William gets up from the couch and lifts up Qrow to his feet, setting him on the couch.
William looks at Aimy and says "Well my theory about Ozpin was right who would have thought." as he shakes his head with Aimy as well with everyone else with their mouth ajar by William's comment.
Qrow says drunkenly "What theory are you talking about soldier boy." with some hostility in his voice.
William "Well the theory was since there's magic in this world and Ozpin was the leader that fought Cinder during the fall of beacon on equal footing with her maiden powers that there had to be some magic he could use, and the fact Ozpin felt older than his age I guessed it had something to do with his soul but nothing concrete." he explains as oscar's eyes light up and his mannerisms change.
Oscar/Ozpin "So you guessed that and how do you know about the maidens power and who wields the fall maidens powers?" as he unfolds his cane.as everyone else starts to back away with some hostility.
William sighs and sits down next to Qrow. "Would you believe me if I said I came from a different world?" as everyone in the room besides Aimy have a shocked expression on their faces.
Ruby "But how.. wait the uniform..medals and the story you told.." she says and is finished by Jaune.
Jaune "And the military you were with doesn't exist on Remnant. So you told us without telling us." he says with some shock as William shakes his head.
William "Yes you are right and if you have any questions why I know so much without being in ozpin's shadow organization I'll tell you but please sit." as he gestures for everyone to take a seat and they do as William starts to explain. The show all the information he has and why he knows, the theory about original works, and how he got here and was told to help team RWBY. With everyone absorbing it with confusion, anger, disbelief, and awe. And once William finished his explanation, the doorbell rang with Aimy getting up to grab the delivery of cookies as she went to the kitchen to put them on the table.
Qrow with shock on his face as he sobers now "So you saw our personal lives like a god damn show." he says with anger and punches William's face with William taking it. As he continues punching William over and over again saying. "All those people that died at beacon, peaking into our personal lives and you probably didn't give a damn did you." as Aimy sees Qrow beating up William with him not doing anything pulls Qrow off William now revealing a broken nose, black eye, and a broken lip.
Aimy "I know you're angry and have every right to be but beating William will not help the situation we found ourselves in." with Qrow breaking her hold on him as he huffs and goes to the kitchen.
Ruby with concern in her voice. "Are you alright William." getting a nod from him she continues. "So you saw our lives at beacon, saw Ozpin's explanation on the four maidens, saw the fall of beacon with Yang getting her arm cut off by Adam, and when Pyrrha died as well." with some tears in her eyes.
William "Yes I did I.." is interrupted by Jaune with tears in his eyes.
Jaune "Qrow is probably right, seeing all those people die. You probably didn't even care when Pyrrha died, did you." said almost breaking down as Ren and chimes in.
Ren "William did you feel anything when you saw the fall of beacon?" with a heavy tone in his voice as Nora holds Ren's hand.
William "When I saw the fall of beacon and seeing the destruction, people running away in fear, and death. I could feel it and I felt sadness, when Yang had her arm cut off seeing her having PTSD from that event, when Pryyha died fighting an enemy she knew she couldn't win against, and the people that feel at beacon. I could feel it all even if it was through a goddamn screen in another world it still hurt." he says with some tears forming. "If I was brought during the fall of beacon you can bet your asses I would have given my life for those people trying to escape even if for a moment I would." as he cries a bit as Aimy sits down next to him rubbing his back.
Oscar/Ozpin "As much as I want to be mad I can't with William but I can understand all your anger at William but it's undeserving. As he said he was brought here against his will by the brother god's so if anything we should try and understand from his perspective." he says trying to defuse the situation.
Ruby "I would have to agree with Professor Ozpin because if he truly didn't care he wouldn't have helped us with the grimm and healing Qrow." said with some concern in her voice with Jaune crying in his seat with Ren and Nora staring at William with a bit of hostility. With Qrow coming back drinking out of his flask.
Qrow "As much as I want to apologize for punching William I can't but what ozpin said is right besides Oz wanted Williams help since he helped us." taking another swig.
Jaune looks at Aimy after calming down. "So what about you Aimy since you didn't have any reaction to William you already knew didn't you?" as Ruby, Nora, and Ren look at Aimy with shock.
Aimy "You're correct Jaune William did tell me but I was able to get over it yesterday after thinking about it in isolation looking over William as he was in the hospital from helping you five with the grimm." she says the last part with some hostility.
Nora "But from his perspective we are just fictional characters to him why would he.." but is interrupted by Ren.
Ren "Nora he did say if he was at the fall of beacon he would have given his life to protect those strangers like he did with us even though he knew our names, he still risked his life for us."
Ruby "And with Aimy when he pushed her out of the way from getting grabbed even with his aura broken." she says, fidgeting in her seat.
Oscar/Ozpin "From what I heard from Qrow William did in fact help you get injured and even though was offered medical help refused at first until he passed out from blood loss." as he looks over to Aimy as she nodes her head and explains how she meet William for the first time with him charging at Grimm to save people he never knew, killing 12 Grimm with a swing of his weapon and cutting a nevermore in half.
With everyone with a peaked interest in William's prowess and how William's medical knowledge is better than the hospital staff with how he helped 20 people and a young boy whose leg was severed but put back thanks to William's semblance peaking everyone's attention. As everyone looks at William with some shock that his face is completely healed.
Ruby "Did your sembalcane heal your injuries William?" she asks with curiosity.
William takes a deep breath and exhales. "No you could say it's one of the 'gifts' I received my wounds heal eventually. But my semblance is called self sacrifice almost like you sisters semblance when I take damage instead of dealing it back, it's changed so I can heal people like severed limbs but.." is interrupted by Ruby quickly asking.
Ruby "Is it possible to heal Yangs arm?" with some excitement in her voice.
William "I don't know if I can but it wouldn't hurt to try if only I had my semblance when I was in Afghanistan." He starts to cry a bit while tightening his fist shaking with Aimy putting her hand over his fist and hugs him tightly.
Ruby starts to apologize profusely as Oscar/Ozpin gets up to the middle of the room and starts to talk. "I can see we all have some thinking to do more so the children but I can somewhat tell William didn't want to talk about this now but it was probably for the best. Either way this was supposed to be a thank you party so if you all are okay with continuing then enjoy." as he sits back down.
Nora "You know it's now extremely weird to now have the party with that bomb dropped on our heads." she says while holding her head a bit.
Ren "I would have to agree but I'm very perplexed with Oscar or should I say Ozpin?" with a confused expression.
Oscar/Ozpin "If you want me to drop another so called 'bomb' on to you then I'll explain to you six if that is what you wish." with a neutral expression.
Ruby "With how bizarre William's story is I believe it but I do want to know what we signed up for, knowing this all." with Jaune chiming in.
Jaune "Even though I'm still rolling over what William said I need to know like Ruby said." with Ren and Nora nodding in agreement.
William "I have to agree with them because I have a feeling you wanted me to help once you revealed yourself without holding back so I'll help this world." he says confidently with Aimy nodding her head while William gently breaks out of the hug.
Oscar/Ozpin "Very well do you remember when I said I made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child on this planet." getting a yes from everyone besides Qrow." And I wasn't exaggerating, I'm cursed for thousands of years. I've walked the surface of Remnant living, dying, and reincarnating into the body's like minded souls. The Professor Ozpin you all meet or seen was not my first form and clearly wasn't my last. It's an extraordinarily strenuous process for everyone involved."
Jaune "So who.. or what are you?" he says with curiosity with Qrow walking into the kitchen and coming back out with coffee and handing it to Oscar/Ozpin.
Oscar/Ozpin "I'm the combination of countless men who spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant. With every rebirth my soul is eventually merged with another and I am changed but my memories stay with me. This curse was bestowed upon me by the god's because I failed to stop Salem in the past but we must stop her now." he says with conviction near the end.
Ruby "And how do we do that?" with some concern on her face as well as Aimy's.
Oscar/Ozpin "We start by ensuring the safety of the relic of knowledge." as he starts to explain the purpose of the headmasters for each academy.
Nora "Well that's perfect , we can have little cute boy ozpin to lionheart and he'll set everything straight." she says with a smile on her face.
Oscar/Ozpin "Please don't call me that." said in annoyance.
Qrow "We're not sure that's the best idea."
William "And why's that I thought the headmasters are in on this as well?" with curiosity
Oscar/Ozpin "That was the intention, four lieutenant's I could trust especially in times of reincarnation but Qrow told me about your meeting with leonardo." as he sits up from his seat and walks around the room. "He isn't just behaving irrationally, he's disobeying specific instructions I left him. Somethings wrong. I don't want to jump to conclusions but I don't want to rule out any possibilities either. No one outside of this room knows that I paired with Oscar and I think it may be best to keep it that way. And William, Aimy I'm putting a lot of trust in you two specifically to not leak this information."
William "You can trust me on this I would rather take the bullet being on the frontlines again." he says with conviction.
Aimy "You can trust me to and the backing of my mother's family."
Oscar/Ozpin with a concerned expression looks at William and Aimy with Qrow looking at them with hostility. "How much do they know Miss Aimy?"
Aimy "Just about the maiden powers being real, you and now we know a name Salem fighting each other and that's it."
Oscar/Ozpin massages his brow and holds up a hand to Qrow. "Well do you know if they will talk about this with anyone else?"
Aimy "No even if my family owns 70% of the underworld business her in Mistral but because William is family now they won't say a word to anyone else."
Qrow "So we still playing this close to the chest oz?" he says with curiosity.
Oscar/Ozpin "Yes Qrow and with what Miss Aimy said we could use some of the connections of the underworld to our advantage and now we are two steps ahead of us first is enlisting the aid of other huntsmen."
Ren "But the Mistral council…" but is interrupted by Qrow.
Qrow "Doesn't own every huntsman in the kingdom and I've been here enough times to know where we can find some more." said confidently.
Oscar/Ozpin "So long as they're trustworthy."
Qrow "You can trust them to put up a good fight. I'll throw together a list tonight." as he sits down putting his feet on the coffee table as one of the legs snaps as he gasps in surprise. With Nora saying "Good luck with that."
Aimy "I can get some of my men that are stationed in Mistral with some of them being ex-huntsmen." she says confidently,
Oscar/Ozpin "Are they killers r…" but is interrupted by Aimy
Aimy "No they are the eyes and ears of my business they only kill if they have no way to escape. But if your worried about their backgrounds I can send Qrow a list of ex-huntsmen that fit your bill." she says with a smirk.
Ruby "So Aimy I know this is a bit late but are you connected with.." before she can finish Aimy interrupts her.
Aimy "No Ruby I wasn't connected with those crooks in Vale that stole that absurde amount of dust but it was great business for people who wanted to contact them."
Jaune "So you gave them the location to.." and Aimy interrupts again.
Aimy "Jaune I know what you're going to say and none of the people that wanted information about them joined, some even tried to steal the dust from them. With some even succeeding so no I didn't help them in the fall of beacon I was even surprised when it was attacked. So they played it very close to the chest." shutting Jaune up real quick.
Oscar/Ozpin "Very well if then please send a list to Qrow with their background and we'll pick to help of course they will be paid." receiving a nod from Aimy. "But now onto step two."
Nora "What's step two?" with curiosity across her face.
Oscar/Ozpin "Getting you four into fighting shape." as Ren, Nora, Jaune, And Ruby look at each other in confusion.
Ruby "But we already know how to fight."
Oscar/Ozpin "You only know how to fight as long as you have crescent rose you're still lacking in hand to hand combat."
Ruby "Well uh.. Yeah." she says, tilting her head a bit to the side.
Oscar/Ozpin looks at Jaune "Mr Arc i'm glad to hear you've improved but sotty to say you still haven't unlocked your semblance. All of you still have a way to go before you pose any real threat to Salem and her forces. And though Oscar can give me he'll need to strengthen his body and his aura he'll inherit my muscle memory in due time. But practice will expedite the process."
Ruby "So who will train us if Qrow is out looking for huntsman?" with some concern in her voice.
Oscar/Ozpin "I can but since William is also an ex-soldier he could help with the training process and we have approximately one month before classes resume at Haven academy. If Salm were to plan an attack it would make sense to occur prior to students' return. It's not much time but it's better than nothing." he said confidently as he sits down in a chair.
William "Ozpin I can help teach them but if you want Ruby to have hand to hand combat training she won't improve to a point she can win I would rather suggest she carries a backup weapon like a combat knife or pistol."
Oscar/Ozpin "Then how about we have Ruby learn the basics of hand to hand then work on the back up weapon?" as his eyes go back to hazel.
Ruby "Uh if that's what you think then lets do that." looking at Oscar with curiosity.
Oscar "He says that should be fine." said nervously
William "Well if we still want to have that party now that everyone is sort of better unless you want me and Aimy to leave?" said nervously while scratching the back of his head.
Ruby "It should be fine to continue with the original plan right guys?" as she looks to Jaune, Ren, and Nora all agreeing.
Nora "Instead it's now a new friend's party and I'm starving so let's eat." as she bolts to the kitchen.
Ren "Even though this was a very bumpy meeting if Ozpin thinks we should trust you then I agree." as he makes his way towards the kitchen.
Jaune looks at William and says "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said those thin…" But is interrupted by William getting up from his seat and hugging Jaune tightly.
William "Jaune I forgive you. You were caught up in your emotions like any normal person would in that situation. And besides you all lost a friend at beacon but I can tell it affected you and Ruby the most so If you two want to talk about it later or whenever I'll listen. But I have to say enough of that, let's all get something to eat before the food gets colder than it already is." as he tries to break the hug, but Jaune is hugging back, trying not to cry. And motions for Aimy to join Ren and Nora in the kitchen as Qrow and Oscar going as well.
Ruby "Do you really mean that I.. I mean" but is interrupted by William.
William "I can tell because I've seen your eyes, specifically you Ruby you saw what happened and mine is somewhat the same. I saw my best friend die in front of me and I couldn't do anything." as he starts to cry a bit. "So if you want to talk about this at a later time we can because I don't want to ruin the mood again." smiling a bit as Jaune finally lets go.
Jaune "I'll take you up on your offer later but as you said let's get something to eat." as he walks to the kitchen.
Ruby "I… I'll also take you up on that as well." as she gives a quick hug to William and quickly goes as well. With William wiping away the tears and joining in the somewhat awkward festivities with some jokes, With Ruby devouring the cookies before the hotpot.