying to pry you off of him I'd have to say no."

Matsumura looks at his daughter and wife with a confused expression. "Dear I think Aimy is all the woman William can handle besides Suzuki you need to find a man like Aimy your only three years younger than Aimy and still can't find a man."

Suzuki "It's not my fault all the men I try and get are only after my name instead of me." as she pouts a bit with her father sighing and mother chuckling at her daughter's antics.

POV William 

As Aimy and William get into their room with the door closed, William opens the shop as Aimy gets into the private shower that's in the room..

strength as strong as a chapel giant

Blood echos 5,575

current skills/aura/semblance max 10

Passive: hunter weapon mastery(8) better control over hunter weapons.

Passive: riposte max like bloodborne

Passive: Hunter's mind max can't be Possession or have power transferred and immune to illusions.

medical(8) Medical knowledge ranging from minor cuts to trauma surgery

sharpshooter(8) increases the chance of shots on target


Passive: leadership(6)max How people look up to you and follow orders or calming down a frightened patient

chemist(3) Knowledge of chemical combinations from table salt to napalm

CQC(8) hand to hand combat techniques

Passive: old blood max gains a small amount of health every 5 seconds in combat and can eventually heal fatal wounds but don't rely on it as you can still bleed out. Maximum blood loss is now 60% before the death of the host.

Passive aura(7)>(8) 

Passive semblance(9) Self sacrifice the more damage you take, the more you heal injuries (like severed arms or fatal wounds but can't heal yourself)

Passive: hunters quickened arts able to turn into white smoke to dodge attacks or traverse the land.

Passive: blood manipulation can manipulate your blood inside and outside of your body and others' blood outside or their bodies > Blood art's you now have finer control over your blood, able to make it as thick as steel.

Passive: silver eye can turn most Grimm into stone, but since it's one eye, it's not as effective, only affecting 10 Grimm at a time, determining if they are more potent than the host they will be immobile for 30 seconds cooldown is 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Passive: limited inventory a 60-pound limited inventory can't put any living beings in the space and anything that can't be held in someone's hands.

Purchasable skills 

Passive: pressure hold able to stop an enemy's movement away from you can't happen to the same enemy for 30 seconds single target only (5,000 blood echos)

???? skills requirement to unlock meet the main four characters.


William is a bit perplexed by the amount of blood echos he now has but doesn't mind as he buys pressure hold and closes the shop looking at his watch, saying 2 pm as he sighs a bit but feels a tug on his pant leg. Looking down, he sees the messengers pulling out a US army service uniform handing it to him with his previous rank and medals as; he grabs the uniform and holds it against his chest, as he starts to cry.

After crying for about five minutes, he places his service uniform on the bed looking at the uniform with longing, with the medals being two purple hearts, the Afghanistan campaign medal, and the bronze star. And begins to put his service uniform on, surprised to see it actually fits him now that he grew while looking at him in the mirror as he hears a whistle from the bathroom door with Aimy covering herself is a bathrobe.

Aimy "Well look at you don't you look sharp in what i'm assuming is a military dress uniform." she says with a smile.

William "Yeah it's mine it feels weird now that i'm wearing this again but also I feel at peace for some reason. Also since Ruby and her team want to throw a party I think we should bring something to probably something sweet." he says while taking off his uniform down to his underwear. As Aimy takes in the eye candy in front of her.

Aimy "I think you're right, maybe cookies? I know a good bakery that makes great cookies."

William "If we are going to bring cookies then get double of what you thought we need because the fanbase for RWBY nicknamed Ruby as cookie monster because of her abnormale sweet tooth specifically for cookies." he says while chuckling a bit and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

AImy "Well I'll take your word for it I was going to call to get a batch of cookies so get two batches?" she chuckles, concerned about William's statement.

William "That should be good Ruby will more than likely eat a whole batch by herself and don't ask me where all that sugar goes even I don't know how fast her metabolism is." he says and closes the door behind him.

Aimy "Alright then I'll just call for two batches of cookies to be delivered to the address at 5pm." as she calls the bakery with her scroll getting the order placed.