A party interrupted

After a nice long shower, William gets out of the bathroom in a bathrobe as Aimy is watching a movie on her scroll laying on the bed with excitement on her face. 

William "What you watching that has your face glued to your scroll?" he says with curiosity as he sits down on the bed.

Aimy "An action movie with a stuipd title but the action scenes are good. Want to watch it with me? We got roughly three hours till we go to Ruby's thank you party." she replies without moving her head from her scroll.

William "How long until it ends and I'm guessing you already ordered the cookies correct?" as he hangs up his uniform with a coat hanger he found.

Aimy "It has roughly an hour left and yes I did order the cookies to be delivered at the address so that's covered. And don't worry about the lien now that I'm in Mistral I have access to my back up bank account for situations like the one we are in." she says while pausing the movie and looking at William with a pout like she was anticipating something.

William looks back to her and sees her pout. "What did I say something wrong?" with a confused expression with Aimy groaning in disappointment and pats the bed for William to pick up on her hint. "Ah alright give me a moment I'll be there after I square away my uniform." As he does this, he hears another groan from Aimy and after a minute William lays on the bed with Aimy as she cuddles next to him handing her scroll to William as he presses play, both of them watching the movie until the end.

Aimy stretches across William like a cat with pleasurable groans from some cracks and pops of her joints. "That was nice just an hour to ourselves but we should get moving here soon since the address is about roughly an hour away and we can get some alcohol on the way if you want but I think only me, you, and Ruby's uncle will drink though so your call." she says while laying on top of William's stomach as he chuckles.

William "If I didn't know you were a bull faunes I would have thought you were a cat faunes. But yeah, let's get some alcohol to drink to her uncle's recovery and I'm assuming you know where we can get some on our way from how you're talking."

Aimy "You're correct so let's get ready to go I got a good outfit. Also, are you going to wear your uniform." she says while gently rolling off William's chest and gets up to walk towards her pack pulling out her undergarments and puts them on seductively as William watches the eye candy chuckling to himself as he gets up getting dressed as well into his uniform with hat while equipping his pistol and Chikage on his left hip.

William turns around and sees Aimy is in casual outfit with a blue t-shirt and jeans up to her knees. "Going pretty casual there Aimy but you look good so you ready to get some alcohol."

Aimy "Thank you but yeah lets go." as she grabs her dane ax and presses a button on the shaft compacting into a fourth of the original size as she equips it to her right hip. As she grabs William's hand, somewhat dragging him throughout the Mansion until they are outside as she leads the way to the alcohol store. As some guards come over to Aimy wanting to escort them but are waved away by her as William and Aimy make their way.

Half an hour later of walking William and Aimy are standing in front of The store called Wet mouse with what looks like a mouse drinking out of a wine bottle. As Aimy and William enter, they see a little bare storefront with cheap wine, spirits, ale, etc with someone saying, "I'll be right there." As Aimy is at the counter like she knows what to get already. With a mouse faunes coming through the storage room with a big book as she places it on the counter sighing in relief now seeing her, she is around 4'10 petite body with mouse ears as her eyes sparkle looking at Aimy.

Mouse "Aimy it is so good to see you back in Mistral how are you doing?"

Aimy "It's good to see you Shibuya. I'm doing well I need some strong alcohol. I'd say whiskey and maybe some sweet wine for us to start and it will just be three people drinking." she says while tapping her cheek with her finger.

Shibuya "Alright give me a moment and I'll be right back with them." as she scurvy's off to the back room.

William "So whats her story?" he says while walking next to Aimy and wraps his arm around her waist with a teasing smirk.

Aimy "She is one of my employees in Mistral with this being a drop off location for information and she is a great woman if you didn't know shes just 25 years old." as she pushes herself into William as they wait for the alcohol after a couple of minutes Shibuya comes with three bottles.

Shibuya "Alright Aimy here's the alcohol do you…" she starts saying while putting the bottles on the counter as she has a thinking expression for a moment but has a teasing smirk on her face. "So Aimy who's this should I start calling him boss as well?"

Aimy "This is William my boyfriend you could say and no you don't need to call him boss but yes add the price onto your paycheck." she says while blushing a little.

Shibuya "You got it boss and thank you for your patronage." as she writes down on a piece of paper and puts the bottles into bags with Aimy grabbing them and thanking Shibuya while William and Aimy leave to go to the address.

On the way to the address, some people rubberneck seeing Aimy with some disgust but quickly avert their eyes. They see William in awe and curiosity with his foreign uniform and medals, some of them gossiping. 

As William hears someone running to them from behind. Quickly turning around seeing a human rushing at Aimy with a knife roughly 15 feet away William contemplates for a moment until he gets into an offensive stance as the man tries to stab Aimy but is stopped. By William grabbing his wrist quickly disarming him and throwing him to the ground as William starts to beat the mans face until he draws blood then gets off of the no unconscious man with some blood on his hands and hears whistling close by with a couple of what look like police running around the corner. They stop and see William standing over the man with some blood on his hands.

Police officer 1 "Sir please put your hands above your head." With William complying as, another officer starts to handcuff William.

William "Officer what am I being arrested for all I did was protect myself the people around me and my girlfriend." he says with no concern in his voice.

Police Officer 2 "We are arresting you for assaulting someone sir." as the officer starts to unclip William's weapons from his hip but is interrupted by a store owner.

Store Owner "Now what do you idiots think your doing to another man in uniform that stopped an attempted murder." as some other people were shouting in agreement. 

Police Officer 2 "Sir this is none of your concern we are doing our job unless you have hard evi…" is interrupted by the Store Owner.

Store Owner "I got hard evidence right her on my scroll because I had a gut feeling something was going to happen to these two." as he pulls out his scroll as another Officer walk to him as he plays the video for the other officer.

After roughly 3 minutes the other officer walks over to William and starts to apologize profusely and tells the other officer to release me and start to handcuff the unconscious man.

Police Officer 3 "I'm so sorry about that misunderstanding sir, here is the scroll number for our department but now that's all cleared up you are free to go sir." as the officer quickly goes over to the others.

William uses blood manipulation to get blood off his hands and uniform while looking at Aimy "So I'm assuming another of your men or your uncles." with some curiosity in his tone.

Aimy "One of my uncles, we were lucky he was here. He's one of our informants but lets continue going to the party we got roughly half an hour until we get there unless you want to get a small snack on the way? And thank you for defending me, my hero." as she kisses William and starts to drag him along. 

William "No lets go to the party even if we are a bit early and thankfully you had the bakery deliver." While blushing a bit as he locks her arm with his as they walk.

After roughly half an hour they make it as William knocks on the door, hearing shuffling inside then hears a very energetic girl say "One moment I'll be right there." followed by "Nora no." as the door opens revealing an orange-haired energetic woman.

Nora "Ah." before turning her head shouting "William and Aimy are here." to what looks like the kitchen. "Hi William and Aimy come on in we went expecting you to show up early and thanks again for the help against that grimm." as William and Aimy walk in and take a seat at an available couch.

Ren "Welcome sorry about any messes you see we weren't expecting you two to come early if you're wondering what we are serving it's a hotpot." as he pops his head out of the kitchen and goes back to cooking.

Jaune "Welcome you two we will be in there in a few just getting the final ingredients ready." he says with enthusiasm.

Ruby "Welcome and if you were wondering uncle Qrow went out drinking so hopefully he's back not drunk." with some embarrassment in her voice.

Nora "So William are you a soldier you got those medals to so what did you do to get them? And Aimy you look nice and whats in the bags? Food, drinks, sweets?" as she bobs back and forth in front of William and Aimy with quick footstep from the kitchen as Ruby gets into the living room with a glint in her eyes.

Ruby "Sweet's? You guys brought sweets?" as she says with excitement while in front of Aimy, looking at the Aimy is holding. As Aimy laughs a bit.

Aimy "No this is alcohol to celebrate William's and your uncle's good health but since he's not here sadly it's just me and William unless you want to try some only if you are of age to drink. But I did order two batches of cookies for the party so they should arrive around 5pm." she chuckles a bit but is interrupted by a low shriek coming from Ruby in excitement to eat cookies finally.

Nora "So what kingdoms military do you belong to William because I've never seen your uniform before. And what are the medals for.." but is interrupted by Ren saying "Nora don't annoy the guests please." as William chuckles a bit and replies.

William "No I'm not a part of any of the four kingdoms military forces I was in the United States Army but thats very far from here." As he looks down a bit depressed but continues and looks at Nora as Ruby sits down in a chair and listens as well. "You see these two medals that are purple hearts I got one of them from saving my squadmates from a grenade that was thrown by terrorists geting injured in the process with my scare on my face." as he moves a finger across his left eye scare with some tears forming but continues with the same voice. "The other one was when I was injured again getting shot in the leg when we were ambushed by the same terrorists. Then this bronze star I earned from when I saved my squadmates from the grenade and it turned out I saved another squad saving my own squad." But starts to cry a bit as Aimy hold his hand as he continues. "Then this medal here is The Afghanistan campaign medal for fighting the terrorists in that country but it took pieces of me pieces that I can never get back."

Nora and Ruby look at each other with concern and try to cheer up William until they hear another knock at the door as Jaune opens the door seeing a tanned young boy in farmer hand clothes with black hair and hazel eyes.

Jaune "Can I help you?" she says with curiosity in his voice.

Farmboy "Uh yeah is there a Ruby Rose here?" he says nervously, getting hostile glances from Ren and Nora.

Nora "Why?" as Ruby tries to hide behind her chair.

Farmboy "Well.." but is interrupted by Qrow drunkenly walking besides the boy saying.

Qrow "I found him phhatt hahaha." as he walks into the living room crashing onto the empty couch.

Farmboy "I think her uncle could use some help." as he points at Qrow drunkenly saying.

Qrow "I found him haha." 

Ruby "Uh Uncle Qrow did you get drunk?" with some disappointment in her voice.

Qrow "Maybe hehe." still drunk.

As the Farmboy walks in a bit and looks at both Ruby and William saying. "You both have silver eyes." Ruby looks to Ren, Nora, Jaune, William, and Aimy, as both William and Ruby say at the same time.

William/Ruby "Who are you?" with some concern in both their voices.

Farmboy "Well uh.. My name is Oscar Pine.." and is interrupted by Qrow.

Qrow "Wait for it.."

Oscar "But you probably know me as Professor Ozpin." he says nervously as everyone but William, AImy, and Qrow gasp."

Qrow "Ha ha ha heh ha… I did it." he says happily, sitting up and falling chest-first onto the floor. William and Aimy stare at each other for a bit before looking back at Oscar with neutral expressions.